Current Dev Position: YP 2.8 M2Next Deadline: YP 2.8 Milestone 2 Cutoff
July 14th, 2019
SWAT Team Rotation: * SWAT lead is currently: Anuj
 * SWAT team rotation: Anuj -> Paul on June 14, 2019
 * SWAT team rotation: Paul -> Ross on June 21, 2019

Next Team Meetings: * Bug Triage meeting Thursday June 13th at 7:30am
 * Monthly Project Meeting Tuesday July 2nd at 8am PDT ( 
 * Twitch - Next event is Tuesday 11th June at 8am PDT (

Key Status/Updates: * 2.8 M1 has been built and rc2 is now undergoing
QA (rc1 ran into an issue with a broken autobuilder worker).
 * Stephen continues to be unavailable, please refer any queries to
 * Mailing lists are moving to instead of our current mailman
setup. This shouldn’t impact users directly, more details will be sent
to the mailing lists before the transfer. THe Yocto Project lists will
move first, followed by OE, likely a week later.
 * We have a new “newcomer” bug category which are bugs suited to
someone new to the project. These can be seen here:
 * We’re seeing an increasing number of intermittent failures which
affect the autobuilder builds, causing problems for merging patches and
for release builds. One cause, a long standing problem with gpg signing
testing has finally been root caused and fixed. Several others keep
appearing. There is a backlog of them in the bugzilla and we’re opening
bugs for the new ones.
 * M1 isn’t of ideal quality, there are three ptest timeouts (2.7 had
none). The ptest failure rate is however much improved. There is nobody
actively working on some of the ptest timeout issues so holding the
milestone build wouldn’t have made much difference but its a worrying
sign for the project quality.
 * M1 also has a couple of MIPS issues with the gcc9 upgrade. There
doesn’t appear to be much interest in investigating and fixing these
which raises questions about supporting the architecture within the
 * There was a Yocto Project related article in LWN:

Planned Releases for YP 2.8: * M1 Cutoff June 9th
 * M1 Release June 21st
 * M2 Cutoff 14th July
 * M2 Release 26th July
 * M3 Cutoff (Feature Freeze) 25th Aug
 * M3 Release 6th Sept
 * M4 Cutoff 30th Sept
 * 2.8 (M4) Final Release 25th Oct

Planned upcoming dot releases: * YP 2.6.3 (Thud) is in planning
 * YP 2.7.1 (Warrior) is in planning

Tracking Metrics: * WDD 2478 (last week 2507) (
 * Poky Patch Metrics  
    * Total patches found: 1507 (last week 1513)
    * Patches in the Pending State: 641 (43%) [last week 646 (43%)]

Key Status Links for YP:
The Status reports are now stored on the wiki at:
[If anyone has suggestions for other information you’d like to see on
this weekly status update, let us know!]

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