> > I installed RC5 and now it just hangs, 
> Wow - we can't even get RC5 to build here.  What distro are 
> you running?
> I've tried this on RC4 + a fixed libipathverbs package and it runs OK
> (although it does take a while, which might explain the hang you were
> seeing.)
> But mostly I'm curious how you get RC5 to build at all.
> We really really really shouldn't be attempting to turn RC's around as
> fast as RC4 to RC5 went: we basically had about enough time to throw a
> patch together without being able to do much testing.

I think many of us are in agreement, before RC6 I propose we only check
in critical work on the release branch, and get some time in to
thoroughly test RC5.  Non-critical fixes can wait until after 1.1.  I
personally would like a week to test RC5.  I feel like we had forgotten
what the E in OFED stands for, if we have to slip the release schedule
to make this code really stable I'm in favor of it.


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