On 3/22/23 20:56, Richard Lowe wrote:
The challenge of answering that is you often don't know the answer
until you see it

The ::stacks command will give you asummarized view of every kernel
thread's stack
the ::cpuinfo -v command will show you what the CPUs are doing now (or
were doing, before you got into kmdb).

Both or either might have a smoking gun of some kind, but it's hard to
predict what it might look like.

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In one of my earlier update-tests i had a problem with the first OI-nvidia-525 version in cooperation with Virtualbox,
so i had the idea to test this:

I uninstalled 'userland-incorporation' and 'entire' as prerequisite to  install nvidia version 515,
now it boots!

So, nvidia in the most recent version 525 stopped the boot process. (?)

i checked with NVidia Solaris Driver Archive that my chipset (Quadro M1200) is on the supported list for this version:

How/Why should the display driver be able to interrupt the boot process ?
How/Why should the display driver be able to interrupt the boot process without further notice?



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