To orkut team:
Since last week due to some issue on robots.txt in google 
adsense crawler has troubles reaching applications pages on the site.
Which causes less targeted ads and less revenue for devwelopers and for 
This is the email we got from adsense:
We noticed that our AdSense ad crawler is having some difficulty crawling 
some parts of your site on Specifically, we've detected  
696,147  failed crawl requests over a 4-day period last week, which is 
caused by an issue within your robots.txt file. Essentially, this file is 
blocking certain sections of your site from our AdSense ad crawler. Because 
of this, your AdSense ads are less targeted and are generating less revenue 
on average.
Fortunately, you can fix this issue today by editing your robots.txt file 
and giving our AdSense ad crawler the ability to view your site. To do 
this, find your robots.txt file, located at and add 
the following two lines at the very top:

User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
Please add the above lines to robots.txt.
Please note this change will not affect search and is only related to 
adsense crawler.
thanks a lot

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