I was reading the Orkut Developer Guidelines, more specifically the section
"User Data On Thirty-Party Servers", and the portuguese version is explicit
on saying that app uninstall is available:

"Como foi incluído suporte para manipuladores de eventos de desinstalação,
as informações de perfis de usuário estendidas podem ser armazenadas até a
remoção do aplicativo, mas, até lá, a duração máxima é de sete dias."

However, the english version is a little ambiguous. I think it may be
talking about the actions WHEN this function become available:

"Once support is added for uninstall event handlers, extended user profile
information may be stored until the application is removed, but 7 days is
the maximum duration until then."

Since I haven't found anything about app uninstall on the documentation, and
the older topics on this forum say it doesn't exists, I was wondering if
it's really available now or it was just "lost in translation"...


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