Re: [osol-discuss] dtcalc grabs mouse and won't let go

2010-09-29 Thread Rich Burridge

 On 09/29/10 07:33, Alan Coopersmith wrote:

Mike DeMarco wrote:

I have not been able to find a comparable scientific calculator to use.

gnome-calculator does not meet your needs?  That and xcalc are the two I know
of available in opensolaris.

And the internal calculating engine in gnome-calculator is the same one as that
in dtcalc. Mike, I too would be interested in why you don't consider it 

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] dtcalc grabs mouse and won't let go

2010-09-29 Thread Rich Burridge

 On 09/29/10 09:07, Mike DeMarco wrote:

And the internal calculating engine in
gnome-calculator is the same one as that
in dtcalc. Mike, I too would be interested in why you
don't consider it comparable.

Comfort mostly. I have used dtcalc since the mid 90s and it fits like a old 
glove. I am use to its look and feel. Can't find a way to set the number of 
decimal places in galculator..

Note that galculator is not gnome-calculator. The latter can be started
via Applications-Accessories-Calculator. The other is a project on

Not sure what version of gnome-calculator is on your system, but
on mine, you adjust the number of decimal places via an entry on the
Calculator-Preferences popup.

Stuff that a decade of use would resolve but then it will just change to 
something else. Its that old screwdriver in the tool chest that fits the hand 
just right even though the others have soft grip and high strength alloy. The 
old one gets all the use.

Yup, fully understand. Just wanted to make sure that there wasn't any
old dtcalc functionality that was missing in the latest gnome-calculator.


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Where is OpenSolaris 2010 release?

2010-06-09 Thread Rich Burridge

O.k. :)

Guys, I can't understand indeed why the people waiting Indiana Release 2010.x 
just haven't built any release they like from Mercurial repository?

AFAIK OpenSolaris building process is straightforward (sure, if you CAREFULLY follow the 
building instructions), moreover, BFU process has been deprecated for quite time in 
favour of upgrading from your local repository, as such, you can use pkg 
image-update usual way as if you're upgrading from[dev/].

So, what's the problem? People who use _DEVELOPMENT BY DEFINITION_ distribution 
of operating system are unable to cope with C compiler?-)

Have I got a car for you, next time you're looking for one:

Easy assembly. Shouldn't take you long.

Oh wait...

( :-) for the humor impaired.)

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Can anyone tell me what the Container Packages are now called?

2010-06-04 Thread Rich Burridge

On 06/04/2010 04:54 AM, Knut Anders Hatlen wrote:

On 06/ 4/10 01:28 PM, Sean . wrote:

I can't seem to find them I've tried

pkg install SUNWs10solaris

pkg install s10c

pkg install SUNWs10brand

and every one returns

Creating Plan /pkg: install:
The following pattern(s) did not match any packages in the current catalog.
Try relaxing the pattern, refreshing and/or examining the catalogs:

I have checked my pkg publisher info and that is correct

PUBLISHER TYPE STATUS   URI  (preferred)  origin   online

In fact when I look at I can't find any of the container 


I think it's called system/zones/brand/s10. At least, that's what I get
from pkg info with the old package name:

% pkg info -r SUNWs10brand
   Name: SUNWs10brand
  State: Not installed (Renamed)
 Renamed to: consolidation/osnet/osnet-incorporation


There's also a wiki page:

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] community driven distro...

2010-05-24 Thread Rich Burridge

On 05/24/10 11:50, Jürgen Keil wrote:

I don't type pathnames longer than 100 characters,
which is 20 characters wider than a normal page.


Try again with a path name  100 chars and check what
happens. I did verify a  failure with Indiana build 134

But I don't use that on my system anyway...:-/

My opensolaris b134 system has such pathnames,
e.g. under /usr/share/doc/libsigc++-2.0

Try to create a gnutar archive from that directory
and unpack it with solaris tar, and check if all
files are copied ok:

   (cd / ; /usr/gnu/bin/tar cf - usr/share/doc/libsigc++-2.0 ) | (cd /tmp ; 
/bin/tar xf - )

If you mean the:

tar: ././@LongLink: typeflag 'L' not recognized, converting to regular file

problem, then that's CR #6202362 and is fixed in build #137.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] community driven distro...

2010-05-24 Thread Rich Burridge

On 05/24/10 14:34, wrote:

Rich  wrote:


Try to create a gnutar archive from that directory
and unpack it with solaris tar, and check if all
files are copied ok:

(cd / ; /usr/gnu/bin/tar cf - usr/share/doc/libsigc++-2.0 ) | (cd /tmp ; 
/bin/tar xf - )


If you mean the:

tar: ././@LongLink: typeflag 'L' not recognized, converting to regular file

problem, then that's CR #6202362 and is fixed in build #137.


Changes are in .../usr/src/cmd/tar/tar.c Checkout the ON source code.

Does Solaris now include star as a replacement to Sun tar?


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] What mean rge and urtw ?

2010-02-20 Thread Rich Burridge

M. Gomez wrote:

What mean rge and urtw ?

the rtw is realtekwireless i guess? but why the u?

and rge what is r, g and e?

Realtek Gigabit Ethernet

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Exuberant Ctags

2010-01-25 Thread Rich Burridge

Henry Jen wrote:

Certainly one can self-build it, but I am still wondering if there is a package for OpenSolaris in IPS? 


Version 5.7

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] OT

2009-12-04 Thread Rich Burridge

Thommy M. Malmström wrote:

Don't know where to ask this so I try here. I found a Java application on which I launced with Java Web Start 
on my laptop running OpenSolaris 2009.06 b125. It downloaded and started a 
screen with a black circle but nothing more happened. Doing the same on Windows 
XP launches the application and I can zoom in on different places at earth...

So, why does a Java app work differently on OpenSolaris than on XP???

Do you have the same version of Java on both Windows XP and OpenSolaris?
Is the NASA app known to work with the version of Java on OpenSolaris?

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Which Samba packages to use and, what do Usr, Kernel, Root packages me

2009-03-28 Thread Rich Burridge wrote:

I remember those days very well; the 2.x PROM (wasn't even OpenBoot PROM back 
couldn't handle / slices greater than 1GB, so if you stuck a 9GB disk inside of 
an IPX or an
SS1+, you were forced to split / and /usr.

Pwow, I feel old now.

Nah, in the old days a disk was 35MB or perhaps 70MB (really big).  5.25

For non-Sun hardware, running System 7 circa 1983, there was the [ICL] Perq:

 35MB and 14 and with a fan belt:

And deafening.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] 2Q: Changing user uid and going from DHCP-statis IP address.

2008-08-07 Thread Rich Burridge

I'm running OpenSolaris 2008.05 updated to build 94.

I'd like to do two things:

1/ I'd like to be able to use rsync to copy my local home directory
   (/export/home/richb) to my networked home directory (/home/richb).
   The problem is that when OpenSolaris 2008.05 was installed it didn't
   offer me the option of setting a uid so I got assigned uid=101. My
   network uid for richb (via NIS) is 4224.

   What do I need to change/run to adjust my local one to match my
   networked one?

2/ When the machine was configured I just went with a DHCP IP address.
   I'd now like to change that over to a static IP address so that I
   can use VNC from home. I have had one assigned by our IT people.

   What do I need to change/run to swap over?


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