Re: [External] : Re: Consistent baseline layout algorithm

2021-04-02 Thread Kevin Rushforth
Circling back to this: Do any JavaFX application developers on this list 
have any thoughts? I think this is a good idea, and it seems worth 
moving this forward, but it will require a fair bit of effort. I'd like 
to hear buy-in from other developers -- particularly those who develop 
or use custom controls.

A few additional comments:

* Regarding the threshold, I like the idea of logging at a fine (or 
finer) level if it goes beyond a smaller number, say 3 or 4, passes, but 
continuing further to iterate. I wonder if 100 might be too large for 
the default limit, though. It seems likely that the control is unstable 
and will never converge if it gets to that many layout passes. If there 
were a way to analyze what a reasonable limit is that would be better 
(if not, we can probably live with a fairly high value, if it really is 
an unlikely pathological case). Assuming a reasonably high threshold, 
logging at a warning level would be good if it doesn't converge.

* Documentation: I do think we will want to document the overall concept 
of layout needing multiple passes to converge in some cases, along with 
documenting the threshold. I also think that Node::getBaselineOffset 
should mention the preference of text nodes. The concept of "text" nodes 
needs to be on Node, if for no other reason than that Text doesn't 
inherit from Parent.

* This will need to be very well tested, both to ensure no regressions 
in behavior, and with many new tests added to validate the new 
functionality, including testing the threshold logic.

-- Kevin

On 3/20/2021 6:42 AM, Michael Strauß wrote:

1) Pathological cases: So far, I haven't been able to produce
pathological cases that exceed 3 layout passes by using standard
layout containers and controls. If we need to have a threshold
substantially higher than that depends on whether or not there are
indeed legitimate cases where some kind of layout requires more passes
to converge. Maybe we could log at a very fine level when a control
takes more than 3 passes to converge, but still continue processing up
to a substantially higher number of passes. This would allow
developers to debug and optimize their custom controls, but still
produce a valid solution if a particular control is generally stable,
but just very poorly optimized.

2) I believe that the multi-pass layout algorithm shouldn't need
additional documentation since it could be considered an
implementation detail. There is no 1:1 correspondence between pulses
and layout passes currently, and there won't be with the new
algorithm. Also, any layout pass with the current algorithm can
potentially trigger another layout pass, so that's not fundamentally
different either. For control authors, we might need to document that
it is generally okay to rely on circular dependencies between size
hints, baseline offset and child nodes, as long as those dependencies
allow the layout to settle. The fact that text nodes are preferred
with respect to baseline computation is documented in
Parent.getBaselineOffset(), maybe Node.getBaselineOffset() should also
mention this. We might also add a section on baseline computation to
the javafx.scene.layout package documentation, where I think it is
most relevant (and currently entirely undocumented).

3) New API on Node: in order for this idea to work, there needs to be
an abstract concept of "text node". Since the "baseline" concept is
introduced on Node, I thought this would also be the appropriate place
to introduce the "text node" concept; however, it could also be
introduced on Parent instead. Note that the "text node" concept is
introduced at a lower level than actual text controls like Labeled,
because layout containers (which are not controls) need this
information. Also, the definition of what constitutes "text" is left
to control authors. In a very contrived example, a control might
display an image, but declare itself to be "text".

Am Fr., 19. März 2021 um 23:26 Uhr schrieb Kevin Rushforth

I'd be interested to hear from app developers on this list.

Here are a few quick thoughts I have.

As you note, this is a long-standing problem with layout in FX. You
mention in the performance considerations that for most cases this will
iterate quickly. It would be interesting to know what some of the corner
cases are, so we can see how bad the pathological case will be. I see
that you propose to iterate up to 100 times. Maybe a lower threshold
would be better? We already run layout passes 3 times in many cases. So
also running 3 (or maybe 4 or 5) times seems reasonable, especially when
your testing shows that most of the time it converges in <= 2 passes. So
a smaller threshold than 100 would seem to make sense. If a control
doesn't converge, you might consider logging it (in case an app
developer wants to debug it) perhaps at a "fine" level so it isn't shown
by default.

How do you propose to document this behavioral change -- not so much the
fact that it will (usually) get the

Re: [External] : Re: Consistent baseline layout algorithm

2021-04-02 Thread Scott Palmer
I haven’t done much in terms of custom controls, but I do see this issue a lot 
in my primary application.  It would be nice to have it fixed as the layout 
looks rather sloppy without it.  Any time I see the layout “correct” itself 
when I interact with a control or tweak the size of a window it is also 
When I saw this fix proposed here my first thought was, “finally!”  So I for 
one am looking forward to this.  It seems that the number of iterations will be 
very low for most cases, so I’m not terribly concerned about any sort of 
performance impact.  But that is my only worry, as I have had issues with 
layout/CSS taking a lot of time in the past, so in some cases even a single 
extra iteration may lead to a perceptible delay.  (I was mostly working with FX 
8 when I had those issues, so hopefully things are better in recent versions, I 
haven’t measured.)
I agree that the default limit could probably be reduced, 10 iterations would 
likely be plenty more than needed.  As you say, something is probably wrong 
with your control if it goes that far.



> On Apr 2, 2021, at 10:51 AM, Kevin Rushforth  
> wrote:
> Circling back to this: Do any JavaFX application developers on this list 
> have any thoughts? I think this is a good idea, and it seems worth moving 
> this forward, but it will require a fair bit of effort. I'd like to hear 
> buy-in from other developers -- particularly those who develop or use custom 
> controls.
> A few additional comments:
> * Regarding the threshold, I like the idea of logging at a fine (or finer) 
> level if it goes beyond a smaller number, say 3 or 4, passes, but continuing 
> further to iterate. I wonder if 100 might be too large for the default limit, 
> though. It seems likely that the control is unstable and will never converge 
> if it gets to that many layout passes. If there were a way to analyze what a 
> reasonable limit is that would be better (if not, we can probably live with a 
> fairly high value, if it really is an unlikely pathological case). Assuming a 
> reasonably high threshold, logging at a warning level would be good if it 
> doesn't converge.
> * Documentation: I do think we will want to document the overall concept of 
> layout needing multiple passes to converge in some cases, along with 
> documenting the threshold. I also think that Node::getBaselineOffset should 
> mention the preference of text nodes. The concept of "text" nodes needs to be 
> on Node, if for no other reason than that Text doesn't inherit from Parent.
> * This will need to be very well tested, both to ensure no regressions in 
> behavior, and with many new tests added to validate the new functionality, 
> including testing the threshold logic.
> -- Kevin
>> On 3/20/2021 6:42 AM, Michael Strauß wrote:
>> 1) Pathological cases: So far, I haven't been able to produce
>> pathological cases that exceed 3 layout passes by using standard
>> layout containers and controls. If we need to have a threshold
>> substantially higher than that depends on whether or not there are
>> indeed legitimate cases where some kind of layout requires more passes
>> to converge. Maybe we could log at a very fine level when a control
>> takes more than 3 passes to converge, but still continue processing up
>> to a substantially higher number of passes. This would allow
>> developers to debug and optimize their custom controls, but still
>> produce a valid solution if a particular control is generally stable,
>> but just very poorly optimized.
>> 2) I believe that the multi-pass layout algorithm shouldn't need
>> additional documentation since it could be considered an
>> implementation detail. There is no 1:1 correspondence between pulses
>> and layout passes currently, and there won't be with the new
>> algorithm. Also, any layout pass with the current algorithm can
>> potentially trigger another layout pass, so that's not fundamentally
>> different either. For control authors, we might need to document that
>> it is generally okay to rely on circular dependencies between size
>> hints, baseline offset and child nodes, as long as those dependencies
>> allow the layout to settle. The fact that text nodes are preferred
>> with respect to baseline computation is documented in
>> Parent.getBaselineOffset(), maybe Node.getBaselineOffset() should also
>> mention this. We might also add a section on baseline computation to
>> the javafx.scene.layout package documentation, where I think it is
>> most relevant (and currently entirely undocumented).
>> 3) New API on Node: in order for this idea to work, there needs to be
>> an abstract concept of "text node". Since the "baseline" concept is
>> introduced on Node, I thought this would also be the appropriate place
>> to introduce the "text node" concept; however, it could also be
>> introduced on Parent instead. Note that the "text node" concept is
>> introduced at a lower level than actual text control

Re: [External] : Re: Consistent baseline layout algorithm

2021-04-15 Thread Michael Strauß
I've learned a few new things while working on the proposed new layout
algorithm, and added a few new APIs:

1. A central concept of the new algorithm was the notion of a
text-baseline node, indicated by Node::isTextBaseline(). I've come to
realize that this property should percolate upwards in the scene
graph: if a node has a text-baseline, the node's parent should also be
considered to have a text-baseline. Adding this new behavior works
surprisingly well and produces very intuitive layout results.

2. The default behavior of all layout containers is to pick the first
text-baseline child to derive their own baseline offset. I've added
Node::prefBaselineProperty(), which makes it possible to override this
default selection: layout containers now pick the first child that
reports Node::isPrefBaseline(), and only if there is no such child,
they fall back to Node::isTextBaseline(). Developers can use this
property to fine-tune their baseline layouts.

3. Optimization: Controls that contain text will often consist of a
container of some sort and a javafx.scene.text.Text node within it.
Computing the baseline offset of such a control is very easy with the
new layout algorithm:

public double getBaselineOffset() {
return text.getLayoutBounds().getMinY() + text.getLayoutY() +

This works because changing text.layoutY will automatically schedule
another layout pass for all of its parents. Re-layouting all parents
is necessary because changing layoutY can change the effective
baseline offset, and changing the baseline offset of any node can have
layout implications on any of its parents.

However, when we consider the Label control (which is probably among
the most commonly used controls), this can be a bit excessive. Label
controls are often used to display pure text, and as such, we can
often "know" the baseline offset without actually needing to schedule
a second layout pass. This assumption is only correct if the text
within the Label is top-aligned (because if it isn't, the Label
baseline offset can not be known in advance of an actual layout pass).

To leverage this assumption, I've changed the default alignment for
Label to TOP_LEFT (the default alignment of the base class Labeled is
CENTER_LEFT). In most cases, there will be no visual difference
anyway, because I imagine Label controls will seldomly be set to a
minHeight or prefHeight.

This specific scenario will enable an optimization where the first
layout pass of Label will not schedule a second layout pass. It might
be possible to find more such scenarios that can benefit from
fast-path optimizations.

4. In order to get a better understanding of the layout process, I
added additional logging to track layout passes. Then I compared the
current algorithm with the new algorithm by tracking the initial
layout after starting a sample program (i.e. all layout activity until
the first frame is rendered). In the following log, "cumulative layout
passes" means how often layoutChildren() has been invoked on any of
the scene graph nodes. The actual log output includes a tree
visualization of the entire scene graph that is being layouted, which
I've removed for the sake or brevity.

Current algorithm log output:
INFO: Layouting VBox (triggered by scene out-of-pulse), cumulative
layout passes: 49
INFO: Layouting VBox (triggered by scene pulse), cumulative layout passes: 43
INFO: Layouting VBox (triggered by scene pulse), cumulative layout passes: 0

New algorithm log output:
INFO: Layouting VBox (triggered by scene out-of-pulse), cumulative
layout passes: 86
INFO: Layouting VBox (triggered by scene pulse), cumulative layout passes: 19

A major difference is that the current algorithm will often leave the
scene graph in a 'dirty' layout state after running a complete layout
cycle, which necessitates another layout cycle as part of the next
pulse. The new algorithm, however, leaves the scene graph in a clean
layout state after a complete cycle, which takes more work at first,
but saves work that would otherwise be done in the next pulse.

5. Since the new layout algorithm will leave the scene graph in a
clean state, it is not necessary to repeatedly layout the same thing
(like in Node::doLayoutPass()). Cases like these should be identified
and may be changed to single layout invocations.

Overall, I think there's good reason to assume that the proposed
algorithm works and that it produces consistent results for
application developers. At this point it would be useful to know
whether or not to continue with the effort.

Re: [External] : Re: Consistent baseline layout algorithm

2021-04-16 Thread Scott Palmer
“ I've changed the default alignment for
Label to TOP_LEFT (the default alignment of the base class Labeled is

How can you do that without breaking things?  Even though it may be uncommon to 
set minHeight or prefHeight, that isn’t the point.  It still breaks existing 


> On Apr 16, 2021, at 12:48 AM, Michael Strauß  wrote:
> I've learned a few new things while working on the proposed new layout
> algorithm, and added a few new APIs:
> 1. A central concept of the new algorithm was the notion of a
> text-baseline node, indicated by Node::isTextBaseline(). I've come to
> realize that this property should percolate upwards in the scene
> graph: if a node has a text-baseline, the node's parent should also be
> considered to have a text-baseline. Adding this new behavior works
> surprisingly well and produces very intuitive layout results.
> 2. The default behavior of all layout containers is to pick the first
> text-baseline child to derive their own baseline offset. I've added
> Node::prefBaselineProperty(), which makes it possible to override this
> default selection: layout containers now pick the first child that
> reports Node::isPrefBaseline(), and only if there is no such child,
> they fall back to Node::isTextBaseline(). Developers can use this
> property to fine-tune their baseline layouts.
> 3. Optimization: Controls that contain text will often consist of a
> container of some sort and a javafx.scene.text.Text node within it.
> Computing the baseline offset of such a control is very easy with the
> new layout algorithm:
> public double getBaselineOffset() {
>return text.getLayoutBounds().getMinY() + text.getLayoutY() +
> text.getBaselineOffset();
> }
> This works because changing text.layoutY will automatically schedule
> another layout pass for all of its parents. Re-layouting all parents
> is necessary because changing layoutY can change the effective
> baseline offset, and changing the baseline offset of any node can have
> layout implications on any of its parents.
> However, when we consider the Label control (which is probably among
> the most commonly used controls), this can be a bit excessive. Label
> controls are often used to display pure text, and as such, we can
> often "know" the baseline offset without actually needing to schedule
> a second layout pass. This assumption is only correct if the text
> within the Label is top-aligned (because if it isn't, the Label
> baseline offset can not be known in advance of an actual layout pass).
> To leverage this assumption, I've changed the default alignment for
> Label to TOP_LEFT (the default alignment of the base class Labeled is
> CENTER_LEFT). In most cases, there will be no visual difference
> anyway, because I imagine Label controls will seldomly be set to a
> minHeight or prefHeight.
> This specific scenario will enable an optimization where the first
> layout pass of Label will not schedule a second layout pass. It might
> be possible to find more such scenarios that can benefit from
> fast-path optimizations.
> 4. In order to get a better understanding of the layout process, I
> added additional logging to track layout passes. Then I compared the
> current algorithm with the new algorithm by tracking the initial
> layout after starting a sample program (i.e. all layout activity until
> the first frame is rendered). In the following log, "cumulative layout
> passes" means how often layoutChildren() has been invoked on any of
> the scene graph nodes. The actual log output includes a tree
> visualization of the entire scene graph that is being layouted, which
> I've removed for the sake or brevity.
> Current algorithm log output:
> INFO: Layouting VBox (triggered by scene out-of-pulse), cumulative
> layout passes: 49
> INFO: Layouting VBox (triggered by scene pulse), cumulative layout passes: 43
> INFO: Layouting VBox (triggered by scene pulse), cumulative layout passes: 0
> New algorithm log output:
> INFO: Layouting VBox (triggered by scene out-of-pulse), cumulative
> layout passes: 86
> INFO: Layouting VBox (triggered by scene pulse), cumulative layout passes: 19
> A major difference is that the current algorithm will often leave the
> scene graph in a 'dirty' layout state after running a complete layout
> cycle, which necessitates another layout cycle as part of the next
> pulse. The new algorithm, however, leaves the scene graph in a clean
> layout state after a complete cycle, which takes more work at first,
> but saves work that would otherwise be done in the next pulse.
> 5. Since the new layout algorithm will leave the scene graph in a
> clean state, it is not necessary to repeatedly layout the same thing
> (like in Node::doLayoutPass()). Cases like these should be identified
> and may be changed to single layout invocations.
> Overall, I think there's good reason to assume that the proposed
> algorithm works and that it produces con

Re: [External] : Re: Consistent baseline layout algorithm

2021-04-16 Thread Michael Strauß
That's true, and it also seems like outside of synthetic tests, the
benefit from this optimization diminishes in larger scene graphs. So I
will revert this change.

Am Fr., 16. Apr. 2021 um 16:28 Uhr schrieb Scott Palmer :
> “ I've changed the default alignment for
> Label to TOP_LEFT (the default alignment of the base class Labeled is
> How can you do that without breaking things?  Even though it may be uncommon 
> to set minHeight or prefHeight, that isn’t the point.  It still breaks 
> existing code.
> Scott

Re: [External] : Re: Consistent baseline layout algorithm

2021-04-16 Thread Kevin Rushforth
Good, since these are the sort of behavioral changes we almost always 
avoid. That change in the default behavior likely would not have been 

As for the rest, I'll need some time to fully understand the impact of 
the proposed behavior for propagating isTextBaseline up the tree, and 
how that interacts with prefBaseline. It seem like it might be tricky to 
document and for app developers to understand all the ramifications.

A couple questions: First, I presume you are only proposing to propagate 
isTextBaseline up the scene graph, meaning that all parents would report 
textBaseline == true if that parent is a text baseline node (e.g., 
Labeled, TextFlow) or if any descendant is? Second, given that 
isTextBaseline is not immutable, have you considered whether it should 
be a read-only property, so an application could listen for changes or 
bind to it? There would likely be a performance trade-off in making it a 

-- Kevin

On 4/16/2021 8:58 AM, Michael Strauß wrote:

That's true, and it also seems like outside of synthetic tests, the
benefit from this optimization diminishes in larger scene graphs. So I
will revert this change.

Am Fr., 16. Apr. 2021 um 16:28 Uhr schrieb Scott Palmer :

“ I've changed the default alignment for
Label to TOP_LEFT (the default alignment of the base class Labeled is

How can you do that without breaking things?  Even though it may be uncommon to 
set minHeight or prefHeight, that isn’t the point.  It still breaks existing 


Re: [External] : Re: Consistent baseline layout algorithm

2021-04-16 Thread Michael Strauß
I've created a small sample app (a screenshot is available in the
GitHub PR discussion at, and
it seems to me that, while understanding the intricacies of
isTextBaseline and isPrefBaseline might be a bit tricky, from an
application developer's perspective it seems to "just work" in most
cases that I've tried so far. However, I think the documentation still
needs to be improved when the concepts settle.

As to your questions: it is true that isTextBaseline generally
propagates up the scene graph. Parent::isTextBaseline() reports true
if, when computing its own baseline offset, it selects a child that
reports isTextBaseline()==true as the baseline source. However, even
when text baseline children are available, the selected child might
not be a text baseline node if prefBaseline=true was specified on a
non-text child node to override the default selection.

I think isTextBaseline could reasonably be a read-only property, the
performance impact is probably negligible if the property is only
initialized when it is actually accessed.

Am Fr., 16. Apr. 2021 um 19:08 Uhr schrieb Kevin Rushforth
> Good, since these are the sort of behavioral changes we almost always
> avoid. That change in the default behavior likely would not have been
> approved.
> As for the rest, I'll need some time to fully understand the impact of
> the proposed behavior for propagating isTextBaseline up the tree, and
> how that interacts with prefBaseline. It seem like it might be tricky to
> document and for app developers to understand all the ramifications.
> A couple questions: First, I presume you are only proposing to propagate
> isTextBaseline up the scene graph, meaning that all parents would report
> textBaseline == true if that parent is a text baseline node (e.g.,
> Labeled, TextFlow) or if any descendant is? Second, given that
> isTextBaseline is not immutable, have you considered whether it should
> be a read-only property, so an application could listen for changes or
> bind to it? There would likely be a performance trade-off in making it a
> property.
> -- Kevin