Re: [opensc-devel] OpenSC staging branch

2012-06-09 Thread Viktor Tarasov
Le 04/06/2012 19:22, Jean-Michel Pouré - GOOZE a écrit :
 Dear all,

 There seems to be a lot of development in OpenSC staging branch:

 What is the required way to make a commit? Fork and make a pull request?
 Can you confirm we are back to GIThub normal process?

Currently we are gathering pending proposals in the 'staging' branch of 
OpenSC/OpenSC github project.
This branch is connected to CI service (

Currently the right the way for proposals is fork - change - pull-request.

For a while the review of proposals is slightly simplified.
One reason is the stagnation of proposal admission process during the preceding 
period --
a lot of proposals were waiting in purgatory for a long time.
Next reason is that the pull requests in github are not yet connected to CI 
and so the only way to compile/test proposal on different platforms is to be 
included to 'staging'.

I will try to connect the github pull requests to jenkins.
If no, probably we should return to the using of gerrit.

Kind regards,
opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] GetInvolved wiki page

2012-06-09 Thread Viktor Tarasov
Le 05/06/2012 09:38, Ludovic Rousseau a écrit :

 2012/6/5 Jean-Michel Pouré - GOOZE
 But my question is:
 * Are we still using gerrit?
 * Is gerrit synced?

 After hearing the community answers, I will rewrite this later today.
 As far as I understand the situation:
 1- github and gerrit has diverged too much and need to be resync manually
 2- a lot of work has been invested in the staging branch on github and
 should not be lost
 3- the idea is to start gerrit with a new clean copy of what is on github

Start with clean copy is not complicated -- clone bare github repository 
somewhere in Gerrit's review directory.
We can re-visit the old gerrit proposals and cherry-pick the 'usefull' ones 
into the new gerrit's project.

 The problem now is to find manpower (and expertise) to implement point 3.

I was ready to do it, but as you know,
have no sufficient rights on gerrit and jenkins connected to 

Currently I prefer the alternatives jenkins (and gerrit) connected to the 
github 'staging'.
This allows to gather pending proposals into 'staging' and in the nearest 
future to prepare the next (major) release of OpenSC.
It also allows the build of packages on multiple platforms and automated 

 Once gerrit is usable again the github repository should be read only
 to avoid a new divergence.

I agree, if the alternatives jenkins and gerrit will be used,
or current access rules to jenkins and gerrit on will be 

 I do not volunteer for point 3. I was expecting Martin to do it but he
 may not have enough free time these days.

 The main problem of OpenSC is a lack of trusted manpower.
 Andreas (previous leader) left the project.
 Martin has limited free time.
 I do not use OpenSC much myself but try to help as much as I can.
 Viktor is working fine merging github pull requests.


Kind regards,
opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] GetInvolved wiki page

2012-06-09 Thread Ludovic Rousseau
2012/6/9 Viktor Tarasov
 Le 05/06/2012 09:38, Ludovic Rousseau a écrit :

 2012/6/5 Jean-Michel Pouré - GOOZE
 But my question is:
 * Are we still using gerrit?
 * Is gerrit synced?

 After hearing the community answers, I will rewrite this later today.
 As far as I understand the situation:
 1- github and gerrit has diverged too much and need to be resync manually
 2- a lot of work has been invested in the staging branch on github and
 should not be lost
 3- the idea is to start gerrit with a new clean copy of what is on github

 Start with clean copy is not complicated -- clone bare github repository 
 somewhere in Gerrit's review directory. server fo not have a /srv/git as documented in the

I don't know where the Gerrit's review directory is and could not
find a gerrit config file.

On the sever we have:
- a gerrit user with a home dir in /home/gerrit
- $ ls -l /home/gerrit
total 18248
-rw-r--r-- 1 gerrit gerrit 18674518 2011-06-07 21:45 gerrit-2.2.1.war
drwxr-xr-x 7 gerrit gerrit 4096 2011-12-01 12:02 OpenSC.git
drwxr-xr-x 9 gerrit gerrit 4096 2011-12-01 12:22

 We can re-visit the old gerrit proposals and cherry-pick the 'usefull' ones 
 into the new gerrit's project.

 The problem now is to find manpower (and expertise) to implement point 3.

 I was ready to do it, but as you know,
 have no sufficient rights on gerrit and jenkins connected to .

The server is not mine. Maybe Martin can accept you as sys admin. Martin?


 Dr. Ludovic Rousseau
opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] GetInvolved wiki page

2012-06-09 Thread Peter Stuge
Ludovic Rousseau wrote:
 I don't know where the Gerrit's review directory is and could not
 find a gerrit config file.

ps www $(pidof java)

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