Re: [osol-help] Upgrade from 111b to specific version (117) fails.Try relaxing the pattern.

2010-08-09 Thread Edward Martinez
interesting...seems  the howto  is working for me.

After i change my repos from release  to dev I installed SUNWipkg package
then I simply followed directions substituting the snv_129 to snv_117( not 

pkg install SUNWipkg
beadm create snv_117
beadm mount snv_117  /mnt 
pkg contents -m entire | more
pkg list -avf entire
pkg -R /mnt install ent...@0.5.11,5.11-0.117

after creating plan it began to download and that is where i'm at:


i'll keep in touch if i was able to finish the process
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Re: [osol-help] Upgrade from 111b to specific version (117) fails.Try relaxing the pattern.

2010-08-09 Thread Edward Martinez
 interesting...seems  the howto  is working for me.
 After i change my repos from release  to dev I
 installed SUNWipkg package
 then I simply followed directions substituting the
 snv_129 to snv_117( not 117a):
 pkg install SUNWipkg
 beadm create snv_117
 beadm mount snv_117  /mnt 
 pkg contents -m entire | more
 pkg list -avf entire
 pkg -R /mnt install ent...@0.5.11,5.11-0.117
 after creating plan it began to download and that
 is where i'm at:
  keep in touch if i was able to finish the process

i spoke too soon, it failed. after it installed the update presumably snv_117. 
it return  bunch of errors, i thought they were nothing to worry about so, i 
continued with the rest of the howto  after i rebooted,  snv_117 would not boot.
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Re: [osol-help] Upgrade from 111b to specific version (117) fails.Try relaxing the patt

2010-08-09 Thread tomwaters
Thanks so much for doing that...I really appreciate it.

Bummer about the errors...perhaps it does not like a package you have 
installed? I will try it with a clean 2009.06 and see if that works 
ok...otherwise 'll try 118 etc...

Given the steps worked for you, It looks like it's just my issue...I am on a 
really bad 3G wireless usb internet connection at the moment but am going to 
adsl 2+ this once that's up and running I will create a new, fresh BE 
and follow those steps exactly and post the results.

Hopefully it's a simple case os not following instructions exactly or typo or 
connection issue on my part.

Thanks again for taking the time to check this out.I 'll post back what happens 
in 2 days when I have a reliable connection again.
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Re: [osol-help] Corrupt file without filename

2010-08-09 Thread Thorsten Heit

 p...@dellt7500:~# zpool status -v rpool 
   pool: rpool
 tate: ONLINE
 status: One or more devices has experienced an error
 resulting in data
   corruption.  Applications may be affected.
 action: Restore the file in question if possible.
  Otherwise restore the
 entire pool from backup.
 rub: none requested
   rpool   ONLINE   0 0 0
 c4t0d0s0  ONLINE   0 0 0
 errors: Permanent errors have been detected in the
 following files:

Have you tried zpool scrub rpool? Perhaps this will give you some more 
details about the corrupt file(s) after the scrubbing has finished...


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[osol-help] Problems compiling build 144 in VirtualBox using 2 CPUs

2010-08-09 Thread Thorsten Heit

recently I installed OpenSolaris build 134 in VirtualBox (3.2.6 as on the 
install, now upgraded to 3.2.8) on my three years old MacBook Pro, a 2.13GHz 
Core Duo with 2GB RAM and a 250GB hard disk. The VM instance has 1GB RAM 
assigned and a 16GB disk image. So far, so good. Because newer builds are 
available only as source code I decided to learn how to switch to newer 
versions by compiling them from sources.

So far I managed to switch from 134 to 136, 136-138, 138-140, and finally 
140-142. Because the builds took quite a lot of time on my machine, I recently 
thought it would be a good idea to assign the second CPU to the VM, turn 
IO-APIC on and then let build release 144 over night.

I therefore started the VM, opened a SSH connection to the VM instance from to monitor the build log (% tail -f log/nightly.log). When I 
came back that morning to see what happened, my SSH connection was terminated, 
and on the VM console I saw lots of messages:

Aug  9 02:10:56 opensolaris scsi: [ID 107833 kern.warning] WARNING: 
/p...@0,0/pci-...@1,1/i...@1 (ata1):
Aug  9 02:10:56 opensolaris timeout: abort request, target=0 lun=0
Aug  9 02:10:56 opensolaris scsi: [ID 107833 kern.warning] WARNING: 
/p...@0,0/pci-...@1,1/i...@1 (ata1):
Aug  9 02:10:56 opensolaris timeout: abort device, target=0 lun=0
Aug  9 02:10:56 opensolaris scsi: [ID 107833 kern.warning] WARNING: 
/p...@0,0/pci-...@1,1/i...@1 (ata1):
Aug  9 02:10:56 opensolaris timeout: reset target, target=0 lun=0
Aug  9 02:10:56 opensolaris scsi: [ID 107833 kern.warning] WARNING: 
/p...@0,0/pci-...@1,1/i...@1 (ata1):
Aug  9 02:10:56 opensolaris timeout: reset bus, target=0 lun=0
Aug  9 05:35:18 opensolaris scsi: [ID 107833 kern.warning] WARNING: 
/p...@0,0/pci-...@1,1/i...@1 (ata1):
Aug  9 05:35:18 opensolaris timeout: abort request, target=0 lun=0
Aug  9 05:35:18 opensolaris scsi: [ID 107833 kern.warning] WARNING: 
/p...@0,0/pci-...@1,1/i...@1 (ata1):
Aug  9 05:35:18 opensolaris timeout: abort device, target=0 lun=0
Aug  9 05:35:18 opensolaris scsi: [ID 107833 kern.warning] WARNING: 
/p...@0,0/pci-...@1,1/i...@1 (ata1):
Aug  9 05:35:18 opensolaris timeout: reset target, target=0 lun=0
Aug  9 05:35:18 opensolaris scsi: [ID 107833 kern.warning] WARNING: 
/p...@0,0/pci-...@1,1/i...@1 (ata1):
Aug  9 05:35:18 opensolaris timeout: reset bus, target=0 lun=0
Aug  9 06:59:17 opensolaris scsi: [ID 107833 kern.warning] WARNING: 
/p...@0,0/pci-...@1,1/i...@0 (ata0):
Aug  9 06:59:17 opensolaris timeout: abort request, target=0 lun=0
Aug  9 06:59:17 opensolaris scsi: [ID 107833 kern.warning] WARNING: 
/p...@0,0/pci-...@1,1/i...@0 (ata0):
Aug  9 06:59:17 opensolaris timeout: abort device, target=0 lun=0
Aug  9 06:59:17 opensolaris scsi: [ID 107833 kern.warning] WARNING: 
/p...@0,0/pci-...@1,1/i...@0 (ata0):
Aug  9 06:59:17 opensolaris timeout: reset target, target=0 lun=0
Aug  9 06:59:17 opensolaris scsi: [ID 107833 kern.warning] WARNING: 
/p...@0,0/pci-...@1,1/i...@0 (ata0):
Aug  9 06:59:17 opensolaris timeout: reset bus, target=0 lun=0

In /var/adm/messages I also saw the following (don't know anymore if it was 
printed on the console because in the mean time I rebooted the VM):

Aug  9 06:59:17 opensolaris gda: [ID 107833 kern.warning] WARNING: 
/p...@0,0/pci-...@1,1/i...@0/c...@0,0 (Disk0):
Aug  9 06:59:17 opensolaris Error for command 'read sector' Error Level: 
Aug  9 06:59:17 opensolaris gda: [ID 107833 kern.notice]Sense Key: 
aborted command
Aug  9 06:59:17 opensolaris gda: [ID 107833 kern.notice]Vendor 'Gen-ATA 
' error code: 0x3

I saw the same messages when trying to build rel.138 in from self-compiled rel. 
136 also by using two CPUs and IO-APIC on. At least I figured that when I was 
building the release in the VirtualBox window and was at the same time logged 
in via SSH and executed some commands, sometimes it took a couple of seconds 
until the command was executed, and often the above messages where printed in 
the VirtualBox window. So it seemed to me not only a warning as the message 
suggested, but a kind of a serious thing so that I finally stopped building, 
powered off the VM, turned the second CPU and the IO-APIC off and rebuild rel. 
138 which then went fine without any messages or errors.

So my question is:

Why seems everything to work fine as long as the VM uses only one CPU? What is 
causing this error/behaviour when the VM uses 2 CPUs? Do I have to do anything 
else apart from assigning CPU #2 to the VM and turning on IO-APIC? Or is this a 
VirtualBox thing?


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Re: [osol-help] Problems compiling build 144 in VirtualBox using 2 CPUs

2010-08-09 Thread Jürgen Keil
 recently I installed OpenSolaris build 134 in
 VirtualBox (3.2.6 as on the install, now upgraded to 3.2.8) 
 Aug  9 02:10:56 opensolaris scsi: [ID 107833 kern.warning] WARNING: 
 Aug  9 02:10:56 opensolaris timeout: abort request, target=0 lun=0
 Why seems everything to work fine as long as the VM
 uses only one CPU? What is causing this
 error/behaviour when the VM uses 2 CPUs? Do I have to
 do anything else apart from assigning CPU #2 to the
 VM and turning on IO-APIC? Or is this a VirtualBox

Looks very similar to this bug
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opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Problems compiling build 144 in VirtualBox using 2 CPUs

2010-08-09 Thread Thorsten Heit
 Looks very similar to this bug

Indeed. Thanks, I'll watch this bug.


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[osol-help] macbook pro i7, broadcom ethernet and nvidia 330m graphics

2010-08-09 Thread Philip Brown
I have a relatively new macbook pro.
I can run opensolaris in openbox relatively okay.

I can also boot the 2009 livecd.
but I havent managed to install to hard drive yet. I'd appreciate some help.
vesa mode does not work.
This wouldnt be so difficult if there was a text mode installer, but... yeah, 
i've read the its coming  bugids. sigh.
I discovered there is an nvidia-xconfig program... but that does not result 
in working graphics, even though it runs and generates an xorg file for me.

Anyways, so... Any suggestions as to how to tame this quad-core beastie?

I cant do a remote GUI install, because.. the network doesnt work either.

The ethernet is apparently a broadcom  BCM5764M.
(wireless is BCM4353)

happy to do the install via virtualbox, and that was my original tactic... 
except that it wont give me access to the raw partition, even though I did the 
whole createrawvmdk on the commandline, and gave myself permissions to read 
the devices. Very frustrating.
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