Some time ago I developed a php library which allows you to send scraps.
There is a scrapall app to show you some demo code, and it handles captcha.

Robson Dantas

On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 2:03 PM, Bruno Oliveira (Google) <> wrote:

> Oops, I forgot to add this link, which may be useful:
> If you want look at a real-life implementation example, you can look at
> the code for submitBatchWithCaptcha() on the OrkutAdapter class, in the Orkut
> Client Library Source Code <>.
> -
> Bruno Oliveira (Google)
> On Monday, April 9, 2012 2:00:42 PM UTC-3, Bruno Oliveira (Google) wrote:
>> Hello! This is not an error, this is a captcha challenge.
>> Some requests on Orkut require the user to solve a captcha so that we
>> know the user is an actual human and not an evil robot. This is essential
>> in our fight against spam.
>> So, when you receive a captcha challenge like this one, the correct
>> course of action is to show the captcha to the user and ask them to solve
>> it. Then you should resubmit your request with the captcha solution.
>> -
>> Bruno Oliveira (Google)
>> On Monday, April 9, 2012 3:13:14 AM UTC-3, Кирилл Совкуцан wrote:
>>> Good day, everyone.
>>> When i try post scrap without any url, it posts well.
>>> But when i try to post any url, i have an error
>>> {"error":{"message":"**unauthorized:  Please  enter  the  text  as  it
>>> is  shown  in  the  box.","data":{"errorType":"**
>>> requiresCaptcha","captchaUrl":**"/social/pages/captcha?xid=**
>>> 1333951789263","captchaToken":**"token1333951789263"},"code":**401}}
>>> I read at this group, that i need to request captcha using Oauth
>>> When i try, i have  404 error
>>> This is my code
>>> $params = array(
>>>                           'oauth_nonce' => md5(time()) ,
>>>                           'oauth_version1.0' ,
>>>                           'oauth_timestamp' => time() ,
>>>                           'oauth_consumer_key' => "CONSUMER_KEY',
>>>                           'oauth_token' =>'TOKEN',
>>>                           'oauth_signature_method' => 'HMAC-SHA1'
>>>                         );
>>>               $signature = $this->build_orkut_signature($**params,
>>> 'CONSUMER_SECRET', false), 2);
>>>               $params['oauth_signature'] = $signature;
>>>               $client = $token->getHttpClient($this->**
>>> getProviderConfig('orkut'));
>>>               $client->setUri('http://www.**<>
>>> '.$content->error->**data->captchaUrl);
>>>               $client->setMethod(Zend_Http_**Client::GET);
>>>               $client->setParameterGet($**params);
>>>               $client->setHeaders('Content-**type', 'application/json');
>>>               $response = $client->request();
>>> Can anybody help me?
>>> Thanks.
>>  --
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