tipc Ver 1.7.6 [LSARC/2009/239 FastTrack timeout 04/20/2009]

2009-05-19 Thread Mark A. Carlson
This case was approved at LSARC last week.

-- mark

RADIUS PAM module (pam_radius_auth) [PSARC/2008/269 FastTrack timeout 04/28/2008]

2009-05-19 Thread prasad

What is the status of this module?  Has it made it into OpenSolaris? Will it be 
available in a Solaris 10 Update?

Thank you,
-- prasad
This message posted from opensolaris.org

[Fwd: Re: Drools [LSARC/2008/748 FastTrack timeout 05/05/2009]]

2009-05-19 Thread margot

Looking at the below interface table, drools-ant-4.7.jar
makes sense as a project private jar file.

But drools-analytics-4.7.jar is marked project private
but then all the API's are marked uncommitted.  That
is a conflict.

  drools-analytics-4.7.jarProject Private jar file
location: /usr/share/lib/java
* AnalyticsData uncommitted interface
* AnalysisResultuncommitted interface
* Cause uncommitted interface
* RangeCheckCause   uncommitted interface
* Possibility   uncommitted interface

drools-ant-4.7.jar  Project Private jar file
location: /usr/share/lib/java


Charles Binford wrote:
 Resend, this time including LSARC-ext.


 Re: Drools [LSARC/2008/748 FastTrack timeout 05/05/2009]
 Charles Binford Charles.Binford at Sun.COM
 Tue, 19 May 2009 09:56:30 -0500
 Margot Miller Margot.Miller at Sun.COM

 Margot Miller Margot.Miller at Sun.COM
 Richard.Matthews at Sun.COM, Mark Carlson Mark.Carlson at Sun.COM, Holly 
 Vergara Holly.Costanza at Sun.COM

 Our commitment level is project private.  I've attached  updated files 
 and diffs so it is easy to tell what changed.


 Margot Miller wrote:
 What is your commitment level for your jar files?  Can any project
 outside yours use them?  If not, then they should be project private.
 And then the answer is no for the first question and the rest are
 The focus of these questions is on what you are exporting, not

 So if you are not publicly exporting anything, than mark it no
 and skip the rest.

 Does that make sense?


 Rick Matthews wrote:
 Mark and Margot,
  I'm a bit confused by these questions. Its likely because of lack 
 of context.
 I'll provide further detail (to be verified by Charles) to hopefully 
 steer us
 toward the correct answers.

 ++3.1.2 Share and Sharable
 ++  Does the module include any components that are used or 
 shared by
 ++  other projects?
 ++  [ ] Yes
 ++  [x] No
 This project consumes jar files from other FOSS cases, both within 
 the context of
 Drools, and outside of that context (done by a different project 
 team). This project
 does not export anything other than the Drools business rules 
 engine. So, no components
 are exported for sharing.
 ++  If yes are these components packaged to be shared with the 
 other FOSS?
 ++  [x] Yes
 ++  [ ] No - ARC review required
 ++  [ ] N/A
 Based on the no above, this question should be skipped. If the 
 shared imported
 components are the ones in question, than the yes answer stands.
 ++  Are these components already in the Solaris WOS?
 ++  [ ] Yes
 ++  [x] No - continue with next section (section 3.2)
 Again, if the imported components are the ones in question, some are 
 in Solaris
 already, others are in progress as result of this case and other 
 fast tracks.
 ++  If yes are these newer versions being delivered?
 ++  [ ] Yes
 ++  [ ] No - ARC review required
 ++  If yes are the newer versions replacing the existing versions?
 ++  [ ] Yes
 ++  [ ] No - ARC review required

commons-collections [LSARC/2009/296 FastTrack timeout 05/15/2009]

2009-05-19 Thread margot

The JDK needs to be in the imported interface table.
And I suppose there is no problem with it running
on whatever JDK is on the system?

I don't think you need to put the javadocs in the interface
table.  Just a notation that javadocs are being delivered
would be good.  In any case, Project Private doesn't
seem right for documentation.

/usr/share/lib/java/javadoc/commons-collections Project 
Private Commons-Collections javadoc [2]


James Walker wrote:
 I'm sponsoring this familiarity case for James Wan. The requested
 release binding is minor. The man page has been posted in the
 materials directory and the javadoc tarball will be added.

 Template Version: @(#)sac_nextcase 1.68 02/23/09 SMI
 This information is Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems
 1. Introduction
 1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
 1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
Author:  James Wan
 1.3  Date of This Document:
   08 May, 2009
 4. Technical Description

 The Java Collections Framework was a major addition in JDK 1.2. It added
 many powerful data structures that accelerate development of most 
 significant Java applications. Since that time it has become the recognised 
 standard for collection handling in Java.

 Commons-Collections seek to build upon the JDK classes by providing new 
 interfaces, implementations and utilities. 

 Commons-Collections has many features, including:

 * Bag interface for collections that have a number of copies of each object
 * Buffer interface for collections that have a well defined removal order, 
   like FIFOs
 * BidiMap interface for maps that can be looked up from value to key as well 
   and key to value
 * MapIterator interface to provide simple and quick iteration over maps
 * Type checking decorators to ensure that only instances of a certain type 
   can be added
 * Transforming decorators that alter each object as it is added to the 
 * Composite collections that make multiple collections look like one
 * Ordered maps and sets that retain the order elements are added in, 
   an LRU based map
 * Identity map that compares objects based on their identity (==) instead of 
   equals method
 * Reference map that allows keys and/or values to be garbage collected under 
   close control
 * Many comparator implementations
 * Many iterator implementations
 * Adapter classes from array and enumerations to collections
 * Utilities to test or create typical set-theory properties of collections 
   such as union, intersection, and closure

 Commons-Collections 3.2.1 will be integrated into the SFW consolidation as 
 part of this proposal, and will be installed as SUNWcommons-collections.

 The Commons-Collections package will contain commonly used versions of 
 Commons-Collections. The file name will be used to manage multiple versions, 
 for example:

 /usr/share/lib/java/commons-collections.jar link to most recent version

 This project requests a minor release binding. 

 The Commons-Collections man page is included in the case materials directory.




 Exported Interfaces   Classification  Comment
 ---   --  -
 SUNWcommons-collections   Uncommitted Commons-Collections 

   Uncommitted Commons-Collections Classes
   Uncommitted Symbolic Link






jar file man pages - was Re: trove-2.0.4 [LSARC/2009/262 FastTrack timeout 05/05/2009]

2009-05-19 Thread Mark A. Carlson
Let's keep in mind that we are trying to document (in an easily 
accessible place) the
interface classification of the OpenSolaris instance (not the Java 
interface across platforms).
Given that we need to do this without massive patches to the upstream 
code, and that
Java projects should use whatever native mechanism exists to document 
the classification
across platforms, the OpenSolaris man page seems to be the best place.

-- mark

Rick Matthews wrote:
 I agree in principle with Jim's points. In particular,
 1. Provides users stability and availability (taxonomy) information 
 about jar file packages on Solaris/OpenSolaris not available anywhere
 If ARCs are going to require this information, it should be documented 
 somewhere that a user
 can find it a normal operating environment. Currently, I'd have to 
 agree this is man pages.

 I think a further point of this discussion is a need for ARCs to adopt 
 a consistent means of
 doing so, and stick to it. In several of the cited cases with man 
 pages, the man pages were
 produced as part of the Fast Track process. In the case of 
 LSARC/2009/262, it was questioned
 why we would have man pages for jar/java release vehicles. That is 
 inconsistent, which is why
 I believe Jim raised the issue.

 Toward that end, issues continue to be raised with jar/java FOSS 
 projects. There doesn't seem
 to be a checklist of items needed for a FOSS jar project (and of 
 course, many checklists are
 incomplete). As I recall, the following issues resulted from FOSS 
 cases delivering jar s:
1) How to deliver javadocs to OpenSolaris (mostly due to web site 
 volume issues)
2) Man pages for stability and taxonomy
3) What portions need to have declared stability, etc. (like 
 package name)
4) What JDK version(s)?
5) Versioning of jar files

 Mark Martin brought up number 5 quite awhile ago. There was no further 
 action taken.
 The jar files really seem to parallel C libraries, and should have a 
 best practice for versioning
 similar to (or maybe expanded) Library and Shared Object Requirements.

 IMHO, man page declaration of stability and taxonomy works. Let's keep 
 that until there
 is a suitable better way. Lloyd's method of documenting is a good 
 start, but we can't
 hope to force external communities to use such a method, except by 
 general acceptance.
 We could make it a best practice for non-FOSS jar deliverables that 
 are being ARCed.
 This assumes Lloyd's proposal is sound, which I don't feel qualified 
 to have opinion.

 I think the ARCs need to look into these issues (as is being done), 
 and reasonable methods/
 practices be established, and then those be consistently applied.

 On 05/13/09 13:30, Jim Walker wrote:
 For LSARC, PSARC and the opinion writer(s) to consider

 Michael Kearney wrote:
 1. Lloyd, I like the idea of your annotation but have a couple of 
 concerns. - Would teams be expected to update third party, open 
 source jar files with the annotation?
 - Would the ARC provide the common @Taxonomy annotation Java code?

 I have concerns too.

 In general, we will not be able to change FOSS code upstream like
 this. We normally try to do as little modification as possible (ie.
 just enough to get it to run well on Solaris/OpenSolaris). This
 is another reason why short man pages are being tacked on. Is it
 possible to tack on a page to the javadoc?

 I don't want to see big javadoc patches in the SFW consolidation that
 document detailed taxonomy information that we have to carry forever
 because they will never be accepted into the upstream community.
 Why would a FOSS project creating jar files even care about our
 taxonomy rules?

 2. What if the man page simple documented the stability at the 
 granularity of the jar file and
 nothing else.  Perhaps the man page could generically reference the 

 Not every jar file in /usr/share/lib/java has a man page, but
 that is the current practice, for the ones that do:

 $ man asm
 $ man mvel
 $ man janino
 $ man jettison
 $ man joda-time
 $ man jaxen-core
 $ man junit
 $ man ant (needs a more direct reference to javadoc)

 As I see it, having jar file man pages...

 1. Provides users stability and availability (taxonomy) information 
 about jar file packages on Solaris/OpenSolaris not available anywhere
 2. Is pretty painless for project teams to produce and support.
 3. Man pages do no harm, and I think users are already getting
 use to having them. Some information is better than no information.
 4. Until there is a better way, man pages should be required for
 any new jar file submissions into Solaris/OpenSolaris. I thought
 this was already true.
 5. Man pages are used by most Solaris/OpenSolaris packages.
 6. I appreciate where Java developers are coming from, but not standard
 practice for Java developers to look for man pages alone, doesn't seem
 enough reason to stop man pages being delivered with jar file packages.

beanshell [PSARC/2009/270 FastTrack timeout 05/06/2009]

2009-05-19 Thread Garrett D'Amore
Claire Li wrote:
 I see. Your biggest concern is that 'beansh' would be different from 
 the upstream. But I think there are some reasons to support 'beansh'.

 1. My opinion is to use both 'beanshell' and 'beansh', not 'beansh' 
 only. 'beanshell' is for the potential name change in upstream, and 
 beansh is use for short.

 2. As far as I know, shell commands use 'sh' as the suffix of the 
 command name, not 'shell'. Maybe that is another naming rule.

A convention perhaps, but not a rule.

 3. I don't think they will use other names, at least in a short term. 
 Patrick Niemeyer /said I had never heard that AIX was calling Bourne 
 Shell bsh.  I always thought Bourne shell was simply 'sh'. /

That's true for systems where /bin/sh is *not* ksh. 

Anyway, I don't care that much one way or the other -- I'd discourage 
arbitrary difference from the upstream, but whatever the project team 
wants to do is fine with me.

-- Garrett

 /Garrett D'Amore wrote:
 Claire Li wrote:
 Hi Garrett,

 Please see my in-line comments.


 Garrett D'Amore wrote:
 Claire Li wrote:
 Hi ARC team:

 In view of the naming conflict of bsh, I've contact beanshell 
 author Patrick Niemeyer
 on this issue. He suggested resorting to name the command 

 However, I would like to have both 'beanshell' and 'beansh' 
 proposed by Jorg,
 since 'beansh' is more concise, and conciseness is what a command 
 name needs.

 Conciseness *might* be useful, but IMO adding beansh doesn't make 
 that much sense if:

1) the command is primarily executed from the gui
 The GUI of BeanShell is started by the command.
2) the command is infrequently manually type
 Everytime you want to start BeanShell, you need to type the command. 
 So I think it's frequently manually typed.


3) the upstream won't adopt the same change, so the change would 
 create arbitrary divergence from the upstream
 As far as I know, the upstream use 'bsh' as the command name. And so 
 does the Linux platforms such as Ubuntu and Fedora.
 If we want to avoid the potential naming conflict, it seems we have 
 to diverse from the upstream.

 My point was that, if the recommendation was to use beanshell from 
 upstream, then it is likely that this name will be available on other 
 platforms as well (perhaps in addition to bsh).  The key thing here 
 is that for some platforms *in addition* to OpenSolaris, the bsh 
 conflict will exist.

 I remain unconvinced that saving 3 characters in the command name is 
 worth the risk of even *further* divergence from the upstream community.

 That said,  I don't think I'll stand in the way of the alias if the 
 team wants to have it anyway.

- Garrett

 My biggest concern of the three is #3.  I think it would be wise to 
 stick with just what the upstream community advises.  (If however 
 you get consensus from the upstream that beansh is a useful alias 
 and will be used on other platforms as well, then I'm happy to 
 support that option as well.)

- Garrett

 Template Version: @(#)sac_nextcase 1.68 02/23/09 SMI
 This information is Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems
 1. Introduction
1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
 Author:  Claire Li
1.3  Date of This Document:
 18 May, 2009

 2. Project Summary
   2.1 Project Description

   This project introduces the package of BeanShell 2.0b4 into 
 the SFW
   consolidation. A minor release binding is requested.

 4. Technical Description:

   BeanShell[1] is a small, free, embeddable Java source 
 interpreter with object
   scripting language features, written in Java. BeanShell 
 dynamically executes
   standard Java syntax and extends it with common scripting 
 conveniences such
   as loose types, commands, and method closures like those in Perl 
 You can use BeanShell interactively for Java experimentation 
 and debugging as
   well as to extend your applications in new ways. Scripting Java 
 lends itself
   to a wide variety of applications including rapid prototyping, 
 user scripting
   extension, rules engines, configuration, testing, dynamic 
   embedded systems, and even Java education.

   BeanShell is small and embeddable, so you can call BeanShell 
 from your Java
   applications to execute Java code dynamically at run-time or to 
   extensibility in your applications. Alternatively, you can use 
   BeanShell scripts to manipulate Java applications; working with 
 Java objects
   and APIs dynamically. Since BeanShell is written in Java and 
 runs in the same
   VM as your application, you can freely pass references to live 
 objects into
   scripts and return them as results.
 In short, BeanShell is dynamically interpreted Java, plus a 
   language and flexible environment all rolled into one clean 

   Command name   Notes

jar file man pages - was Re: trove-2.0.4 [LSARC/2009/262 FastTrack timeout 05/05/2009]

2009-05-19 Thread Garrett D'Amore
Mark A. Carlson wrote:
 Let's keep in mind that we are trying to document (in an easily 
 accessible place) the
 interface classification of the OpenSolaris instance (not the Java 
 interface across platforms).
 Given that we need to do this without massive patches to the upstream 
 code, and that
 Java projects should use whatever native mechanism exists to document 
 the classification
 across platforms, the OpenSolaris man page seems to be the best place.

I remain unconvinced that we (OpenSolaris) should even be concerned 
about stability of Java APIs upon OpenSolaris.  (With the possible 
exception of APIs that are designed specifically to *support* 
OpenSolaris itself.)

Do other members see value in having another layer of commitment and 
review beyond whatever is already done as part of the Java community?

- Garrett

 -- mark

 Rick Matthews wrote:
 I agree in principle with Jim's points. In particular,
 1. Provides users stability and availability (taxonomy) information 
 about jar file packages on Solaris/OpenSolaris not available anywhere
 If ARCs are going to require this information, it should be 
 documented somewhere that a user
 can find it a normal operating environment. Currently, I'd have to 
 agree this is man pages.

 I think a further point of this discussion is a need for ARCs to 
 adopt a consistent means of
 doing so, and stick to it. In several of the cited cases with man 
 pages, the man pages were
 produced as part of the Fast Track process. In the case of 
 LSARC/2009/262, it was questioned
 why we would have man pages for jar/java release vehicles. That is 
 inconsistent, which is why
 I believe Jim raised the issue.

 Toward that end, issues continue to be raised with jar/java FOSS 
 projects. There doesn't seem
 to be a checklist of items needed for a FOSS jar project (and of 
 course, many checklists are
 incomplete). As I recall, the following issues resulted from FOSS 
 cases delivering jar s:
1) How to deliver javadocs to OpenSolaris (mostly due to web site 
 volume issues)
2) Man pages for stability and taxonomy
3) What portions need to have declared stability, etc. (like 
 package name)
4) What JDK version(s)?
5) Versioning of jar files

 Mark Martin brought up number 5 quite awhile ago. There was no 
 further action taken.
 The jar files really seem to parallel C libraries, and should have a 
 best practice for versioning
 similar to (or maybe expanded) Library and Shared Object Requirements.

 IMHO, man page declaration of stability and taxonomy works. Let's 
 keep that until there
 is a suitable better way. Lloyd's method of documenting is a good 
 start, but we can't
 hope to force external communities to use such a method, except by 
 general acceptance.
 We could make it a best practice for non-FOSS jar deliverables that 
 are being ARCed.
 This assumes Lloyd's proposal is sound, which I don't feel qualified 
 to have opinion.

 I think the ARCs need to look into these issues (as is being done), 
 and reasonable methods/
 practices be established, and then those be consistently applied.

 On 05/13/09 13:30, Jim Walker wrote:
 For LSARC, PSARC and the opinion writer(s) to consider

 Michael Kearney wrote:
 1. Lloyd, I like the idea of your annotation but have a couple of 
 concerns. - Would teams be expected to update third party, open 
 source jar files with the annotation?
 - Would the ARC provide the common @Taxonomy annotation Java code?

 I have concerns too.

 In general, we will not be able to change FOSS code upstream like
 this. We normally try to do as little modification as possible (ie.
 just enough to get it to run well on Solaris/OpenSolaris). This
 is another reason why short man pages are being tacked on. Is it
 possible to tack on a page to the javadoc?

 I don't want to see big javadoc patches in the SFW consolidation that
 document detailed taxonomy information that we have to carry forever
 because they will never be accepted into the upstream community.
 Why would a FOSS project creating jar files even care about our
 taxonomy rules?

 2. What if the man page simple documented the stability at the 
 granularity of the jar file and
 nothing else.  Perhaps the man page could generically reference the 

 Not every jar file in /usr/share/lib/java has a man page, but
 that is the current practice, for the ones that do:

 $ man asm
 $ man mvel
 $ man janino
 $ man jettison
 $ man joda-time
 $ man jaxen-core
 $ man junit
 $ man ant (needs a more direct reference to javadoc)

 As I see it, having jar file man pages...

 1. Provides users stability and availability (taxonomy) information 
 about jar file packages on Solaris/OpenSolaris not available anywhere
 2. Is pretty painless for project teams to produce and support.
 3. Man pages do no harm, and I think users are already getting
 use to having them. Some information is better than no information.
 4. Until there is a 

jar file man pages - was Re: trove-2.0.4 [LSARC/2009/262 FastTrack timeout 05/05/2009]

2009-05-19 Thread Darren J Moffat
Garrett D'Amore wrote:
 Mark A. Carlson wrote:
 Let's keep in mind that we are trying to document (in an easily 
 accessible place) the
 interface classification of the OpenSolaris instance (not the Java 
 interface across platforms).
 Given that we need to do this without massive patches to the upstream 
 code, and that
 Java projects should use whatever native mechanism exists to document 
 the classification
 across platforms, the OpenSolaris man page seems to be the best place.
 I remain unconvinced that we (OpenSolaris) should even be concerned 
 about stability of Java APIs upon OpenSolaris.  (With the possible 
 exception of APIs that are designed specifically to *support* 
 OpenSolaris itself.)
 Do other members see value in having another layer of commitment and 
 review beyond whatever is already done as part of the Java community?

I think the only real review that is relevant is where it is installed 
and how it is packaged.  If it provides a service how that service is 

This is not really any different to what we allow for code written in 
other languages.  For example the real documentation (including 
stability levels) for libcurl is html docs under /usr/share/  That is 
what came from upstream.

Personally I find even the addition of some of the ATTRIBUTES section 
information more than is really necessary in some cases - like when it 
is blindinly obvious this isn't OpenSolaris/Sun developed components. 
However given there is a good working system for adding it and it does 
provide value I'm happy to see it continue.

If there is no man page for something and its docs come in a different 
format then IMO we should leave those docs alone.

Darren J Moffat

logilab-common [LSARC/2009/298 FastTrack timeout 05/18/2009]

2009-05-19 Thread Jim Walker
All issues have been addressed and the timeout period has
been reached and I have updated the proposal.txt file to
indicate python 2.6 will be used.

Marking this case closed approved.


logilab-astng [LSARC/2009/299 FastTrack timeout 05/18/2009]

2009-05-19 Thread Jim Walker
+1 has been received.

All issues have been addressed and the timeout period has
been reached and I have updated the proposal.txt file to
indicate python 2.6 will be used.

Marking this case closed approved.


[Fwd: Re: Drools [LSARC/2008/748 FastTrack timeout 05/05/2009]]

2009-05-19 Thread Charles Binford
An embedded and charset-unspecified text was scrubbed...
Name: drools-arc-interfaces.2009-05-19a.txt

commons-collections [LSARC/2009/296 FastTrack timeout 05/15/2009]

2009-05-19 Thread Jim Walker
margot wrote:
 The JDK needs to be in the imported interface table.
 And I suppose there is no problem with it running
 on whatever JDK is on the system?
 I don't think you need to put the javadocs in the interface
 table.  Just a notation that javadocs are being delivered
 would be good.  In any case, Project Private doesn't
 seem right for documentation.
 PrivateCommons-Collections javadoc [2]

I agree. I'll make the changes.


jar file man pages - was Re: trove-2.0.4 [LSARC/2009/262 FastTrack timeout 05/05/2009]

2009-05-19 Thread James Carlson
Garrett D'Amore writes:
 Mark A. Carlson wrote:
  Let's keep in mind that we are trying to document (in an easily 
  accessible place) the
  interface classification of the OpenSolaris instance (not the Java 
  interface across platforms).
  Given that we need to do this without massive patches to the upstream 
  code, and that
  Java projects should use whatever native mechanism exists to document 
  the classification
  across platforms, the OpenSolaris man page seems to be the best place.
 I remain unconvinced that we (OpenSolaris) should even be concerned 
 about stability of Java APIs upon OpenSolaris.  (With the possible 
 exception of APIs that are designed specifically to *support* 
 OpenSolaris itself.)
 Do other members see value in having another layer of commitment and 
 review beyond whatever is already done as part of the Java community?

It's not another layer of review.

It's architectural review as required by the process.  No matter how
important a project team may be, we simply do not defer to project
teams to do all architectural review on our behalf.  There's only one
ARC, and the system is designed that way on purpose.

So, JCP may do whatever reviews it desires in its own way (as may
other quasi-ARC-like bodies, such as CLARC and Sun Ray ARC), but to be
shipped as a Sun product -- including but not limited to being part of
the OpenSolaris distribution -- it's necessary that the engineering
work goes through architectural review.

In this case, I think we *are* concerned about advertising the right
stability level for these interfaces, because that's an inherent part
of software design, and not just some artifice that comes out of the

If there's some local definition of stability levels and reference
documentation, and these are well understood by users, then that's
great.  It doesn't matter to me much that it's not identical to our
taxonomy or to man pages.  We may as well use what's natural (and in
fact require its use in all reviewed projects) so that users will
understand it better.

However, I do not agree that this means that we take a pass on it.  If
that's what we're planning to do (or if it's what you're suggesting
here), then either (a) Java needs to create a SAC-sponsored process to
play nice with the rest of us or (b) we need a much bigger rule (from
the CTO's office) giving Java a get-out-of-ARC-free card.  I don't
think we can or should do that on our own.

James Carlson, Solaris Networking  james.d.carlson at sun.com
Sun Microsystems / 35 Network Drive71.232W   Vox +1 781 442 2084
MS UBUR02-212 / Burlington MA 01803-2757   42.496N   Fax +1 781 442 1677

jar file man pages - was Re: trove-2.0.4 [LSARC/2009/262 FastTrack timeout 05/05/2009]

2009-05-19 Thread Garrett D'Amore
James Carlson wrote:
 Garrett D'Amore writes:
 Mark A. Carlson wrote:
 Let's keep in mind that we are trying to document (in an easily 
 accessible place) the
 interface classification of the OpenSolaris instance (not the Java 
 interface across platforms).
 Given that we need to do this without massive patches to the upstream 
 code, and that
 Java projects should use whatever native mechanism exists to document 
 the classification
 across platforms, the OpenSolaris man page seems to be the best place.
 I remain unconvinced that we (OpenSolaris) should even be concerned 
 about stability of Java APIs upon OpenSolaris.  (With the possible 
 exception of APIs that are designed specifically to *support* 
 OpenSolaris itself.)

 Do other members see value in having another layer of commitment and 
 review beyond whatever is already done as part of the Java community?

 It's not another layer of review.

 It's architectural review as required by the process.  No matter how
 important a project team may be, we simply do not defer to project
 teams to do all architectural review on our behalf.  There's only one
 ARC, and the system is designed that way on purpose.

This sounds like a self-serving statement to me.  I've always believed 
(and maybe I've misunderstood) that ARC review is designed to ensure 
that the bits that we deliver are properly reviewed -- to prevent total 
anarchy, and to ensure that the right people are looking at the project.

What I'm failing to understand is how PSARC (or LSARC) review of Java 
APIs is at all meaningful.  The right parties to involve in those 
conversations are *not* (at least today) the members of the ARCs.  In 
fact, I propose that the current ARCs are woefully inadequate to 
understanding the delivery concerns for software that it is intended to 
be used in environments that are not Unix-ish.

Furthermore, what sense does it make to deny a Java API, or even issue 
TCRs against such an API, when the API comes from upstream (and the 
upstream might well be Sun itself!), and is concerned with portability 
and such.

I'm opposed to the idea of process for its own sake -- the process needs 
to add something or its just a waste everyone's time.  I think reviewing 
of Java APIs (and assigning stability levels to such) on any kind of 
fine grained scale qualifies as such a waste.

What *does* make sense for review, IMO, is:

1) delivery of major new revisions or features, such as Java 1.6 or 
2) location of deliverables (what directory are libraries and 
commands located in)
3) stability of *major* components.  (I.e. Java 1.6 is assigned a 
Committed binding on Solaris or somesuch)

Anything more than that, including trying to provide man pages for 
individual APIs, is utter nonsense, IMO.

 So, JCP may do whatever reviews it desires in its own way (as may
 other quasi-ARC-like bodies, such as CLARC and Sun Ray ARC), but to be
 shipped as a Sun product -- including but not limited to being part of
 the OpenSolaris distribution -- it's necessary that the engineering
 work goes through architectural review.

I view Java as a bit special, because it has an entire runtime 
environment that is totally disconnected from the rest of the platform.  
Trying to review a whole different platform in that context makes little 
or no sense, except in the broadest terms of Java is available, and the 
version number is X with Commitment Level Y.  Here are the directories...')

 In this case, I think we *are* concerned about advertising the right
 stability level for these interfaces, because that's an inherent part
 of software design, and not just some artifice that comes out of the

But its totally redundant, except that in this case the folks reviewing 
the API are probably completely inadequate to the task of performing the 
review.  For example, how many ARC members are familiar with the issues 
faced by software intended to be deployed on cell phones.  Or Win32?  Or 
even Linux, for that matter?  What about the considerations for software 
deployed in the browser?  Or the sandbox restrictions of Java?  Like it 
or not, our specialty is Solaris.  The further afield we get from that, 
the more inadequate our ability to meaningfully review it.   At some 
point we either have to degenerate into a pointless rubber stamp, or 
(worse) a potentially harmful (because we lack adequate context) barrier 
to progress.

 If there's some local definition of stability levels and reference
 documentation, and these are well understood by users, then that's
 great.  It doesn't matter to me much that it's not identical to our
 taxonomy or to man pages.  We may as well use what's natural (and in
 fact require its use in all reviewed projects) so that users will
 understand it better.

 However, I do not agree that this means that we take a pass on it.  If
 that's what we're planning to do (or if it's what you're suggesting
 here), then 

PSARC 2008/769 - Multiple disk sector size support

2009-05-19 Thread Larry Liu
Just to clarify. This case 2008/769 is phase I of multiple phase.


jar file man pages - was Re: trove-2.0.4 [LSARC/2009/262 FastTrack timeout 05/05/2009]

2009-05-19 Thread Rick Matthews
I agree in principle with Jim's points. In particular,
 1. Provides users stability and availability (taxonomy) information 
 about jar file packages on Solaris/OpenSolaris not available anywhere
If ARCs are going to require this information, it should be documented 
somewhere that a user
can find it a normal operating environment. Currently, I'd have to agree 
this is man pages.

I think a further point of this discussion is a need for ARCs to adopt a 
consistent means of
doing so, and stick to it. In several of the cited cases with man pages, 
the man pages were
produced as part of the Fast Track process. In the case of 
LSARC/2009/262, it was questioned
why we would have man pages for jar/java release vehicles. That is 
inconsistent, which is why
I believe Jim raised the issue.

Toward that end, issues continue to be raised with jar/java FOSS 
projects. There doesn't seem
to be a checklist of items needed for a FOSS jar project (and of 
course, many checklists are
incomplete). As I recall, the following issues resulted from FOSS cases 
delivering jar s:
1) How to deliver javadocs to OpenSolaris (mostly due to web site 
volume issues)
2) Man pages for stability and taxonomy
3) What portions need to have declared stability, etc. (like package 
4) What JDK version(s)?
5) Versioning of jar files

Mark Martin brought up number 5 quite awhile ago. There was no further 
action taken.
The jar files really seem to parallel C libraries, and should have a 
best practice for versioning
similar to (or maybe expanded) Library and Shared Object Requirements.

IMHO, man page declaration of stability and taxonomy works. Let's keep 
that until there
is a suitable better way. Lloyd's method of documenting is a good 
start, but we can't
hope to force external communities to use such a method, except by 
general acceptance.
We could make it a best practice for non-FOSS jar deliverables that are 
being ARCed.
This assumes Lloyd's proposal is sound, which I don't feel qualified to 
have opinion.

I think the ARCs need to look into these issues (as is being done), and 
reasonable methods/
practices be established, and then those be consistently applied.

On 05/13/09 13:30, Jim Walker wrote:
 For LSARC, PSARC and the opinion writer(s) to consider

 Michael Kearney wrote:
 1. Lloyd, I like the idea of your annotation but have a couple of 
 concerns. - Would teams be expected to update third party, open 
 source jar files with the annotation?
 - Would the ARC provide the common @Taxonomy annotation Java code?

 I have concerns too.

 In general, we will not be able to change FOSS code upstream like
 this. We normally try to do as little modification as possible (ie.
 just enough to get it to run well on Solaris/OpenSolaris). This
 is another reason why short man pages are being tacked on. Is it
 possible to tack on a page to the javadoc?

 I don't want to see big javadoc patches in the SFW consolidation that
 document detailed taxonomy information that we have to carry forever
 because they will never be accepted into the upstream community.
 Why would a FOSS project creating jar files even care about our
 taxonomy rules?

 2. What if the man page simple documented the stability at the 
 granularity of the jar file and
 nothing else.  Perhaps the man page could generically reference the 

 Not every jar file in /usr/share/lib/java has a man page, but
 that is the current practice, for the ones that do:

 $ man asm
 $ man mvel
 $ man janino
 $ man jettison
 $ man joda-time
 $ man jaxen-core
 $ man junit
 $ man ant (needs a more direct reference to javadoc)

 As I see it, having jar file man pages...

 1. Provides users stability and availability (taxonomy) information 
 about jar file packages on Solaris/OpenSolaris not available anywhere
 2. Is pretty painless for project teams to produce and support.
 3. Man pages do no harm, and I think users are already getting
 use to having them. Some information is better than no information.
 4. Until there is a better way, man pages should be required for
 any new jar file submissions into Solaris/OpenSolaris. I thought
 this was already true.
 5. Man pages are used by most Solaris/OpenSolaris packages.
 6. I appreciate where Java developers are coming from, but not standard
 practice for Java developers to look for man pages alone, doesn't seem
 enough reason to stop man pages being delivered with jar file packages.

 We can't control how jar files are delivered or documented on
 windows or other environments, but we can on Solaris/OpenSolaris.

 BTW. ccing Norm (sfw c-team lead) since one of the requirements to
 integrate into sfw is a man page.


Rick Matthews   email: Rick.Matthews at sun.com
Sun Microsystems, Inc.  phone:+1(651) 554-1518
1270 Eagan Industrial Road  

jar file man pages - was Re: trove-2.0.4 [LSARC/2009/262 FastTrack timeout 05/05/2009]

2009-05-19 Thread Darren Kenny
Could we not add something like a stability file to the META-INF directory in a
JAR file then provide something (like extension in IDE, or CLI) to extract it?

I was going to suggest adding it to the manifest, but it would seem to be more
strict about the format of the file - while the directory META-INF would be more

Just my 2?,


On 19/05/2009 16:53, Michael Kearney wrote:
 I wouldn't want to see the Sun jar files have the @Taxonomy annotation and a 
 different (or non-existent) method, such as a man page for FOSS jar files.
 I'd like to see a single, consistent method and I think that's a short and 
 simple man page.
 Norm Jacobs wrote:
 Jim Walker wrote:
 For LSARC, PSARC and the opinion writer(s) to consider

 Michael Kearney wrote:
 1. Lloyd, I like the idea of your annotation but have a couple of 

 - Would teams be expected to update third party, open source jar files 
 the annotation?
 - Would the ARC provide the common @Taxonomy annotation Java code?
 NO, NO, NO. We don't want to be in the business of patching this bit of Sun 
 lore into source and or documentation delivered by existing open source 
 projects. Largely, the projects are not going to be interested in this type 
 change. This should be handled by a separate mechanism that falls outside of 
 that arena, perhap by the taxonomy(1) command.

 I have concerns too.

 In general, we will not be able to change FOSS code upstream like
 this. We normally try to do as little modification as possible (ie.
 just enough to get it to run well on Solaris/OpenSolaris). This
 is another reason why short man pages are being tacked on. Is it
 possible to tack on a page to the javadoc?

 Simply put, If we can leave the upstream bits alone, we should. If we have 
 make changes to make it build, install, or function properly then coordinate 
 those changes with the upstream community. For SFW, it's ok to deliver them 
 a patch initially, but the expectation is that the next update will obsolete 
 the patch unless there is a really compelling reason to deviate from the 
 upstream. This doesn't mean that you can't include support for SMF, RBAC, 
 It just means that we want something that doesn't require new patches at 
 update and ultimately, no patching at all would be preferred. So again, 
 the open source bits (docs in this case) alone unless there is a really 
 compelling reason to deviate.

 I don't want to see big javadoc patches in the SFW consolidation that
 document detailed taxonomy information that we have to carry forever
 because they will never be accepted into the upstream community.
 Why would a FOSS project creating jar files even care about our
 taxonomy rules?
 They won't.

 2. What if the man page simple documented the stability at the granularity 
 of the jar file and
 nothing else. Perhaps the man page could generically reference the Javadoc?

 Not every jar file in /usr/share/lib/java has a man page, but
 that is the current practice, for the ones that do:

 $ man asm
 $ man mvel
 $ man janino
 $ man jettison
 $ man joda-time
 $ man jaxen-core
 $ man junit
 $ man ant (needs a more direct reference to javadoc)

 As I see it, having jar file man pages...

 1. Provides users stability and availability (taxonomy) information about 
 file packages on Solaris/OpenSolaris not available anywhere
 2. Is pretty painless for project teams to produce and support.
 3. Man pages do no harm, and I think users are already getting
 use to having them. Some information is better than no information.
 4. Until there is a better way, man pages should be required for
 any new jar file submissions into Solaris/OpenSolaris. I thought
 this was already true.
 5. Man pages are used by most Solaris/OpenSolaris packages.
 6. I appreciate where Java developers are coming from, but not standard
 practice for Java developers to look for man pages alone, doesn't seem
 enough reason to stop man pages being delivered with jar file packages.

 We can't control how jar files are delivered or documented on
 windows or other environments, but we can on Solaris/OpenSolaris.

 BTW. ccing Norm (sfw c-team lead) since one of the requirements to
 integrate into sfw is a man page.
 The requirement has really been to provide documentation. We have not forced 
 folks to deliver man pages when the software they were delivering had it's 
 documentation. If it comes with texinfo, javadoc, html, ... then we have let 
 them deliver that documentation and not required a man page for everything. 
 software was lacking documentation, we have asked for documentation that 
 describes it, usually a man page. The intent is to provide the documentation 
 that is expected by the users of the software.


 http://www.sun.com  * Michael Kearney *
 Staff Software Engineer
 *Sun Microsystems, Inc.*
 MS UBRM05-390, 500 Eldorado Blvd
 Broomfield, CO 

zfs snapshot holds [PSARC/2009/297 FastTrack timeout 05/20/2009]

2009-05-19 Thread Rick Matthews

Rick Matthews   email: Rick.Matthews at sun.com
Sun Microsystems, Inc.  phone:+1(651) 554-1518
1270 Eagan Industrial Road  phone(internal): 54418
Suite 160   fax:  +1(651) 554-1540
Eagan, MN 55121-1231 USAmain: +1(651) 554-1500  

2009/228 ls enhancements

2009-05-19 Thread Don Cragun
Hi Jason,
Please find comments in-line below...


On Mon, 18 May 2009 21:21:53 -0500 Jason King wrote:
 To accompany my earlier message, I've attached the updated man page
 changes for the case materials.  These do not reflect any change in
 behavior or architecture, merely making the initial manpage changes
 submitted with the case agree with the results of the case discussion.

Thanks for sending the update.  There are still a few more changes that
need to be made.

 A brief summary of the changes from the original ls.txt:

 1. --color invocation is changed to show correct usage of --color[=WHEN].
 2. Values for --block-size are elaborated (based on pervious message).
 3. LS_COLOR is fixed to the correct LS_COLORS.
 4. LS_COLORS and TERM added to the environment variable section.
 LS_COLORS use was already detailed in the color output section, just
 not listed under environment variables.  TERM was an implicit
 dependency due to the use of terminfo, it was added to make the
 dependency explicit.
 -- next part --

 User Commands   ls(1)

  ls - list contents of directory

 | /usr/bin/ls [-aabccdeeffghhikllmnopqrrsstuuwv...@]
  [-/ c | v] [-% atime | crtime | ctime | mtime | all] [file]...

You have added the new short options, but these SYNOPSIS lines give no
indication that new long options have been added that don't have short
option equivalents.  I think the last line above needs to be changed to:
  |[-/ c | v] [-% atime | crtime | ctime | mtime | all]
  |[--block-size size] [--color[=when]] [--file-type] [--si]
  |[--time-style style] [file]...

 | /usr/xpg4/bin/ls [-aabccdeeffghhikllmnopqrrsstuuwv...@]
  [-/ c | v] [-% atime | crtime | ctime | mtime | all] [file]...

The same change needs to be applied to the line above.

 | /usr/xpg6/bin/ls [-aabccdeeffghhikllmnopqrrsstuuwv...@]
  [-/ c | v] [-% atime | crtime | ctime | mtime | all] [file]...

The same change needs to be applied to the line above.

 ... ... ...

 ... ... ...
 | -U Output is unsorted.  This overrides the -t and
 |-s setting.

I assume you mean -S rather than -s (-s doesn't affect sorting).
Do you really mean that -U overrides the other options, or does the last
-S, -t, or -U option on the command line determine the behavior.
(Either way is OK, I just want to be sure that the man page correctly
documents the behavior.)  For some options, the behavior of mutually
exclusive options depends on which version of ls you invoke.)

This last sentence probably also needs to be moved to the discussion on
mutually exclusive options below...

 ... ... ...

 | Display a suffix after a file depending on it's type, similar
 | to the -F option, except * is not appended to executable files.

See notes below about mutually exclusive options.

 | Display human scaled sizes similar to the -h option, except
 | powers of 10 instead of powers of 2 are used.

See notes below about mutually exclusive options.

 |--time-style style
 | Display times using the specified style.  This does not effect
 | the times displayed for extended attributes (-%).
 | Possible values for style are:
 | full-iso: Equivalent to -E
 | long-iso: Display in -MM-DD HH:MM for all files
 |  iso: Display older files using -MM-DD and newer files
 |   with MM-DD HH:MM
 |   locale: Use the default locale format for old and new files.
 |   This is the default.
 |  +FORMAT: Use a custom format.  Values are the same as described
 |   in strftime(3c).  If a newline appears in the string,
 |   the first line is used for older files and the
 |   second line is used for newer files, otherwise the
 |   given format is used for all files.

  -FMarks directories with a  trailing  slash  (/),  doors
with  a  trailing  greater-than  sign  (), executable
files with a  trailing  asterisk  (*),  FIFOs  with  a
trailing  vertical  bar  (|),  symbolic  links  with a
trailing at sign (@),  and  AF_UNIX  address  family
sockets  with a trailing equals sign (=). Follows sym-
links named as operands.

Note that -F always follows symlinks for /usr/bin/ls and
/usr/xpg4/bin/ls, but /usr/xpg6/bin/ls does not follow symlinks unless
-H or -L is also present.  What does --file-type do?

A new paragraph should be added here to talk about the interactions
between -S, -t, and -U.

What happens if both --file-type and -F are given on the command line?
Does the last one specified win, or does one override 

OpenSolaris ARC Minutes - 05/19/2009

2009-05-19 Thread Asa Romberger
  Layered Software ARC

Send CORRECTIONS, additions, deletions to lsarc-coord at sun.com.
Minutes are archived in /shared/sac/Minutes/LSARC.

Chair   Margot Miller   Yes

Members (8 active members)
Mark CarlsonYes
Lloyd Chambers  Yes
Aniruddh Dikhit No
Danek Duvall(on sabbatical)
John FischerYes
Ed Hunter   Out
Chris Kasso no
Arieh Markel(on sabbatical)
Jyri Virkki no

Brian Cameron   Yes
James Gates no
Irene Huang no
Matthias HuetschYes
Michael Kearney Yes
Linda Schneider no
Rahul Shah  no
Krishna Tallapaneni no
David Tong  no
James WalkerYes

Mark Martin Yes (external)

Asa Romberger (PM)  Yes

Norm Jacobs
Jeff Chi
Rick Matthews
John Childers
Charles Binford

Not all attendees names are captured. Please send email to
Asa.Romberger at Sun.com, if you attended the meeting and your name was
not captured.

20 min  Open ARC Business
60 min  Discussion on man pages for jar files, taxonomy
15 min  Open: LSARC/2009/262: trove-2.0.4
20 min  Closed ARC Business

Case Anchors: br
A HREF=#case1trove-2.0.4 (2009/262)/A br


ARC Business

Case (Timeout)  Exposure Title
2008/748 (05/15/09) open Drools
2009/239 (05/08/09) open tipc Ver 1.7.6
2009/250 (05/15/09) open Firefox 3.0.x on S10
approved pending email notification of issue
2009/258 (05/08/09) open pywbem Ver 0.7
2009/262 (05/05/09) open trove-2.0.4
extend to 5/22 pending vote on jar filed
2009/277 (05/10/09) open libosip2
extend to 5/22 pending vote on jar filed
2009/278 (05/11/09) open qdox-1.9
extend to 5/22 pending vote on jar filed
2009/280 (05/11/09) open jrexx-1.1.1
2009/296 (05/15/09) open commons-collections
extend timer to 05/22/2009
2009/298 (05/18/09) open logilab-common
2009/299 (05/18/09) open logilab-astng
2009/302 (05/21/09) open aalib


Other stuff

Jar file documentation with respect to interface stability
Margot Miller  Lloyd Chambers to write majority opinion - no man page
Mark Carlson to write minority opinion - optional man page

Next Meeting
20 min  Open ARC Business
20 min  Closed ARC Business

Time Stamp Option for xxstat Commands Phase II [PSARC/2009/307 Self Review]

2009-05-19 Thread Chad Mynhier
On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 4:12 PM, Chad Mynhier cmynhier at gmail.com wrote:
 On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 6:56 AM, James Carlson james.d.carlson at sun.com 
 Sherry Moore writes:
 ? ? ? - netstat(1M)
 Kais Belgaied writes:
 will there be more follow-ons to 2009/105 for the remaining of xxstat
 netstat, dladm show-link -s -i, flowadm show-flow -s -i, etc?

 It looks like at least one of those is being addressed.

 I think the rest would be addressed if the project team updated
 Sowmini's CR 6782154 work, which is a common output formatter for
 networking commands.

 Yes, as James pointed out, netstat was already included. ?I could
 certainly add dladm and flowadm to this list.

Just to be clear, I'm adding these two (dladm show-link -s -i and
flowadm show-flow -s -i) to the list of commands covered by this
case.  I've been told that there's no need to update the one-pager
itself and that this email thread is sufficient documentation.


LSARC/2009/250 - Firefox 3.0.x on Solaris 10

2009-05-19 Thread Brian Cameron


 What was the resolution to Brian Cameron's GSteamer needing GLib
 2.12 or newer?  It looks like this project is integrating version 
 2.14.4.  Can GStreamer use that? If so, should the interface stability
 be consolidation private?  Or, has it been determined that all these
 libraries are truly private?

Just to reiterate what I said in the meeting.

GLib 2.14.4 (or any version 2.12 or later) would be fine for
backporting GStreamer 0.10 to Solaris 10.

It still is not clear if backporting GStreamer 0.10 is something that
will be done, but if the decision is made to do so, then it would
obviously make things easier if this GLib 2.14.4 library could be used.

It would be good to clarify what the interface stability level of these
GNOME base libraries will be.  If they are private, will it be possible
to get a contract to use them for GStreamer 0.10 if needed?


 |/usr/lib/gnome-private/glib-2.0   | Project private | Project private 
 glib libraries  |
 |/usr/lib/gnome-private/libglib*.so| | version 
 On 05/13/09 10:00, John Fischer wrote:

 Actually, I have set the timer for Friday, May 15th, 2009, COB PST.



 John Fischer wrote:

 Attached please find the updated proposal.  I have reset the timer for
 Wednesday May 20th, 2009.



 John Fischer wrote:

 I am putting this case into need spec status to allow the project team
 to produce a new specification that addresses the sharing of the Gnome
 libraries and installation locations.  Once this is done I will restart
 the timer appropriately.



 Abhijit Nath wrote:
  Yes, it is a mistake. We'll shift all the private libraries/ 
 Firefox 3.0.x libraries in /opt/firefox3.
 You are also correct about the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. We'll modify the 
 one pager and incorporate LD_LIBRARY_PATH_32 and LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64.

 Some other frameworks' up-prive  (eg GStreamer) also need upgraded 
 gnome libraries( Refer Brian's mail). So we are in a process to 
 check the feasibility of keeping all the upgraded libraires in a 
 common place. We'll revert back asap.


 On 04/22/09 04:40, John Fischer wrote:

 I totally missed the /opt/firefox and /opt/sfw issue.  Thanks for
 catching that one.

 I'll let the project team address these issues.



 Alan Coopersmith wrote:
 John Fischer wrote:
 This project proposes to back port Firefox 3.0.x from Nevada to a
 Solaris 10 Update release which is a Patch release of Solaris.  

 Is it integrating into the update release or shipping as a separate
 web download running on top of the update release?   (/opt would be
 wrong for the integrated case, right for the unbundled case).

 Is this intended to replace or supplement Firefox 2.x?

 The one-pager references both /opt/firefox3  
 /opt/sfw/lib/firefox/ - can
 we assume /opt/firefox3 is correct since /opt/sfw is reserved for 
 Solaris Companion CD?

 All the plugins are spawned by firefox-bin. So, LD_LIBRARY_PATH
 environment variable will be set to /opt/sfw/lib in run-mozilla.sh

 This also seems incorrect - should this refer to the 
 directory or are you importing/depending on libraries from the 
 Companion CD?

 (Also, in the unavoidable cases in which you must use 
  variables, you should always use LD_LIBRARY_PATH_32 or 
  to avoid breaking programs of the other wordsize.)

 Are the library upgrades incompatible?   Is there no way they can be
 shipped as updates to the existing public libraries in /usr/lib ?

 For the brand new libraries, like cairo  dbus, is there any 
 reason they must be private, or is this just a resource issue 
 around supporting

 opensolaris-arc mailing list
 opensolaris-arc at opensolaris.org
 opensolaris-arc mailing list
 opensolaris-arc at opensolaris.org
 opensolaris-arc mailing list
 opensolaris-arc at opensolaris.org

Time Stamp Option for xxstat Commands Phase II [PSARC/2009/307 Self Review]

2009-05-19 Thread Sherry Moore
 Just to be clear, I'm adding these two (dladm show-link -s -i and
 flowadm show-flow -s -i) to the list of commands covered by this
 case.  I've been told that there's no need to update the one-pager
 itself and that this email thread is sufficient documentation.

On second thought, how about you send me an updated one with the added
commands, I will copy it to the materials directory for your ARC case.
Once I have copied the file (and send you the link to the file), you
can respond the mail stating that you will add those two commands, and
the case file has been updated and can be found where.

Sherry Moore, Solaris Core Kernel   http://blogs.sun.com/sherrym

LSARC/2009/250 - Firefox 3.0.x on Solaris 10

2009-05-19 Thread John Fischer

In talking with Parthasarathi and Abhijit they understand the desire by
Java to have GStreamer in Solaris 10.  However, they do not want to end
up pulling in a bunch of support issues by making them a public
interface.  With that said I am sure that they would be willing to sign
a contract when Java comes to the committee to us the interface.



Brian Cameron wrote:
 What was the resolution to Brian Cameron's GSteamer needing GLib
 2.12 or newer?  It looks like this project is integrating version 
 2.14.4.  Can GStreamer use that? If so, should the interface stability
 be consolidation private?  Or, has it been determined that all these
 libraries are truly private?
 Just to reiterate what I said in the meeting.
 GLib 2.14.4 (or any version 2.12 or later) would be fine for
 backporting GStreamer 0.10 to Solaris 10.
 It still is not clear if backporting GStreamer 0.10 is something that
 will be done, but if the decision is made to do so, then it would
 obviously make things easier if this GLib 2.14.4 library could be used.
 It would be good to clarify what the interface stability level of these
 GNOME base libraries will be.  If they are private, will it be possible
 to get a contract to use them for GStreamer 0.10 if needed?

 |/usr/lib/gnome-private/glib-2.0   | Project private | Project private 
 glib libraries  |
 |/usr/lib/gnome-private/libglib*.so| | version 

 On 05/13/09 10:00, John Fischer wrote:

 Actually, I have set the timer for Friday, May 15th, 2009, COB PST.



 John Fischer wrote:

 Attached please find the updated proposal.  I have reset the timer for
 Wednesday May 20th, 2009.



 John Fischer wrote:

 I am putting this case into need spec status to allow the project team
 to produce a new specification that addresses the sharing of the Gnome
 libraries and installation locations.  Once this is done I will 
 the timer appropriately.



 Abhijit Nath wrote:
  Yes, it is a mistake. We'll shift all the private libraries/ 
 Firefox 3.0.x libraries in /opt/firefox3.
 You are also correct about the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. We'll modify the 
 one pager and incorporate LD_LIBRARY_PATH_32 and LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64.

 Some other frameworks' up-prive  (eg GStreamer) also need upgraded 
 gnome libraries( Refer Brian's mail). So we are in a process to 
 check the feasibility of keeping all the upgraded libraires in a 
 common place. We'll revert back asap.


 On 04/22/09 04:40, John Fischer wrote:

 I totally missed the /opt/firefox and /opt/sfw issue.  Thanks for
 catching that one.

 I'll let the project team address these issues.



 Alan Coopersmith wrote:
 John Fischer wrote:
 This project proposes to back port Firefox 3.0.x from Nevada to a
 Solaris 10 Update release which is a Patch release of Solaris.  

 Is it integrating into the update release or shipping as a separate
 web download running on top of the update release?   (/opt would be
 wrong for the integrated case, right for the unbundled case).

 Is this intended to replace or supplement Firefox 2.x?

 The one-pager references both /opt/firefox3  
 /opt/sfw/lib/firefox/ - can
 we assume /opt/firefox3 is correct since /opt/sfw is reserved 
 for the
 Solaris Companion CD?

 All the plugins are spawned by firefox-bin. So, LD_LIBRARY_PATH
 environment variable will be set to /opt/sfw/lib in run-mozilla.sh

 This also seems incorrect - should this refer to the 
 directory or are you importing/depending on libraries from the 
 Companion CD?

 (Also, in the unavoidable cases in which you must use 
  variables, you should always use LD_LIBRARY_PATH_32 or 
  to avoid breaking programs of the other wordsize.)

 Are the library upgrades incompatible?   Is there no way they 
 can be
 shipped as updates to the existing public libraries in /usr/lib ?

 For the brand new libraries, like cairo  dbus, is there any 
 reason they must be private, or is this just a resource issue 
 around supporting

 opensolaris-arc mailing list
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 opensolaris-arc mailing list
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Time Stamp Option for xxstat Commands Phase II [PSARC/2009/307 Self Review]

2009-05-19 Thread Chad Mynhier
On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 4:10 PM, Sherry Moore sherry.moore at sun.com wrote:
 Just to be clear, I'm adding these two (dladm show-link -s -i and
 flowadm show-flow -s -i) to the list of commands covered by this
 case. ?I've been told that there's no need to update the one-pager
 itself and that this email thread is sufficient documentation.

 On second thought, how about you send me an updated one with the added
 commands, I will copy it to the materials directory for your ARC case.
 Once I have copied the file (and send you the link to the file), you
 can respond the mail stating that you will add those two commands, and
 the case file has been updated and can be found where.

Okay, the case file has been updated with these two commands.  It can
be found here:



trove-2.0.4 [LSARC/2009/262] - Draft Minority Opinion

2009-05-19 Thread Mark A. Carlson
During the case discussion today, I took the AI to help Michael Kearney 
a minority opinion. There may be other minority opinions, but if this looks
close to something you would sign on to, I am open to small changes.

-- mark

  5. Minority Opinion


  It is not typical for programmers working with non C/C++/Assembler
  files, such as Java Jar files, to determine the
  Exported Interface stability level using the man command.  Java
  programmers depend on Javadoc, Python programmers
  depend on pydoc and so forth to document interfaces and the
  stability would best be indicated there.  

  Approval of OpenSolaris projects have been inconsistent in
  preferring man pages or native documentation.  This opinion seeks
  to clarify the issue and define a policy for all such cases going

  Best Practice

  Case A - Sun Developed Components

  1) Sun project team developing a Jar file shall document the
  ARC interface classification in the native documentation. (i.e.

  Case B - Components imported from external OSS Communities

  1) The OSS Community documents the interface classification in
  their native documentation

  a) OpenSolaris project team agrees with the classification
  and supports it
  - Javadoc or other native documentation required
  - No man page shall be allowed

  b) OpenSolaris project team disagrees with the classification
  - Javadoc or native documentation required, but
  project team must change the OSS documentation
  to match the project team's classification
  - No man page shall be allowed

 2) OSS Community does not document interface classification in
  their native documentation
  a) OpenSolaris project team is strongly encouraged to
  update the native documentation to reflect the OpenSolaris project
  - Changed Javadoc or other native documentation required
  - No man page shall be allowed
  b) OpenSolaris project team cannot support deltas to the
  native documentation
  - Unchanged Javadoc or other native documentation required
  - A man page shall be provided 

libosip2 [LSARC/2009/277 FastTrack timeout 05/10/2009]

2009-05-19 Thread Jim Walker
This case was approved at the LSARC meeting today.

The project team plans to update the libosip man page
to indicate that libsip is the current preferred sip
library on Solaris/OpenSolaris.


aalib [LSARC/2009/302 FastTrack timeout 05/21/2009]

2009-05-19 Thread Jim Walker
The case was approved at todays LSARC meeting.

The following files have been moved to the demo
directory and the aalib-config man page has been
added to the case materials.



2009/228 ls enhancements

2009-05-19 Thread Jason King
This should be the final update of the manpage changes (*crossing
fingers*), reflecting the points that Don Cragun brought up.  I don't
believe they don't effect the vote (as they're just disambiguating the
interaction of options), but as always speak up if you feel otherwise.


1.  Added long options with no short equivalents to synopsis
2.  Clarified behavior of --file-type with ls, xpg4 ls, and xpg6 ls
wrt -H or -L options (matches -F behavior minus marking of executables
for each).
3.  Clarified interaction of -S, -t, and -U options (last one wins).
4.  Clarified interaction of -h and --si options (last one wins).
5.  Added new flags to list of non-standard options in attributes section.
-- next part --

User Commands   ls(1)

 ls - list contents of directory

| /usr/bin/ls [-aabccdeeffghhikllmnopqrrsstuuwv...@]
| [-/ c | v] [-% atime | crtime | ctime | mtime | all]
| [--block-size size] [--color[=when]] [--file-type] [--si]
| [--time-style style] [file]...

| /usr/xpg4/bin/ls [-aabccdeeffghhikllmnopqrrsstuuwv...@]
| [-/ c | v] [-% atime | crtime | ctime | mtime | all]
| [--block-size size] [--color[=when]] [--file-type] [--si]
| [--time-style style] [file]...

| /usr/xpg6/bin/ls [-aabccdeeffghhikllmnopqrrsstuuwv...@]
| [-/ c | v] [-% atime | crtime | ctime | mtime | all]
| [--block-size size] [--color[=when]] [--file-type] [--si]
| [--time-style style] [file]...

 For each file that is a directory, ls lists the contents  of
 the  directory.  For  each file that is an ordinary file, ls
 repeats its name and any other  information  requested.  The
 output is sorted alphabetically by default. When no argument
 is given, the current directory (.) is listed. When  several
 arguments   are   given,  the  arguments  are  first  sorted
 appropriately, but file arguments appear before  directories
 and their contents.

 There are three major listing formats.  The  default  format
 for  output  directed  to  a  terminal  is multi-column with
 entries sorted down the columns. The -1 option allows single
 column  output and -m enables stream output format. In order
 to determine output formats for the -C, -x, and -m  options,
 ls  uses  an environment variable, COLUMNS, to determine the
 number of character positions available on one output  line.
 If  this  variable  is  not set, the terminfo(4) database is
 used to determine  the  number  of  columns,  based  on  the
 environment  variable,  TERM.  If this information cannot be
|obtained, 80 columns are assumed.  If the -w option is used,
|the argument will override any other column width.

 The mode printed when the -e, -E, -g, -l, -n, -o, -v, -V, or
 -@  option  is  in effect consists of eleven characters. The
 first character can be one of the following:

 d   The entry is a directory.

 D   The entry is a door.

 l   The entry is a symbolic link.

SunOS 5.11  Last change: 25 Mar 20081

User Commands   ls(1)

 b   The entry is a block special file.

 c   The entry is a character special file.

 p   The entry is a FIFO (or named pipe) special file.

 P   The entry is an event port.

 s   The entry is an AF_UNIX address family socket.

 -   The entry is an ordinary file.

 The next 9 characters are interpreted as three sets of three
 bits  each. The first set refers to the owner's permissions;
 the next to permissions of others in the user-group  of  the
 file; and the last to all others. Within each set, the three
 characters indicate permission to read,  to  write,  and  to
 execute  the  file  as a program, respectively. For a direc-
 tory, execute permission is interpreted to  mean  permission
 to  search the directory for a specified file. The character
 after permissions is an ACL or extended  attributes  indica-
 tor. This character is an @ if extended attributes are asso-
 ciated with the file and the -@ option is in effect.  Other-
 wise,  this character is a plus sign (+) character if a non-
 trivial ACL is associated with the file or a space character
 if not.

 If -/ and/or -% are in  effect,  then  the  extended  system
 attributes  are  printed  when  filesystem supports extended
 system attributes. The display looks as follows:

   $ls -/ c  file
   -rw-r--r--   1 root root   0 May 10 14:17 file

   $ls -/ v file
   -rw-r--r--   1 root root   0 May 10 14:17 file
   nodump,immutable, av_modified,\

Draft of trove-2.0.4 LSARC/2009/262

2009-05-19 Thread margot
Hey All,

Here is the draft opinion.

Please review/comment. 



microsystems Systems Architecture Committee


Subject: trove-2.0.4

Submitted by: Vivek Titamare

File: LSARC/2009/262/opinion.txt

Date: May, 2009

Committee: Margot Hackett Miller, Lloyd Chambers
Minority: Mark Carlson

Product Approval Committee:
Solaris PAC
solaris-pac-opinion at sun.com

1. Summary

This project is one of the Linux familiarity cases; this one provides
a library to do fast regular and primitive collections for

2. Decision  Precedence Information

The project is approved as specified in reference [1].

The project may be delivered in a minor release of Solaris.

3. Interfaces

Exported Interfaces:

| Interfaces Exported |
| __ | __ __||
|Interface | Classification | Comments|
|___ __|_|_|
| trove.jar | Uncommitted | |
|SUNWtrove | Uncommitted | |

Imported Interfaces:

| Interfaces Exported | |
|___|__ __||
|Interface | Classification | Comments |
|___ __|_||
| SUNWj5dev | Committed | Java Development kit |
| SUNWj5rt | Committed | Java Runtime library |
| SUNWj6dev | Committed | Java Development kit |
| SUNWj6rt | Committed | Java Runtime library |

4. Opinion

During review, the only real issue raised was whether this team
should provide a man page in addition to the javadocs. The man
page would basically give a brief description of the jar file,
pointer to the javadocs, and state the interface stability of the jar file.
Discussion ensued whether it makes sense to ship a man page
with a jar file. Solaris developers expect man pages, but do
Java developers? Is it worth the extra work to provide a man page
and would Java developers even look for a man page.

It was noted that this is not standard practice as most Java developers 
for java documentation via javadocs, not via man. However, others stated 
having a minimal man page for a java jar file would allow the interface
classification to be visible to the end user and a few other ARC cases have
already shipped man pages for jar files.

There was discussion over the granularity of the jar file and does
it make sense to have an interface stability for the overall jar. 
java has Public, Package, and Protected. Does that convey enough
of the stability of the jar and its methods to the developer?

With all the FOSS that is being delivered into Solaris, projects are
delivering in their native, natural form. This includes man pages, 
texinfo, html,
and javadoc. So the problem isn't just with javadocs and jar files. 
There is quite a bit of FOSS out there with no interface stability
in the external Sun documentation.  This is not a problem for Sun
project teams as they can always look at the interface tables in
the ARC tables to determine stability level.

Asking all java project teams to ship a man page in addition to javadocs 
seem like the right solution and having some teams ship a man page
and others not, does not provide consistency.

There needs to more discussion to determine if it is critical that the 
ARC stability
level be communicated to the Solaris end user for all the FOSS software
that is being delivered. If so, a comprehensive solution needs to be
formulated, whether it is a CLI, a man page, annotation embedded in the 
(which will work for Sun products but you cant force that upstream).

Up until now, most projects have not shipped man pages with jar
files.  This doesn?t seem to have been written down anywhere.  With
this case, we would like to make it explicit to not deliver man pages
with jar files.  This is setting precedent.

5. Minority Opinion(s)

Mark Carlson providing text

6. Advisory Information


7. Appendices

7.1. Appendix A: Technical Changes Required

Do not ship man pages with Java jar files

7.2. Appendix B: Technical Changes Advised


7.3. Appendix C: Reference Material

Unless stated otherwise, path names are relative to the case
directory LSARC/2009/262

1) Project Proposal file:

LSARC/2009/262 Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems

beanshell [PSARC/2009/270 FastTrack timeout 05/06/2009]

2009-05-19 Thread Jim Walker
This case appears to have come to resolution, and the timeout has
been reached.

The package will provide the following command and link for beanshell:

/usr/bin/beanshellUncommitted Command
/usr/bin/beansh   Uncommitted Symbolic link

And the project team will monitor the application usage and upstream
community to see if other command names should be used in the future.


Jim Walker, http://blogs.sun.com/jwalker
Sun Microsystems, Broomfield, Colorado

beanshell [PSARC/2009/270 FastTrack timeout 05/06/2009]

2009-05-19 Thread Jim Walker
I'm marking this case closed approved.


Jim Walker, http://blogs.sun.com/jwalker
Sun Microsystems, Broomfield, Colorado

Configurable Boot Archive Updates [2009/312 05/26/2009]

2009-05-19 Thread Jerry Gilliam

I am sponsoring this fast-track on behalf of Gangadhar Mylapuram,
with a timeout set to May 26, 2009.

Patch/micro-release binding is requested.


1. Introduction
   1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
Configurable Boot-archive Updates with uadmin(2)

   1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
Author: Gangadhar Mylapuram 

   1.3. Date of This Document:

1.3.1. Date this project was conceived:

   1.4. Name of Major Document Customer(s)/Consumer(s):
1.4.1. Solaris PAC
1.4.2. PSARC
1.4.3. Chris Armes
1.4.4. Solaris Sustaining

   1.5. Email Aliases:
1.5.1. Responsible Manager: Narayana.Kadoor at sun.com
1.5.2. Responsible Engineer: Gangadhar.M at sun.com
1.5.3. Marketing Manager:
1.5.4. Interest List: Todd.Miller at sun.com, Robert.Dipietro at Sun.COM

2. Project Summary
   2.1. Project Description:

Provides a new attribute in Boot configuration service to permit
boot-archive updates during uadmin(2) operations.

Patch/micro-release binding requested.

3. Business Summary
   3.1. Problem Area:

Some customers require the use of uadmin(2) to reboot which can
result in boot archive inconsistency on reboot since uadmin(2)
does not update the boot archive,

Other applications such as clustering require that uadmin(2)
NOT update the archive, so always updating the archive cannot
be made the default.

   3.2. Market/Requester:
Lucent Technologies
4. Technical Description:
4.1. Details:

Introduce a new property, 'uadmin_boot_archive_sync', to config
group in svc:/system/boot-config:default service.

The default value of this property is 
config/uadmin_boot_archive_sync boolean false

uadmin(2) system call will respect this property setting when
determining whether to update boot-archive before rebooting.

Customer may set this value to true if they want to
reboot/halt/shutdown the system using uadmin interface
and ensure that the boot archive remains in sync.

4.2. Bug/RFE Number(s):
6795430 newboot needs a fully supported way to automatically recover
when boot archive is out of date

4.6. Doc Impact:

Some additions required to Basic Administration guide, uadmin (2) 
and uadmin(1M) man pages to describe the new property introduced
and how to make use of this property to update the boot-archive.
4.6.1 Man page of uadmin(2) and uadmin(1M)
Shutting down or rebooting or halting the system by means of uadmin
does not update the boot archive by default. To update the boot archive
during these operations, set the uadmin_boot_archive_sync property
of boot-config service to true.

# svccfg -s svc:/system/boot-config:default setprop \

4.8 Interfaces:

svc:/system/boot-config committed   per PSARC/2008/760
config/uadmin_boot_archive_sync committed   boolean property
4.12. Dependencies:

PSARC/2008/760 Boot configuration Service. 

Solaris 10 doesn't have this project integrated.  This project
introduces the boot-config service (but not fast reboot itself)
portion of PSARC/2008/760.

5. Reference Documents:
CR 6795430 http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsf?cr=6795430
PSARC/2008/760 http://sac.sfbay/PSARC/2008/760/

6. Resources and Schedule:

Prototype is ready
   6.5. ARC review type:

   6.6. ARC Exposure:

2009/310 Disk IO PM Enhancement 1999/388 2005/250 2008/465

2009-05-19 Thread Pawel Wojcik
On 05/19/09 06:23 PM, Edward Pilatowicz wrote:
 On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 10:37:45AM -0700, Terry Whatley wrote:
  4.3.4 disk power attribute driver properties

  sd(7D) will export a set of driver properties to indicate a disk's
  power attributes. See Table-2.

  Table-1 Disk Power Attribute Properties (array properties are indexed
  by power state in order of ascending power levels)
  Prop NameProp Type| Prop Description
  pm-resource-type  String| resource-spindle-disk for the
   | spindle disks
  pm-perf Integer array   | array of average R/W
   | performance percentages
  pm-pwr-saving  Integer array| array of average power saving in
   | units of 0.1watt
  pm-latency Integer array| array of time to first data in units
   | of 100ms


 exporting performance statistics via device properties seems weird to
 me.  is there a precedent for this?  why isn't this information being
 exported via kstats?  do we really want to train users to start using
 prtconf -v to get performance data?

I think these are not performance statistics. I believe that these are 
static arrays that are specific for a device type (most likely Sun disks 
only), that correlate specific power level with performance and power 
savings. These properties, I believe, are to be used by a storage power 
manager to decide at what power level disk should run at given time.
Jane Chu may correct me here...