Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] rsync snapshot backups?

2011-04-30 Thread Ken Gunderson

On Fri, 2011-04-29 at 14:40 -0400, Dan Swartzendruber wrote:
 Here's a question for y'all.  I have two linux servers I want to back up 
 to my OI NAS/SAN.  What I've been playing with is a simple script that 
 runs on the OI box, and does an ssh to each of the linux servers, with 
 the command being an rsync back to the OI box.  rsyncd on OI is setup to 
 allow connection from each specific IP for the filesystem in question.  
 Each stanza in the rsyncd.conf file has a post command hook that takes a 
 snapshot with the datetime on the end.  I've been googling for how 
 others do this, and have found a number of competing solutions, none of 
 which seem to do all of what I want.  Frex:, which creates 
 rolling backups on daily/weekly/monthly basis with retention times - so 
 far so good, but it doesn't actually do any backing up.  I also found 
 rsbackup (based on freebsd?) which does the backing up, including 
 snapshotting, but doesn't seem to have any kind of snapshot expiration.  
 etc etc etc...  I was even thinking of switching from text-mode OI to 
 the GUI so I can install time slider - that would work if there was some 
 kind of script I could tell it to run before doing the snapshot (and 
 said script would run the rsyncs).  At this point, I feel like I'm 
 standing out in the field trying to figure out which way to go :)  Any 
 thoughts?  Thanks!

Baccula would perhaps be overkill, but get you what you're after in
terms of expirations, pre  post scripts, etc.  A bit more complex to
set up for small onsie and twosie networks but then again once done it's
pretty much autopilot from there on out.

Amaanda could do similar but last time I evaluated open source
enterprise backup solutions Baccula was the clear winner for my needs.
Amanda has since seen some developer love so would be worth taking a
fresh look.

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] rsync snapshot backups?

2011-04-30 Thread Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk
 Baccula would perhaps be overkill, but get you what you're after in
 terms of expirations, pre  post scripts, etc. A bit more complex to
 set up for small onsie and twosie networks but then again once done
 it's pretty much autopilot from there on out.

We have Bacula running smoothly with 50+ servers and a few OI boxes for the 
storage (and bacula-sd). It give you a gui for most of the stuff, and is easy 
to operate for most people, although the configuration is still text-based. Its 
configuration has a rather steep learning-curve, but apart from that, it works 

Vennlige hilsener / Best regards

Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk
(+47) 97542685
I all pedagogikk er det essensielt at pensum presenteres intelligibelt. Det er 
et elementært imperativ for alle pedagoger å unngå eksessiv anvendelse av 
idiomer med fremmed opprinnelse. I de fleste tilfeller eksisterer adekvate og 
relevante synonymer på norsk.

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] rsync snapshot backups?

2011-04-30 Thread Dan Swartzendruber

Actually, my previous backup system *was* amanda.  I ran it on the ubuntu
server, backing up itself and a centos5 server, using vtapes, with the
storage for those being either an NFS or iSCSI volume on a NAS.  The only
bad thing about that is the dumps take awhile to run, and restoring
something is a bit of a nuisance (although having the amanda indexing makes
it easy to know what tapes are needed. For that matter, the amrecover
program will tell you which tapes to load in which order - this happens if
you are reloading a directory with files that have been backed up to
different tapes.  That seems like the one weak point with rsync/zfs - there
is no clean way to track all that info.  What I mean is: if I need to
recover /foo/bar/blah from server X, copy
/tank/backups/serverX/.zfs/snap-XXX/foo/bar/blah and you are good to go.
OTOH, if you want the entire directory /foo/bar, you might need to copy from
several different snapshots.  The rolling snapshot idea works fine, except I
need to add some sort of code to expire the oldest snaps.

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] rsync snapshot backups?

2011-04-30 Thread Dan Swartzendruber

-Original Message-
From: Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk [] 
Sent: Saturday, April 30, 2011 5:26 PM
To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] rsync  snapshot backups?

 OTOH, if you want the entire directory /foo/bar, you might need to
 copy from
 several different snapshots. The rolling snapshot idea works fine,
 except I
 need to add some sort of code to expire the oldest snaps.

if you used rsync to copy the data to a dataset, or filsystem, and then
snapshot it, all the data will be there even if changes have been done
later.  A snapshot isn't incremental, it's an image of what was there.

*** Yes, you're right.  I think I just got confused there for a bit.  So the
only missing piece for me is some sort of rolling expiration so things don't
get full due to having too many snaps...

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] rsync snapshot backups?

2011-04-29 Thread Dan Swartzendruber
Here's a question for y'all.  I have two linux servers I want to back up 
to my OI NAS/SAN.  What I've been playing with is a simple script that 
runs on the OI box, and does an ssh to each of the linux servers, with 
the command being an rsync back to the OI box.  rsyncd on OI is setup to 
allow connection from each specific IP for the filesystem in question.  
Each stanza in the rsyncd.conf file has a post command hook that takes a 
snapshot with the datetime on the end.  I've been googling for how 
others do this, and have found a number of competing solutions, none of 
which seem to do all of what I want.  Frex:, which creates 
rolling backups on daily/weekly/monthly basis with retention times - so 
far so good, but it doesn't actually do any backing up.  I also found 
rsbackup (based on freebsd?) which does the backing up, including 
snapshotting, but doesn't seem to have any kind of snapshot expiration.  
etc etc etc...  I was even thinking of switching from text-mode OI to 
the GUI so I can install time slider - that would work if there was some 
kind of script I could tell it to run before doing the snapshot (and 
said script would run the rsyncs).  At this point, I feel like I'm 
standing out in the field trying to figure out which way to go :)  Any 
thoughts?  Thanks!

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list