Hello All,

I would like to upgrade OSOL from build 96 to build 99 on my old laptop.
Unfortunately I have a small Solaris partition and upgrading process 
failed because free disk space is not enough.

I've read in OSOL docs that `pkg image-update` command creates a clone
of current BE by default. I don't know neither it's possible to disable 
it nor how to do it. However I've also read about upgrading packages
by `pkg install` command.

So I have a question: is it a good idea to upgrade my current image 
using following commands?

# pkg list |grep installed |awk '{print $1}' |\
   xargs -I PKG xargs pkg install PKG

I know that it's rather risky method, but probably I don't have another 
way out :)

I was just trying installation of OSOL build 99 from scratch using
Live CD, but no success. That installation application also fails on
my laptop and I can only install OSOL build 96.

My best regards,


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