Re: [osol-help] Can't connect to internet (new to Solaris/SXDE)

2008-03-26 Thread Lars Tunkrans
Thats weird  somehow...  

 If the  /dev/nge   exists   Solaris HAS   found your  ethernet  NIC .

  I dont  think  any additional  update_drv is needed.

  Why  " failure to configure nge0 " is reported  needs  to be investigated. 
  here are some  things to check up to try to establish if the device 
  is correctly  configured. 

If you issue this command: 
#  grep nge /etc/path_to_inst

"/[EMAIL PROTECTED],0/pci1297,[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 0 "nge"

Does   the PCI   identifier  correspond to the one  you see with  "prtconf -v " 

If you issue the command: 

# modinfo | grep nge

154 f82af000  105e8 189   1  nge (nVidia 1Gb Ethernet 1.29)

does  the system   show  that  the nge driver is loaded as above  ? 

And  /devices/pseudo/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:nge   should be a character  device .

#  ls -l /devices/pseudo/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:nge
crw-rw-rw-   1 root sys   11, 189 mar 26 21:05 /devices/pseudo/[EMAIL 

If all this   is OK.   try to do a manual  ifconfig   with a fake  address like

#   ifconfig nge0  plumb  netmask  up 

ifconfig -a   should then show:

# ifconfig -a
nge0: flags=201000843 mtu 1500 index 2
inet netmask ff00 broadcast
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Re: [osol-help] Qustion about Disk, partitions, and Slices

2008-03-26 Thread andrew

Solaris has its own scheme for dividing up the disk that is separate from 
partitions. Solaris can (currently) only use one partition on each disk. 
Solaris calls these "fdisk partitions". Within that partition (in your case 
partition 3) there are slices defined. So when installgrub runs with the above 
command, it seeks out the Solaris partition, finds the first slice (i.e. s0), 
and installs grub in there. The Solaris installer will put the root filesystem 
into s0 .

As you will see in the article linked above, GRUB uses a different naming 
scheme for slices. Solaris/BSD slices are refered to using letters instead of 
numbers. The incantation is slightly easier to read:


is the first hard disk, first partition, first slice. Similarly:


is the first hard disk, first partition, second slice. So your partition 3 
slice 1 would be:


So after installing grub your menu.lst should have a line that reads:

root (hd0,2,a)

> #installgrub /boot/grub/stage1 /boot/grub/stage2
>  c0d0s0

That line should work correctly on your system, since installgrub, according to 
the slightly ambiguous man page, will politely ignore the presence of other 
partitions and dump grub into slice 0 of the Solaris partition.

If you are using Windows bot manager as the primary boot loader, the easiest 
way to load Solaris is to use bootpart from:

Ignore the warnings about needing a FAT16 partition as the first partition - 
all this program does is provide a simple way of chainloading another operating 
system on your system using its own customised grub boot sector which is 
chainloaded from the Windows boot manager menu. If you are running Windows 2000 
or XP, you are using Windows boot manager (which derives from Microsoft OS/2 
originally) to boot your OS - it just no longer prints out its name on screen 
as it did on NT.


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[osol-help] LDAP SMC and TX

2008-03-26 Thread Elton Morrison
I am having real trouble installing JDS 5.2P4 on my TX system.  Here is the 
just of the issue:

I have installed a SunBlade 2500 from scratch with Solaris 10 8/07 (SUNWXall)
I then install and configure TX.
Reboot -- -s and install Patch Cluster dated 29 Jan 08 (yes there is a newer 
patch cluster but I have not tested that one in my environment)
Reboot -- -r -s, install the following patches:

Next I install Directory Server, start smc, and execute the dtsetup commands.

The problem is I only see files in the list of managable scopes.  I have found 
very little to no documentation on dtsetup.

The frustrating thing is I have done this at least 10 times prior and have 
NEVER seen this problem.

I am completely stuck and would appreciate any suggestions.

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[osol-help] Qustion about Disk, partitions, and Slices

2008-03-26 Thread Rodrigo Cano
In order to run the installgrub of Solaris, I need to know in which partition 
is it installed.
The man pages of installgrub give as an example this:

 #installgrub /boot/grub/stage1 /boot/grub/stage2 c0d0s0

>From that, I guessed that c0 is for cylinder 0, d0 is for disk 0, and s0 is 
>for slice 0. The thing I know is that my Solaris fdiks is installed on 
>partition 3, in "standard" grubs it would be (hd0,2) because of the zero 
>based. I don't know about slices. My intention is to install the grub in the 
>Solaris partition, and then make the Solaris partition the active one, so that 
>the Solaris grub is executed every time the machine is booted, I don't want to 
>install it in the MBR because I think this is more clean and tidy. Thanks
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Re: [osol-help] How to switch between English and Russian in Star Office Text Editor ?

2008-03-26 Thread Boris Derzhavets
Performing same task for Open Office  at English Version of Ubuntu 7.10 ,
original tuning done exactly as you advised, but besides of that i had
to install special package for Open Office Russian support and several other
Ubuntu 7.10 language support packages.
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[osol-help] WEP key provided by server

2008-03-26 Thread
I all,

I'm having a issue with OpenSolaris to connect to a wireless network.
With linux I would configure wpa_supplicant and define the MSchapV2, eap=PEAP.

The nwam is able to see the network but unable to connect. With wificonfig 
and/or dladm I'm  unable to configure WEP with key provided by the server.

Does anyone has any idea on how to do this in OpenSolaris?

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Re: [osol-help] How to switch between English and Russian in Star Office Text Editor ?

2008-03-26 Thread
You have a doc in Russian and you're unable to print it?

That's odd ... and unfortunately in that case I can only advice to check the 
driver printer or to try and print in another software.

The printing should not be a problem. You have postscript or the printer 

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Re: [osol-help] Can't connect to internet (new to Solaris/SXDE)

2008-03-26 Thread Paiseley
Hello. Your help was very clear and easy to follow.

1. I received a 'failure to configure nge0' device error when I started up 
Solaris. I get that error every few restarts.

2. I also have a file like this:
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root  29 Mar 22 15:41 nge -> 
../devices/pseudo/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:nge

3. I found out the pci id of my device is pci10de.cb84, which is where nge0, id 
57 is installed at.

4. So would I type # update_drv -a -i '"pci10de,"' nge , where  would 
be cb84?
I just want to make sure so I don't screw anything up.
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Re: [osol-help] Installing nv77 on Dell XPS-720: "No drives found". nv_sataX attach fai

2008-03-26 Thread Thomas Sparrevohn
The bug number is CR 6679523
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