Hi All,

I'm trying to diagnose a bug in OpenJFX that I've been struggling with on and off for almost a year(!) and I decided to build OpenJFX from source and use Eclipse to help.  I've built a brand new Ubuntu 20.04.1-Desktop system with OpenJDK 14.0.1 and the latest stable OpenJFX 14.  I've run the Gradle build and run the tests and all looks 100%.

When importing the root directory (home/jdkdev/dev/jfx) into Eclipse using the gradle import tool (using the wrapper option as recommended) I get this build path error:

Cannot nest 'home/jdkdev/dev/jfx/modules/javafx.base/build/classes/java/main/javafx.base' inside library 'home/jdkdev/dev/jfx/modules/javafx.base/build/classes/java/main'

It seems to be trying to set up a looped import to itself somehow.  I've tried to edit the build path in eclipse but the fields appear to be all non-editable.  Has anyone any idea as to what the problem is and how to fix it?  Has anyone recently done a successful import with these latest levels?

As this is the base module none of the other modules compile of course so they too may have other problems once the base module is fixed.

I tried the "existing projects" import too but that just appears to have even more problems.


Andrew Waters


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