
After updating again and recreating the BE I logged in to Mate 1.18.0 and changed the default Theme to TraditionalOK which did resolve the Window decoration issue, so that minimising/maximising/closing buttons were displayed.

I looked at the other settings on the Appearance Preferences, the Theme, Background, Fonts and Interface Menu options are one continuous sequence of characters (there should be spacing between these words).

While it is possible to add and select different backgrounds, the other menus do not appear to function completely. In Fonts, it is possible to change the size of the Application, Document, Desktop, Windows Title and Fixed width font, the Rendering options can not be selected Monochrome, Best Contrast, Best Shapes and Subpixel Smoothing. Selecting Interface, none of the Menu options are available.

Checking the Theme selection it had reverted to Custom, changing this to TraditionalOK took two attempts before it would remain selected. After this Font and Interface selections would work correctly.

In terms of the Font menu, I changed all the default size to 9 for Application, Document, Desktop and Fixed Width Font, Window title font was changed to 10. I found that the large font reduced the amount of information on the screen and changing it made it look more like Mate 1.16.



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