Re: [osol-discuss] Re: priorities for additional Solaris consolidations

2005-09-13 Thread Alan Coopersmith

Richard L. Hamilton wrote:

Common Desktop Environment (CDE)  No
plans to open source

While I realize that's not under your control, has anyone approached TOG and
the other contributing companies to at least consider it?  

The biggest obstacles to CDE are that given the overwhelming desire by both
management & most users is to migrate to JDS/GNOME, the motivation to spend the
required effort to even figure out which parts we can release is small, and
that there doesn't seem to much of a community to support it.   (Part
of the code in the CDE consolidation is wholly owned by Sun, and Sun is a 
co-owner of much of the rest.   I don't know the exact details of the 
arrangement with the other co-owners, and if I did I probably couldn't comment.

What they don't want to do is throw code over the wall and watch it fall flat
on it's face with a resounding thud that everyone ignores - if there's no
opportunity for community involvement, there's not much incentive to release.
I wouldn't be surprised if we tried to work out something to take advantage of
the existing OpenMotif community since even if CDE died completely, Motif will
live for a very long time still due simply to the huge number of third-party
applications that use it.   If there was a similar OpenCDE community, we might
look into contributing our changes, but it's not really a good idea to try to
establish yet another open source desktop community and fragment the existing
communities even further.)

OpenWindows   No
plans to open source

What do you mean in this case by "OpenWindows", given that you already mentioned
the X server itself (yet "OpenWindows" was once used to cover the entire desktop
environment, from X server through GUI libs and basic desktop apps)?  

In Solaris consolidation terms, the "OpenWindows" consolidation was mostly 
EOL'ed after Solaris 8.   The sole remaining package is SUNWolrte - the OpenLook
Runtime Environment - i.e. just enough to maintian binary compatibility for 
existing Xview/OpenLook applications.See above comments for the obstacles to

releasing this.   (I wasn't involved, but think the previous throwing over the
wall of the Xview source, followed by the complete ignoring of it, is exactly
what they don't want to repeat.)

Removing the OpenWindows name from the X consolidation components was actually
one of my earliest tasks at Sun, as part of the effort to ease confusion over
what was going away with the OpenWindows EOL and what was not.

SPARC Graphics (OpenGL and device drivers)No
plans to open source

Ok, OpenGL isn't yours, but (give or take NDAs from hardware component vendors),
the graphics device drivers presumably are. 

Only 5 of the SPARC graphics devices supported in Solaris 10 are Sun's:
- SBus: TurboGX/TurboGX+ (cg6)
- UPA: Creator/Creator3D (ffb), Elite 3D (afb), XVR-1000 (ffb3/gfb)
- Custom (very rare): XVR-4000 (zulu)

All of the PCI boards and all the chipsets embedded into Ultra/Sun Blade
motherboards are OEM'ed from third party vendors (ATI, TechSource, 3Dlabs).

You will probably get full source to cg6, simply because it lives in the ON & X 
consolidations for historical reasons, and because it was mostly already

released as the reference driver in the old Solaris Driver Development Kit.
(At least some of the kernel driver seems to be released already - see )

I don't know what the obstacles are to releasing the X (i.e. 2-D only, non 
OpenGL) drivers for the Sun cards, but you wouldn't get support for most of

the SPARC graphics devices people actually have.   We may someday be able to
modify Xorg to use it's existing opensource ATI & 3Dlabs drivers with some
of those devices, but have to be careful in how we do so.   (If someone's
looking for a project to take on in the community in X development, this
might be an interesting area to tackle.)

ISTR that getting the
wheel-mouse support required both folks from the device driver development area 
from the X server development area to work together; as long as those two are 
community access to anything possible that has components on both sides might 
community understanding of how they work to the point of providing an external
bypass to the scheduling and resource chokepoints that slow down efforts 
components on both sides.  (good luck untangling that sentence...)

That was actually the mouse drivers, which live in the ON consolidation already
released, and was simply because Xsun doesn't talk directly to mice, but gets
events from streams modules that translate the specific hardware protocols to
a common format - until those were upgraded, there was no way Xsun could see the
events from the scroll wheels.   (It's also why XFree86 already worked with PS/2
wheel mice, since it skips those and talks raw PS/2 protocol to the PS/2 mice,
but uses the same 

[osol-discuss] Re: priorities for additional Solaris consolidations

2005-09-07 Thread Richard L. Hamilton
> I've pulled together my preliminary thoughts on the
> relative priorities
> of open sourcing the other Solaris consolidations,
> and would like you
> all to comment on the list and priorities below.
> Administrative Tools  LOW

Why LOW?  I would think having those released would be quite helpful,
esp. to those who might want to either enhance them or create variants
that to their mind might be more "approachable" (isn't that the word currently 
in vogue?).
What I'd personally like to see is a library of admin functions, fully 
accessible by eithe CLI
or JDS-consistent GUI, the latter optionally logging its actions (configurably 
and showing equivalent CLI functionality (like AIX's smit, not something I 
_like_, but something perhaps useful as both a single point of entry to various 
actions and as something
that encourages the user of it to learn more).

> Install: Rest of the consolidationMED

I'd like to see the getbootargs command released (and made not just part of
install, but part of ON as well).  One can use it in site rc scripts (or 
presumably service scripts too) to decide whether to take certain actions that 
might increase reliability at
the expense of hanging long enough that one might not want them in a problem 
For example, in the last few days, I was thinking of probing in rcS.d  for SAN 
following power failure, in case the system came up before the SAN, and waiting
until it did; that would avoid an fsck failure leaving one at single-user 
prompt.  That
might be desirable as the normal action, but because it would delay access to 
single-user prompt, it might also be desirable to boot with some user-supplied 
(something like boot -s -- nosancheck) which the script would detect and take as
an indication _not_ to wait, so one could investigate the problem.  Something 
that would on the one hand improve the chances of not requiring intervention in 
cases, while still allowing it in case of additional problems.

I've heard of other interesting uses in rc scripts for getbootargs.

It's trivial enough to re-create its functionality, or to copy the binary off 
of an
install CD, but why should people have to do that?  It's potentially too useful 
some situations _not_ to have readily available, IMO.

> Common Desktop Environment (CDE)  No
> plans to open source

While I realize that's not under your control, has anyone approached TOG and
the other contributing companies to at least consider it?  If on the one hand,
CDE is out of fashion and on its way out, then perhaps its value isn't what it
used to be; and that would allow the burden of legacy support to gradually
become self-support.  On the other, were it opened, there are a number of
enhancements that would be fairly easy to add; documented functions to do
some of the things that are private between dtstyle and dtwm/dtsession (via
libDtSvc, typically), that would allow various useful functionalities.  I have
a utility I wrote that allows one to issue dtwm f. commands from the command
line; most useful is a dtwm reset for those cases that one might want it in a 
such as after editing dtwm-related resources; it doesn't use undocumented 
but rather does the same X operations as they do; or like a command that fetches
and resets the screen saver list from the command line.  Another thing that 
be possible were it open is to allow full-screen JPG per-workspace backgrounds
to be properly integrated (can be achieved now outside of dtstyle by retrieving 
the windowid of the backdrop window and using something like xloadimage that 
can be
given a windowid).  Anyway, there's clearly lots of potential for improvement 
I do notice that Motif-based apps _still_ seem to be 'way smaller and faster 
GNOME-based apps at this time.  Now perhaps, the corporate types want to
invest in improving GNOME, and I certainly don't have a problem with that.  But
as long as legacy apps exist (and we all know they never _all_ go away), there 
be those few that favor the CDE environment.  There may not be enough to justify
corporate spending for ongoing enhancements, yet still enough to support a 
that would be able to get it done themselves if they had the opportunity.


> OpenWindows   No
> plans to open source

What do you mean in this case by "OpenWindows", given that you already mentioned
the X server itself (yet "OpenWindows" was once used to cover the entire desktop
environment, from X server through GUI libs and basic desktop apps)?  Assuming 
mean the OpenLook-specific libs and apps, most of the libs other than OLIT 
I understand was an AT&T and/or USL or Novell creation, therefore perhaps not 
to release :-(  ) have already been released, albeit not necessarily current 
to the latest maintenance on them.  Wouldn't hurt to put out curre