Hey folks,

I try to establish opensolaris as standard OS for my 40+ thumper/thors and 
experience a couple of weirdnesses, maybe someone can enlighten me in some of 
the issues :) (?)

I use an opensolaris install server and try to manage the post-install issues 
through a custom pkg lying on a different install source which in general works 
fine, but as I mentioned there are some issues:

After the first reboot the 'new' host comes up with hostname 'opensolaris' this 
is of cause no good option in a automatic installation environment. It would be 
nice to have the machine with it's hostname from dhcp after the first reboot. 
I tried some things, lik stopping nwam and starting 'physical:default'  
deleting '/etc/nodename' most of the times the host does not come back after 
reboot at all no login on console either :( So what are the steps to get a 
hostname via dhcp after reboot ?

Also ennoying: booting the latest opensolaris kernel in single-user mode leads 
me to a root-bash-prompt which does not work, all I get is 'bash: 
/usr/bin/hostname: no such file or directory' there. Any tricks/hints someone ?

This leads straight to the next problem, if there is a small logical 'cluster' 
for server installation like 'SUNWrecommended' how it is called ? I tried 
'entire' and 'storage-server' but also the second has all the gnome/X packets 
which I don't need (at least not for testing). Also the storage-server cluster 
has some issues during installation at least with the nfs client pkg. (?)

cheers & thanks for any hints

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