Re: [osol-discuss] When's source included?

2010-08-26 Thread Calum Benson

On 26 Aug 2010, at 01:10, Andrew Greimann wrote:

 Thank you, everyone, for the time and effort put forth into answering this 
 question. I apologize for replying back 5 days later.
 I think I fully understand any distro's requirements under open source law. 
 Basically, in summary of what I've read, one can build software from 
 pre-compiled source or from the ground up (from source), in their preference. 
 All source code needs to be included with the software, even if it is not 

Most open source licences don't actually require that the source code is 
included with the software, but they do require that it is available to 
anyone who wants to see it.


CALUM BENSON, Interaction Designer Oracle Corporation Ireland Ltd. Solaris Desktop Team +353 1 819 9771

Any opinions are personal and not necessarily those of Oracle Corp.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] When's source included?

2010-08-26 Thread John Thompson
On 2010-08-26, Andrew Greimann wrote:

 Thank you, everyone, for the time and effort put forth into answering this 
 question. I apologize for replying back 5 days later.

 I think I fully understand any distro's requirements under open source law. 
 Basically, in summary of what I've read, one can build software from 
 pre-compiled source or from the ground up (from source), in their preference. 
 All source code needs to be included with the software, even if it is not 

 If all this is correct, then I've learned full open source legalities. If 
 not, please feel free to correct me. :)

Well,it depends on the license. There are several open source licenses 
out there; some are more restrictive than others.


-John (

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] When's source included?

2010-08-22 Thread John Plocher
If you build a distro and make the resulting binaries (an ISO image...)
available on a website, all you need to do is provide a compressed tar file
(or an ISO image of one) of the make cleand source tree you used - there
is no reason to make the source tree part of your binary ISO image

Since the source tree tar file will be large (and not very interesting as
time marches on), a better way is to provide a pointer to the same IllumOS
or Oracle or ... versioned mercurial repository that *you* started with and
make a gzipped file of just your diffs ('hg export' or 'hg merge' as
appropriate).  An interested developer could then grab the common/unchanged
sources from the same place you did, apply your changes and build their own

The goal is to make it so that someone else could build on your changes in
the same way you built on the work of others.


On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 3:52 PM, Andrew Greimann wrote:

 Or, could it be include all source and work with/on binaries, leaving
 90-95% of the system unmodified?
 Please shed more light on what it takes to make a distro legal. I'd
 appreciate it. :)

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] When's source included?

2010-08-22 Thread Erik Trimble

 On 8/22/2010 4:51 PM, John Plocher wrote:
If you build a distro and make the resulting binaries (an ISO 
image...) available on a website, all you need to do is provide a 
compressed tar file (or an ISO image of one) of the make cleand 
source tree you used - there is no reason to make the source tree part 
of your binary ISO image

Since the source tree tar file will be large (and not very interesting 
as time marches on), a better way is to provide a pointer to the same 
IllumOS or Oracle or ... versioned mercurial repository that *you* 
started with and make a gzipped file of just your diffs ('hg export' 
or 'hg merge' as appropriate).  An interested developer could then 
grab the common/unchanged sources from the same place you did, apply 
your changes and build their own copy.

The goal is to make it so that someone else could build on your 
changes in the same way you built on the work of others.


John's right.  Another note here:  when I originally said you need to 
make available source for everything covered by the CDDL, I wasn't 
specific enough.  What I should have said was you need to make 
available all source for CDDL'd code *should someone ask for it*.  In 
plain English: you can distribute the binaries by themselves.  However, 
as part of the distro image, you should have a README or similar file 
which says if you want the source for this stuff, get it here and 
point to the various repos (which, as John indicated, can be a 
combination of stuff you maintain and/or someone else maintains).

Erik Trimble
Java System Support
Mailstop:  usca22-123
Phone:  x17195
Santa Clara, CA

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] When's source included?

2010-08-21 Thread Erik Trimble

 On 8/20/2010 11:07 PM, Andrew Greimann wrote:

Hello. I had a question, after reading through the CDDL. If I wanted to make a 
distro/respin, (and this is only out of sheer curiousity), would all the 
OpenSolaris source have to be downloaded with it, or would it only have to be 
anything built or modified upon? I've read what it says on programs--I'm hoping 
this doesn't mean to download code for the whole OS, if one were to do this!

Honestly wondering. :)

You need to make available the source to ANY binary you distribute, if 
that binary's source code was covered by the CDDL.  Now, you 
*personally* don't have to provide the source code - for unmodified 
stuff, it's perfectly OK to point to another resource (say the 
OpenSolaris repo), and say:  I build this binary using those sources.  
The only issue here is that if that other repository ever goes away, you 
have to find some other method (up to, and including, doing it yourself) 
to provide the source code.

This is the same with all Open Source programs;  regardless of whether 
you wrote or modified or merely built the program, if you distribute the 
binary, then you have to provide the source if asked. The mechanism by 
which you make the source available is up to you.

Erik Trimble
Java System Support
Mailstop:  usca22-123
Phone:  x17195
Santa Clara, CA

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] When's source included?

2010-08-21 Thread Norm Jacobs

 On 08/21/10 01:19 AM, Erik Trimble wrote:
This is the same with all Open Source programs;  regardless of whether 
you wrote or modified or merely built the program, if you distribute 
the binary, then you have to provide the source if asked. The 
mechanism by which you make the source available is up to you.

Some licenses require you to make the source that you built the binaries 
from available upon request.  The GPL, LGPL, and CDDL have this 
requirement.  Others do as well, but not all open source license have 
this requirement.

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