Re: javafx.embed.singleThread=true not working

2014-02-09 Thread Hendrik Ebbers

It’s working now without using private API. Here is the code if someone will 
have the same problem:

package com.guigarage.masteringcontrols;

import javafx.embed.swing.JFXPanel;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane;

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class JFXPanelDemo1 {

private static JButton swingButton;
private static Button jfxButton;

public static void main(String[] args) {

final JFXPanel jfxPanel = new JFXPanel();

SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() - {
JFrame swingFrame = new JFrame(Integrate JavaFX in Swing);
swingFrame.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
swingButton = new JButton(I'm a Swing button);
swingFrame.getContentPane().add(BorderLayout.NORTH, swingButton);
swingButton.addActionListener((e) - {

swingFrame.getContentPane().add(BorderLayout.CENTER, jfxPanel);
jfxButton = new Button(I'm a JavaFX button);
StackPane jfxPane = new StackPane(jfxButton);
Scene jfxScene = new Scene(jfxPane);
jfxButton.setOnAction((e) - {

Am 03.02.2014 um 13:05 schrieb Artem Ananiev

 Hi, Hendrik,
 please, try adding the following line to the very beginning of the main() 
 PlatformImpl.startup(() - {});
 PlatformImpl is an internal class from com.sun.javafx.application, so it is 
 not an official way to do the job, it's just a workaround.
 Another option is to wrap all the code after JFXPanel.init() into 
 additional invokeLater(). By the time when JFXPanel constructor is finished, 
 FX has already set up single threaded event dispatching mechanism, so all the 
 subsequent Swing events (including invokeLater() calls) are executed on the 
 right thread.
 On 2/3/2014 3:16 PM, Hendrik Ebbers wrote:
 I’m currently trying the experimental support of the 
 javafx.embed.singleThread flag to mix the EDT and JFX Application Thread. 
 Therefore I created a demo application. But when I start the app the 
 following exception is thrown:
 Exception in thread AWT-EventQueue-0 java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not 
 on FX application thread; currentThread = AWT-EventQueue-0
 I think I’m doing something wrong but currently I have no idea why this is 
 not working. Any ideas?
 I’m using the folioing JavaFX version:
 java version 1.8.0-ea
 Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0-ea-b123)
 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.0-b65, mixed mode)
 Here is the code of the demo application:
 public class JFXPanelDemo1 {
 private static JButton swingButton;
 private static Button jfxButton;
 public static void main(String[] args) {
 SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() - {
 JFrame swingFrame = new JFrame(Integrate JavaFX in Swing);
 swingFrame.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
 swingButton = new JButton(I'm a Swing button);
 swingFrame.getContentPane().add(BorderLayout.NORTH, swingButton);
 swingButton.addActionListener((e) - {
 JFXPanel jfxPanel = new JFXPanel();
 swingFrame.getContentPane().add(BorderLayout.CENTER, jfxPanel);
 jfxButton = new Button(I'm a JavaFX button);
 StackPane jfxPane = new StackPane(jfxButton);
 Scene jfxScene = new Scene(jfxPane);
 jfxButton.setOnAction((e) - {

javafx.embed.singleThread=true not working

2014-02-03 Thread Hendrik Ebbers
I’m currently trying the experimental support of the javafx.embed.singleThread 
flag to mix the EDT and JFX Application Thread. Therefore I created a demo 
application. But when I start the app the following exception is thrown:
Exception in thread AWT-EventQueue-0 java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not on 
FX application thread; currentThread = AWT-EventQueue-0

I think I’m doing something wrong but currently I have no idea why this is not 
working. Any ideas?

I’m using the folioing JavaFX version:

java version 1.8.0-ea
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0-ea-b123)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.0-b65, mixed mode)

Here is the code of the demo application:

public class JFXPanelDemo1 {

private static JButton swingButton;
private static Button jfxButton;

public static void main(String[] args) {

SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() - {
JFrame swingFrame = new JFrame(Integrate JavaFX in Swing);
swingFrame.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
swingButton = new JButton(I'm a Swing button);
swingFrame.getContentPane().add(BorderLayout.NORTH, swingButton);

swingButton.addActionListener((e) - {

JFXPanel jfxPanel = new JFXPanel();
swingFrame.getContentPane().add(BorderLayout.CENTER, jfxPanel);

jfxButton = new Button(I'm a JavaFX button);
StackPane jfxPane = new StackPane(jfxButton);
Scene jfxScene = new Scene(jfxPane);

jfxButton.setOnAction((e) - {



Re: To Be Or Not To Be (Native), was:Look and feel mechanism?

2013-12-09 Thread Hendrik Ebbers
when talking about mobile LFs like iOS and Android a lot more stuff need to be 
done. All the mobile UIs have different layout contains and a lot of default 
animations. When creating a Look and Feel for mobile systems a set of additinal 
panes / layout containers need to be created.


 Am 09.12.2013 um 10:36 schrieb Felix Bembrick
 BTW, I was wanting to refer to a comment on this topic made my Pedro DV on
 Twitter today.  Pedro has been doing stunningly good work on a Metro Look
 and Feel for JavaFX and, when questioned by me, stated that while he may
 attempt such a Look and Feel for Android, he wouldn't try to do one for iOS
 for reasons which he did not completely explain.
 Pedro, do you mind expanding on those thoughts here?  When you referred to
 the numerous issue with iOS were you referring to iOS itself or to trying
 to emulate iOS with JavaFX?
 On 9 December 2013 20:24, Felix Bembrick wrote:
 Spoiler: This is something I have become intensely passionate about so
 this is likely to be a long post...
 OK, so this (hijacked) thread started out as a discussion of options in
 JavaFX for implementing Look and Feel.  I think everyone agrees that
 even with CSS and skins, JavaFX lacks the built-in ability to define a
 true Look *and* Feel.  Further to this, there has been discussion on
 Twitter and elsewhere regarding *native* Look and Feel and the merits of
 attempting such an animal with JavaFX.
 It is on this topic that I would like to add my 2 bits (as I am known to
 do)!  I was going to use my blog but decided I
 would be much more likely to be able to engage fellow JavaFX developers
 in a positive, polite and respectful conversation here.
 First, anyone who may follow me on Twitter, in this forum or when I post
 in other forums (anyone?) will probably be a little bit confused as to
 where I actually stand on this issue.  Well, this stems from the fact that
 I have been giving confusing (if not conflicting) input into various
 threads on this topic for quite a while.
 Well, because until very recently, I myself was completely torn on the
 subject of native Look and Feel.  In fact, I seemed to oscillate on an
 almost daily basis from thinking it's a great, achievable idea to
 dismissing such an idea on various grounds.  I am swaying so much because I
 have so much riding on successful ports of JavaFX to iOS and Android and
 because those ports depend heavily on resolving this issue once and for all.
 Now I have had something of an epiphany and reached a conclusion.  I now
 do not believe that pouring large (massive?) amounts of resources into the
 painstaking task of building a fully compliant, fully performant native
 Look and Feel is justifiable or worth the effort.  And let's be clear about
 this: it is a *lot* of effort!
 But before I proceed I just want to say categorically how much I admire
 the thoroughly awesome work/efforts of the likes of Pedro DV, Claudine
 Zillmann, Hendrik Ebbers et. al. in (trying ever so hard) to bring native
 Look and Feel to various OS/platforms with JavaFX.  I cannot put in words
 how much I am in awe of the commitment, the attention to detail, the
 technical prowess, the artistry and the drive of these fantastic people.
 Their work will undoubtedly be extremely useful to many developers
 I want to make all that *perfectly clear* because now I am going to
 explain why I (probably) will not be one of those people and (hopefully) do
 it with the utmost respect for the aforementioned rock stars :-)
 Right, so back to the issue of whether to or not to implement or use a
 native Look and Feel.  Some of the following comments have already been
 made by me on other networks and in other forums so apologies if it seems a
 bit repetitive to some.
 At first glance, the idea of a native Look and Feel seems almost like the
 proverbial Holy Grail.  I mean, if such a thing were truly possible and
 viable, who wouldn't want one?  You still have your single codebaseacross 
 all platforms and you just just plug-in the particular native Look
 and Feel for your target platform and voila!  World domination will surely
 soon follow!
 Well, not quite.  It's a great idea but I am going out on a limb to claim
 that it has *never* worked.  Ever!  And by work I mean so that your
 not-so-native app looks and feels (which includes all aspects of
 behaviour, not just appearance) *exactly* like a true native app and *no
 one* could tell you that it *wasn't* a native app.
 Yes, I know there are masses now screaming at their monitors who will
 undoubtedly cite the numerous success stories of Swing apps or maybe even
 Qt or some other cross-platform UI toolkit and maybe my
 standards/criteria are harsher than others but I stand by my claim that
 this has *never ever* really, really, really worked.
 OK, so why not?
 Here's my first point

Re: JDK 8 for ARM Early Access Releases (with JavaFX)

2013-07-10 Thread Hendrik Ebbers

Am 10.07.2013 um 12:49 schrieb Tom Schindl

 ... resending on behalf of Daniel.
  Original Message 
 Subject:Fwd: Re: JDK 8 for ARM Early Access Releases (with JavaFX)
 Date:Wed, 10 Jul 2013 13:29:54 +0300
 From:Daniel Blaukopf
 Organization:Oracle Corporation
 To:Tom Schindl
 Hi Tom,
 I can't seem to post anything to openjdk-dev today. If you are getting
 my mails, would you mind forwarding the notification below?
  Original Message 
 Subject:Re: JDK 8 for ARM Early Access Releases (with JavaFX)
 Date:Wed, 10 Jul 2013 13:20:45 +0300
 From:Daniel Blaukopf
 Organization:Oracle Corporation
 CC:Tom Schindl
 My mail content keeps getting stripped out by the list server. Maybe
 this time it will work:
 JDK 8 for ARM hard float is now part of the regular JDK 8 Early Access
 releases. You can get it at; this
 page will be regularly updated with new builds.
 As in the previous Early Access release, this includes JavaFX for the
 Raspberry Pi.
 On 07/10/2013 01:04 PM, Tom Schindl wrote:
 Any url on this?
 On 10.07.13 11:08, Daniel Blaukopf wrote: