Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OT postfix v.s Qmail

2012-04-25 Thread Christopher Chan

On 25/04/12 12:43 AM, Gary Gendel wrote:


I've been using qmail since the end of the 80's

I take it you are another guy that knows qmail like the back of his hand 
and messed around with splitting the queue across multiple disks and 
what the optimum prime number to use and can create the qmail groups and 
user accounts without looking.

Yes, greylisting is a powerful tool. I get that with spamdyke for qmail.
Spamdyke and mailfront were the two biggest reasons that I stayed with
qmail so long.

I saw two greylisting packages for postfix when I was doing my
searching. I'm convinced that I want to go to postfix, but it looks like
it will be a painful transition.

Transition pain might also be in dot-qmail filter recipes and their 
generator(s) and the local delivery structure. Only qmail-local supports 
dot-qmail so if you make heavy use of that...

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OT postfix v.s Qmail

2012-04-24 Thread Dan Swartzendruber

On 4/24/2012 12:43 PM, Gary Gendel wrote:


I've been using qmail since the end of the 80's

Yes, greylisting is a powerful tool.  I get that with spamdyke for 
qmail.  Spamdyke and mailfront were the two biggest reasons that I 
stayed with qmail so long.

I saw two greylisting packages for postfix when I was doing my 
searching.  I'm convinced that I want to go to postfix, but it looks 
like it will be a painful transition.

I've got two chains.  One from port 25 that uses spamdyke, and one 
from port 587 that uses mailfront (to give me SSL/TLS and 
authorization).  Since they both converge at the qmail-queue process 
that handles the delivery portion, it's a nice clean path to 
delivery.  I may try to use postfix to replace one first so I can 
really thresh out the issues.

Gary, have you visited the postfix site?  There are howtos for a bunch 
of these issues.  It really shouldn't need to be painful or tricky.

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OT postfix v.s Qmail

2012-04-24 Thread Gary Gendel


I've been using qmail since the end of the 80's

Yes, greylisting is a powerful tool.  I get that with spamdyke for 
qmail.  Spamdyke and mailfront were the two biggest reasons that I 
stayed with qmail so long.

I saw two greylisting packages for postfix when I was doing my 
searching.  I'm convinced that I want to go to postfix, but it looks 
like it will be a painful transition.

I've got two chains.  One from port 25 that uses spamdyke, and one from 
port 587 that uses mailfront (to give me SSL/TLS and authorization).  
Since they both converge at the qmail-queue process that handles the 
delivery portion, it's a nice clean path to delivery.  I may try to use 
postfix to replace one first so I can really thresh out the issues.


On 4/24/12 12:05 PM, Dan Swartzendruber wrote:

I am a long-time postfix user.  The single biggest winner is 
greylisting.  As I recall, there are a couple of greylist packages you 
can plug into postfix and it just works.

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OT postfix v.s Qmail

2012-04-24 Thread Dan Swartzendruber

I am a long-time postfix user.  The single biggest winner is 
greylisting.  As I recall, there are a couple of greylist packages you 
can plug into postfix and it just works.

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OT postfix v.s Qmail

2012-04-24 Thread låzaro
answer in lines...

Thread name: "Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OT postfix v.s Qmail" 
Mail number: 22 
Date: Tue, Apr 24, 2012 
In reply to: Gary Gendel  
> Låzaro,
> Thanks for the pointer.  Policy-light is much closer to spamdyke's
> capabilities than postfix is.  The big difference is that qmail uses
> process chaning and passes information via environment variables
> where postfix uses a database to provide the information and proxies
> to the modules.  As it hasn't reached version 1 yet, the system is
> still in flux.
> The advantage of qmail's approach is that the work is partitioned by
> executing functionality as needed and the chain is completely
> segregated from other sessions.  Postfix requires executing
> auxiliary services which requires either a proliferation of smaller
> databases or one large database with access locks.
I"m not clear just now but I think, when Postfix make querry to BL DNS
him don't use database, just make a lookup, repeat "I'm not pretty shure
about that". Anyway... I think who use database is more "better" than
system variables, their data don't go flying when the come the blackuots.

Also: "more services, more separate, more secure". Of corse, in the
light-weight balancing load, Qmail have the novell price (use it onle
when needed) but I don't change lightness for security. Also repeat:
I love Qmail, but is a very good idea with very old implementation(s).

> The advantage of postfix's approach is the single arbitrator of what
> is going on so the modules are stateless.  Qmail relies on the
> handoff continue where the previous one left off.  If they read from
> the socket (which is connected to stdin), then they must convey this
> information (using stdout) to the next in the sequence. Thus it must
> store this information if required.  This becomes an issue when
> dealing with a module like SpamAssassin.  In this case, the
> interface, saves the necessary information into a file, let's
> spamassassin process it, and then replay the file to the next item
> in the chain.  On the other hand, postfix's modules rely on postfix
> to collect all the information they need to do their job apriori.
For fight with spam just reject_rbl is enough. Usage of spam-asassim is
very wheigth, heavy (for my old comuter server) the load growht much,
much better consult DNS-BL direct, also more updated. Policyd just done
that but also use cache and save bandwith (very important here) Policyd
also make tarpiting, is an all in one. Very good, but.. if their fail,
all the mail will bty rejected, that never happen to me but is a

> This is been a very useful side discussion for me.  We all have our
> biases, mine is based upon familiarity but I can see the writing on
> the wall so this is just an intellectual discussion.
> Gary

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OT postfix v.s Qmail

2012-04-24 Thread Gary Gendel


Thanks for the pointer.  Policy-light is much closer to spamdyke's 
capabilities than postfix is.  The big difference is that qmail uses 
process chaning and passes information via environment variables where 
postfix uses a database to provide the information and proxies to the 
modules.  As it hasn't reached version 1 yet, the system is still in flux.

The advantage of qmail's approach is that the work is partitioned by 
executing functionality as needed and the chain is completely segregated 
from other sessions.  Postfix requires executing auxiliary services 
which requires either a proliferation of smaller databases or one large 
database with access locks.

The advantage of postfix's approach is the single arbitrator of what is 
going on so the modules are stateless.  Qmail relies on the handoff 
continue where the previous one left off.  If they read from the socket 
(which is connected to stdin), then they must convey this information 
(using stdout) to the next in the sequence. Thus it must store this 
information if required.  This becomes an issue when dealing with a 
module like SpamAssassin.  In this case, the interface, saves the 
necessary information into a file, let's spamassassin process it, and 
then replay the file to the next item in the chain.  On the other hand, 
postfix's modules rely on postfix to collect all the information they 
need to do their job apriori.

This is been a very useful side discussion for me.  We all have our 
biases, mine is based upon familiarity but I can see the writing on the 
wall so this is just an intellectual discussion.


On 4/24/12 10:52 AM, låzaro wrote:

due my response, the subject will by a OT

Thread name: "Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Qmail-to-go on openindiana?"
Mail number: 20
Date: Tue, Apr 24, 2012
In reply to: Gary Gendel

With all this discussion about Postfix vs. Qmail, I started looking
at what it would take to replace my Qmail installation with Postfix.
I started looking at what it would take to replace spamdyke with
postfix functionality.  Most things have a direct correlation.  One
case so far, greylisting, requires running an independent email
proxy for postfix where it is incorporated in spamdyke.  I'm still
working through the list but many of the configuration options need
more detailed documentation or I'll have to work through the code to
see exactly what it's trying to accomplish.  For example, it took me
quite awhile to dig out how postfix handles CIDR notation.

The pipeline architecture of qmail has been instrumental at making
third-party additions incredibly simple. You can easily plug in
special debugging modules, and even tee off things so you can test
new modules in parallel with real operations.  Before spamdyke was
available, I had developed a number of homebrew modules for spam
analysis and control.  That said, qmail isn't 100% sendmail
compatible, so occasionally I ran into issues with unhandled
sendmail options (until patched).  I don't know whether postfix
suffers from the same issue yet.

Fight with the spam is easy and part of the system to

I paste my full defense here:

smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
 #check_policy_service inet:,

the line reject_rbl_client consult directly the DNS black list

Also the comented line "#check_policy_service" is a super simply Balck
lis consultating app. At my blog (sorry: in spanish) you can see how to
make it work. Just look at the commands, not see the explaniation, is
not so necesary if follow the step.


The reject_rbl_client reject the conection in the moment when the
spammer say MAIL FROM: only with reject_rbl_client you can be quite sure.

Since my Qmail based system does not inherently support IPV6 and
would require significant patching I'm committed to move to Postfix
before this becomes necessary.  However, Postfix configuration is
far more complex if you are someone that likes to understand the
purpose of each option and it's impact to other options.

hard to understand is Exim, postfix is just "diferent" but is full
docuemnted. If you wanna "shot yourself in the foot" just put in google
"postfix shoot myself in the foot" The configuration is "simple" (not
easy) but simple and logic (as Qmail)

As you can see, if read carefully the reject_ lines, it form at the name
explicity good.

  I will
also miss the simplicity of making a split-horizon caching DNS
service via dnscache/tinydns when I need to go to IPV6 which is an
important piece of any email system in a private networked LAN.

well, you k

[OpenIndiana-discuss] OT postfix v.s Qmail

2012-04-24 Thread låzaro
due my response, the subject will by a OT

Thread name: "Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Qmail-to-go on openindiana?" 
Mail number: 20 
Date: Tue, Apr 24, 2012 
In reply to: Gary Gendel  
> With all this discussion about Postfix vs. Qmail, I started looking
> at what it would take to replace my Qmail installation with Postfix.
> I started looking at what it would take to replace spamdyke with
> postfix functionality.  Most things have a direct correlation.  One
> case so far, greylisting, requires running an independent email
> proxy for postfix where it is incorporated in spamdyke.  I'm still
> working through the list but many of the configuration options need
> more detailed documentation or I'll have to work through the code to
> see exactly what it's trying to accomplish.  For example, it took me
> quite awhile to dig out how postfix handles CIDR notation.
> The pipeline architecture of qmail has been instrumental at making
> third-party additions incredibly simple. You can easily plug in
> special debugging modules, and even tee off things so you can test
> new modules in parallel with real operations.  Before spamdyke was
> available, I had developed a number of homebrew modules for spam
> analysis and control.  That said, qmail isn't 100% sendmail
> compatible, so occasionally I ran into issues with unhandled
> sendmail options (until patched).  I don't know whether postfix
> suffers from the same issue yet.

Fight with the spam is easy and part of the system to

I paste my full defense here:

smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
#check_policy_service inet:,

the line reject_rbl_client consult directly the DNS black list

Also the comented line "#check_policy_service" is a super simply Balck
lis consultating app. At my blog (sorry: in spanish) you can see how to
make it work. Just look at the commands, not see the explaniation, is
not so necesary if follow the step.


The reject_rbl_client reject the conection in the moment when the
spammer say MAIL FROM: only with reject_rbl_client you can be quite sure.

> Since my Qmail based system does not inherently support IPV6 and
> would require significant patching I'm committed to move to Postfix
> before this becomes necessary.  However, Postfix configuration is
> far more complex if you are someone that likes to understand the
> purpose of each option and it's impact to other options.
hard to understand is Exim, postfix is just "diferent" but is full
docuemnted. If you wanna "shot yourself in the foot" just put in google
"postfix shoot myself in the foot" The configuration is "simple" (not
easy) but simple and logic (as Qmail)

As you can see, if read carefully the reject_ lines, it form at the name
explicity good.

>  I will
> also miss the simplicity of making a split-horizon caching DNS
> service via dnscache/tinydns when I need to go to IPV6 which is an
> important piece of any email system in a private networked LAN.

well, you killme at this point. DNS is not under my control here

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