[osol-discuss] Anybody in OpenSolaris land run in to this bug in Open Office?

2009-07-25 Thread Anon Y Mous
I've had users complain about this bug before:


The reason I'm bringing it up in OpenSolaris discuss is because my long term 
goal in life is to eventually get every installed copy of Microsoft Office that 
exists in the world replaced with a copy of Open Office, but this bug is one of 
the things that I think unfortunately stands in the way of mass adoption of OOo 
and a mass migration away from Microsoft Office in the enterprise.

Here's the bug ID's:




Anybody know if this was ever fixed? If it was, in what version was it fixed 
in? This bug has been floating around in one form or another for almost 7 and a 
half years now.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Anybody in OpenSolaris land run in to this bug in Open Office?

2009-07-25 Thread Paul Gress

Anon Y Mous wrote:

I've had users complain about this bug before:


The reason I'm bringing it up in OpenSolaris discuss is because my long term 
goal in life is to eventually get every installed copy of Microsoft Office that 
exists in the world replaced with a copy of Open Office, but this bug is one of 
the things that I think unfortunately stands in the way of mass adoption of OOo 
and a mass migration away from Microsoft Office in the enterprise.

Here's the bug ID's:




Anybody know if this was ever fixed? If it was, in what version was it fixed 
in? This bug has been floating around in one form or another for almost 7 and a 
half years now.

I followed the instructions in 2977 and the text XX was still intact.  
This was with the development edition "dev300_m53" (future v3.2).


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Anybody in OpenSolaris land run in to this bug in Open Office?

2009-07-25 Thread Anon Y Mous
> I followed the instructions in 2977 and the text XX was still intact.
> This was with the development edition "dev300_m53" (future v3.2).
> http://download.openoffice.org/next/index.html


Now all we need to do is start lobbying all of the schools, universities, and 
government agencies around the world to switch to OpenOffice when their Office 
2003 licenses expire. This could be a very successful grass-roots marketing 
campaign! Once OpenOffice.org is dominant in schools, universities, government, 
etc. then Oracle can work it's magic to try to get the Fortune 500 corporations 
to switch over. 

The user interface for Open Office is much more like the traditional "File Edit 
View Insert Format Help" U.I. found in Microsoft Office 2003 than Microsoft's 
very own Office 2007 is. Office 2007 completely gave up the familiar U.I. 
they've had since Office 97, and the new "ribbon" user interface (shown below):


confuses the heck out of long time Microsoft Windows users and makes it very 
difficult for them to be productive at work and school. I think it's fair to 
say that Office 2007 has gotten an even more negative reaction than Windows 
Vista got when it first came out (be warned that there is some vulgarity and 
crude language used to describe the new features in Office 2007 at some of the 
links below, may not be suitable for minors):





If you want to get the old "File Edit View Insert Format Help" menu in Office 
2007, you have to buy it from a Microsoft Partner for an extra $30 on top of 
the $150 regular price of Office 2007! Right now would be the perfect time to 
launch an offensive to get people to "upgrade" from Office 2003 to 
openoffice.org instead of upgrading to the much hated and maligned Office 2007.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Anybody in OpenSolaris land run in to this bug in Open Office?

2009-07-26 Thread Thommy M . Malmström
> I followed the instructions in 2977 and the text XX
> was still intact.  
> This was with the development edition "dev300_m53"
> (future v3.2).

How can I have both a stable OOo 3.1 and a development OOo version installed at 
the same time in OpenSolaris 2009.06?
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Re: [osol-discuss] Anybody in OpenSolaris land run in to this bug in Open Office?

2009-07-26 Thread Orvar Korvar
I dont know, but one way is to use IPS, then a new BE will be created. You 
install them both via IPS, and will have in GRUB:
1. StableOOo31
2. DevOOo
And then you choose which to boot from. 

Another way is to use Zones and install them in separate Zones - then you can 
run them at the same time. Or via VirtualBox.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Anybody in OpenSolaris land run in to this bug in Open Office?

2009-07-26 Thread Paul Gress

Thommy M. Malmström wrote:

I followed the instructions in 2977 and the text XX
was still intact.  
This was with the development edition "dev300_m53"

(future v3.2).

How can I have both a stable OOo 3.1 and a development OOo version installed at 
the same time in OpenSolaris 2009.06?

If you install it from their setup/upgrade utilities (basically a 
pkgadd/pkgrm script) it should be able to live along side the released 

$ ls -al /opt
drwxr-xr-x   4 root bin  512 Jul 24 11:54 ooo-dev
drwxr-xr-x   7 root bin  512 Jul 24 11:52 ooo-dev3
drwxr-xr-x   5 root bin  512 Apr 30 12:29 openoffice.org
drwxr-xr-x   7 root bin  512 Apr 30 12:29 openoffice.org3
drwxr-xr-x   4 root root 512 Jun 15 23:26 staroffice8

Staroffice8 shares the openoffice.org directory.  As you can see the 
development directory is separate from the openoffice 3.1 
(openoffice.org3) directory.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Anybody in OpenSolaris land run in to this bug in Open Office?

2009-07-26 Thread Thommy M . Malmström
I just tested with OOo 3.1 (the default install in OpenSolaris 2009.06) and 
with the development version of upcoming 3.2 (DEV300_m53) also in OpenSolaris 
2009.06 and I couldn't reproduce the bug in either of them. Can this just be 
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Re: [osol-discuss] Anybody in OpenSolaris land run in to this bug in Open Office?

2009-07-26 Thread W. Wayne Liauh
> I just tested with OOo 3.1 (the default install in
> OpenSolaris 2009.06) and with the development version
> of upcoming 3.2 (DEV300_m53) also in OpenSolaris
> 2009.06 and I couldn't reproduce the bug in either of
> them. Can this just be hearsay?

Hi Thommy,

A small correction I might add: the OpenSolaris 2009.06 LiveCD does not seem to 
come with OOo (as far as I can tell).

As of yesterday, only OOo 3.0 was in the default repo.  This is the last 
version of OOo where this bug still exists.

But as of today, the repository has been updated, and the version of OOo has 
been elevated to 3.1.  As you correctly pointed out, this notorious bug no 
longer shows up!!!  (I am sure this repository update has nothing to do with 
Anon's post.  :-)  )

AFAIC Sun's OpenSolaris developers made a very smart decision in not including 
OOo in the 2009.06 LiveCD.  The Solaris version of OOo (3.0 and prior) also 
contains another deadly bug in that it has problems displaying some Chinese 
characters when running in OpenSolaris (but not in the Solaris proper or any 
other OS).  

Can anyone imagine Sun tries to promote a product in China which implies a 
great contempt for China's current and next-in-line presidents?  Both of their 
names were badly garbled in {OOo+OpenSolaris}.  As I mentioned in other 
threads, this problem is also solved in OOo 3.1.  But it understandably was not 
yet ready to be included in the 2009.06 LiveCD.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Anybody in OpenSolaris land run in to this bug in Open Office?

2009-07-26 Thread Shawn Walker

W. Wayne Liauh wrote:

I just tested with OOo 3.1 (the default install in
OpenSolaris 2009.06) and with the development version
of upcoming 3.2 (DEV300_m53) also in OpenSolaris
2009.06 and I couldn't reproduce the bug in either of
them. Can this just be hearsay?

Hi Thommy,

A small correction I might add: the OpenSolaris 2009.06 LiveCD does not seem to 
come with OOo (as far as I can tell).

As of yesterday, only OOo 3.0 was in the default repo.  This is the last 
version of OOo where this bug still exists.

But as of today, the repository has been updated, and the version of OOo has 
been elevated to 3.1.  As you correctly pointed out, this notorious bug no 
longer shows up!!!  (I am sure this repository update has nothing to do with 
Anon's post.  :-)  )

OpenOffice 3.1 has been in the repository for a month now at least I 
believe.  Perhaps you missed it accidentally?

Shawn Walker
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Anybody in OpenSolaris land run in to this bug in Open Office?

2009-07-26 Thread W. Wayne Liauh
> >> I just tested with OOo 3.1 (the default install in
> >> OpenSolaris 2009.06) and with the development
> version
> >> of upcoming 3.2 (DEV300_m53) also in OpenSolaris
> >> 2009.06 and I couldn't reproduce the bug in either
> of
> >> them. Can this just be hearsay?
> > 
> > Hi Thommy,
> > 
> > A small correction I might add: the OpenSolaris
> 2009.06 LiveCD does not seem to come with OOo (as far
> as I can tell).
> > 
> > As of yesterday, only OOo 3.0 was in the default
> repo.  This is the last version of OOo where this bug
> still exists.
> > 
> > But as of today, the repository has been updated,
> and the version of OOo has been elevated to 3.1.  As
> you correctly pointed out, this notorious bug no
> longer shows up!!!  (I am sure this repository update
> has nothing to do with Anon's post.  :-)  )
> OpenOffice 3.1 has been in the repository for a month
> now at least I 
> believe.  Perhaps you missed it accidentally?
> Cheers,
> -- 
> Shawn Walker

You could be right, as I remember I forgot to do a repo update when I installed 
OOo last night.
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