[OpenFontLibrary] Stats for openfontlibrary.org

2008-11-19 Thread Fontfreedom
The stats for openfontlibrary.org seem not to  work in MSIE  7:


Click on  this month, I  get:

Which  just shows the non-rendered html code. Maybe the server is sending the 
wrong  headers or something?

Works fine with Firefox  Safari.

Anyone  else have that problem with the stats when attempting to view the 
stats with  MSIE 7?
For reference, I'm running MSIE 7 for Windows XP.  

The stats are interesting, but also compare the Compete.com rank for  
openfontlibrary.org: #448,339, the Alexa Rank is: #643,978  Quantcast says  
enough info. Openfontlibrary isn't exactly a hugely popular site, according  to 
those 3rd party stats.
Googlebot sure uses a lot of bandwidth/traffic:
Googlebot 196004 Hits  753.73 MB Traffic  19 Nov  2008 - 17:11
Almost a gig of traffic just from google's bot? Seems like a lot.
Last month, google bot did: 1.95 GB of the traffic.
Google bot did 2.54 GB of traffic in october...
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Re: [OpenFontLibrary] Stats for openfontlibrary.org

2008-11-19 Thread Ed Trager
In my opinion, Alexa rankings don't mean anything unless a web site is
in the top 100 or top 1000.  After that, it is better to just look at
the number of unique monthly visitors and track whether that is
increasing or decreasing from month to month.

For openfontlibrary.org, we don't expect the site to become popular
until after the first phase of revisions and improvements are
complete.  If we then get some good press, the numbers will increase
of their own accord over time.

MSIE7 ... I'll refrain from commenting on that one.

- Ed

 The stats for openfontlibrary.org seem not to  work in MSIE  7:

 The stats are interesting, but also compare the Compete.com rank for
 openfontlibrary.org: #448,339, the Alexa Rank is: #643,978  Quantcast says  
 enough info. Openfontlibrary isn't exactly a hugely popular site, according  
 those 3rd party stats.