Hello Martin,

we also maintain a current version of the OpenCard Framework as part of
the OpenSCDP Project at [1]. This has build in support for
javax.smartcardio, secure messaging, generic ISO 7816 file services and
much more. We use OCF as part of the Smart Card Shell scripting environment.


[1] http://www.openscdp.org/ocf

Martin Paljak schrieb:
> Hello,
> On Apr 7, 2010, at 17:28 , Harry Anuszewski wrote
>> I currently have a java application that allows the user to login to a 
>> website using a smart card. I use openSC-java to select a card reader, 
>> create a session and pull out certificate information, etc. I would like to 
>> make this a web application but I know that openSC-java depends on a few 
>> .dll files for windows and a few .so files for linux. Right now I am just 
>> working with the windows half. The way my app works now is it checks for 
>> openSC in the system path if it doesn’t find it then it prompts to run an 
>> installer that I created that puts openSC in C:\program files\opensc and 
>> then adds that to the system path and reboots the computer. The next time 
>> the user goes to run the program they will be able to use opensc.
>> What I am basically wondering is, is their a way to create a jar that has 
>> the opensc dependencies (.dll) so that the user never has to download and 
>> run my installer? Everything will be handled online.
> There are three aspects of Java and smart cards that matter in the context of 
> web applications:
> - TLS/SSL client authentication (means configuration of the web container, so 
> not really related to OpenSC)
> - access to cryptographic smart cards in applets via a JNI bridge to PKCS#11 
> (possible via Sun PKCS#11 provider available since Java 1.5+ or OpenSC-Java 
> one, the problem you're facing)
> - access to smart cards via javax.smartcardio in Java 1.6+
> IMO, the preferred way would be to use javax.smartcardio and bypass the JNI 
> problem, if you have a specific smart card to talk to and don't need to rely 
> on the PKCS#11 provider availability on the client machine. There is 
> preliminary support for reading PKCS#15 structures a la OpenSC does, in Java, 
> as pointed out in [1]
> There are some *very* preliminary pointers to Java resources on OpenSC wiki 
> [1] which will be improved ASAP
> [1] http://www.opensc-project.org/opensc/wiki/Java

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