This just in from Chhandomay--the  OpenSolaris feature and BeliniX DVD is out.. in the April edition of Linux Format.
Congrats Moinak!  thanks Dennis! Thanks ERIC!  Great visibility for the OpenSolaris community!




Mike Saunders published a very positive, in-depth 'how to' article for OpenSolaris in this month's Linux Format. The article was accompanied by a DVD of OpenSolaris distribution Belenix 0.4a. Linux Format is the top selling Linux publication in the UK and also has significant readership in the US.

Saunders wrote the how-to and installation guide based on his own testing of OpenSolaris using the included Belenix distribution in the accompanying DVD. The combined how-to and DVD in this publication are ideal for reaching out to Linux developers and users, and should be a great lead generator for additional trial runs of OpenSolaris.

Overall this is a very positive piece.  Saunders opens the article by praising Solaris, highlighting "it has an excellent and well-deserved reputation of being rock-solid and speedy on multi-CPU servers – it’s very much the OS of choice for large-scale Oracle database systems."  He then goes into the benefits of running opening up Solaris to a community audience.

The piece is quite technical and walks users for the steps of installing and running OpenSolaris. On the feature side, Saunders encourages users to visit the open versions of Dtrace and Solaris Zones -- highlighting these as two tremendous features of Solaris 10.  

Saunders highlights through the 'how-to' piece that while OpenSolaris - and Solaris in general - are decent for desktop environment, that it really shines with large servers.  He mentions, " Cosmetically, Belenix is similar to many Linux distributions. Solaris was already heading in this direction before Sun open sourced it, as Solaris 10 (the current release) uses the Gnome-based JDS as its default desktop environment.  It's when you dig under the surface that you uncover the astoundingly powerful features and capabilities that have kept Solaris a favourite of many admins. They’re not the kind of features that will revolutionise a desktop experience, but on ‘big iron’ machines they’re mightily valuable."  

The article is only available in print, but we received a PDF of the article and have attached below.

Many people contributed to the success of this piece. Many thanks go to Laura Ramsey for pulling this all together under a very tight deadline, and to Moinak Ghosh, Dennis Clarke, and Eric Boutlier for contributions to the DVD.


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