[osol-help] Live Upgrade fails b97 to b99

2008-10-03 Thread Ether.pt
Hi all,

I'm trying to live upgrade my system but it's panicking.

I have c1t0d0s0 - / and c1t0d0s3 and the / for the new environment.
I've done lucreate -n b99 -m /:/dev/dsk/c1t0d0s3:ufs and it completely just ok 
but when I try to live upgrade :

lofiadm -a /export/home/sol-nv-b99-iso
mount -F hsfs /dev/lofi/1 /mnt
luupgrade --u -n b99 -s /mnt

this stills do the extract of mini root but afterwards panicks ...

Oct  3 15:05:22 zuzithus ^Mpanic[cpu0]/thread=ff014f17a5c0:
Oct  3 15:05:22 zuzithus genunix: [ID 414451 kern.notice] mod_hold_stub: 
Couldn't load stub module fs/dcfs
Oct  3 15:05:22 zuzithus unix: [ID 10 kern.notice]
Oct  3 15:05:22 zuzithus genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ff0005a63820 
genunix:mod_hold_stub+1a2 ()
Oct  3 15:05:22 zuzithus genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ff0005a63870 
unix:stubs_common_code+1f ()
Oct  3 15:05:22 zuzithus genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ff0005a63900 
ufs:ufs_lookup+205 ()
Oct  3 15:05:22 zuzithus genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ff0005a639a0 
genunix:fop_lookup+f2 ()
Oct  3 15:05:22 zuzithus genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ff0005a63bf0 
genunix:lookuppnvp+351 ()
Oct  3 15:05:22 zuzithus genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ff0005a63c90 
genunix:lookuppnat+125 ()
Oct  3 15:05:22 zuzithus genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ff0005a63d70 
genunix:lookupnameat+82 ()
Oct  3 15:05:22 zuzithus genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ff0005a63e00 
genunix:cstatat_getvp+160 ()
Oct  3 15:05:22 zuzithus genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ff0005a63ea0 
genunix:cstatat64_32+7d ()
Oct  3 15:05:22 zuzithus genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ff0005a63ec0 
genunix:stat64_32+31 ()
Oct  3 15:05:22 zuzithus genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ff0005a63f10 
unix:brand_sys_sysenter+1e6 ()

Now, does anyone has a similar problem or had ??? How did you managed to pass 
over it?

Best Regards
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Re: [osol-help] How to update OpenSolaris from b95 to b96 or later

2008-08-31 Thread Ether.pt

If you use nevada build, just download the b96 which is available and upgrade 
If you're using OpenSolaris Indiana in that case you have to wait for it to be 

Best Regards
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Re: [osol-help] Problems accessing my files.

2008-08-28 Thread Ether.pt

Can you make copies of large files over network to your box?

for example ftp, nfs, scp , sftp?

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Re: [osol-help] Remote login with OpenSolaris 2008.5 b95

2008-08-28 Thread Ether.pt
I don't know if you are capable of doing that with only X server.

What you're suggesting reminds me Sun Ray Software or VNC.

Opensolaris cames with xvnc

You have to configure it and enable afterwards.

Hope this helps.
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Re: [osol-help] take discs on an existing zpool and transfer them to a different machine?

2008-08-27 Thread Ether.pt
I'm not sure but it should work.

For example in SAN disks you just need to do zpool export and then the zpool 
import on the new server.
I believe that in here it will happen the same. Just export and them import 
again ... but just to be safe a backup is preferred  to test :D

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Re: [osol-help] Dual boot on the same hdd question

2008-08-20 Thread Ether.pt
Basically to set an partition active from the OpenSolaris live cd is this:

fdisk /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0p0 (in case c0t0d0 is your hdd)

 Total disk size is 19457 cylinders
 Cylinder size is 16065 (512 byte) blocks

  Partition   StatusType  Start   End   Length%
  =   ==  =   ===   ==   ===
  1 Other OS  0   191 192  1
  2 IFS: NTFS   191  98799689 50
  3   ActiveSolaris2   9880  194539574 49

   1. Create a partition
   2. Specify the active partition
   3. Delete a partition
   4. Change between Solaris and Solaris2 Partition IDs
   5. Exit (update disk configuration and exit)
   6. Cancel (exit without updating disk configuration)
Enter Selection: 

Just specify your active partition with option 2 :D

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Re: [osol-help] Dual boot on the same hdd question

2008-08-20 Thread Ether.pt
Hi there,

The fdisk should be /dev/rdsk/c3d0p0 since the p0 identifies all the partitions.
Unfortunately, I can't see your menu.lst, but after making active again the 
entry that you've add should be enough followed by bootadm update-archive.

Best Regards
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Re: [osol-help] Dual boot on the same hdd question

2008-08-19 Thread Ether.pt
Hi there,

As soon as you install XP MBR becomes windows.
After installing windows you have to boot from cdrom and mark your solaris 
partition as active and reinstall the grub ( this might be optional, not sure), 
anyway, after doing so .. you will have to add an entre in menu.lst to refer 
the windows partition.

title Windows XP
chainloader (hd1,0)+1 (this should be enough)

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Re: [osol-help] How to define a shortcut from a command line?

2008-08-19 Thread Ether.pt
if you use gnome-terminal ... just hit F11
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Re: [osol-help] open solaris for toshiba laptop

2008-08-19 Thread Ether.pt
Hi there,

You should get OpenSolaris Indiana DVD and boot it. It has a utility that 
checks your hardware and states what is supported and what is not.

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Re: [osol-help] Where are the emulex drivers for OpenSolaris 2008.05

2008-08-19 Thread Ether.pt
Hi there,

Those packages are not available to OpenSolaris Indiana, but I've installed in 
my laptop OpenSolaris Nevada Build 94 and it has the packages. You can try and 
get it from nevada build.

bash-3.2# pkginfo -l SUNWemlxs
   PKGINST:  SUNWemlxs
  NAME:  Emulex-Sun LightPulse Fibre Channel Adapter driver (root)
  CATEGORY:  system
  ARCH:  i386
   VERSION:  11.11,REV=2008.
   BASEDIR:  /
VENDOR:  Emulex Corporation
  DESC:  Device driver for Emulex-Sun LightPulse Fibre Channel adapters
PSTAMP:  outlaw20080623172614
  INSTDATE:  Jul 18 2008 13:01
   HOTLINE:  Please contact your local service provider
STATUS:  completely installed
 FILES:6 installed pathnames
   3 shared pathnames
   3 directories
   2 executables
   15116 blocks used (approx)

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Re: [osol-help] Solaris + 2 video cards

2008-05-23 Thread Ether.pt

A friend of mine had that exact problem.
The workaround was to disable internal mouse in the BIOS.
After installation he re-enable the internal mouse and the problem hasn't been 
seen again.

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Re: [osol-help] Mi servidor se paga solo

2008-05-21 Thread Ether.pt
¡Por favor, recuerde que este foro es OpenSolaris y no HW.
Pero yo diría que tienes el power daemon activado para que el sistema haga 
poweoff después de algún tiempo de inactividad.
Debes verificar verificar también la ILOM mensajes ...

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Re: [osol-help] HELP/ADVICE Needed

2008-05-21 Thread Ether.pt

Do you have the recommended scheduler for informix and settings on the zones?
I know there are several changes that should be done with it considering shared 
memory and semaphores.

Do you have them in /etc/system?
Or inside a project associated to the container?

You can check your environment by issuing the following command
prctl $$

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Re: [osol-help] Solaris + 2 video cards

2008-05-21 Thread Ether.pt

Have you checked with -v where it stops?
Have you tried to have a monitor connected to the nvidia cards?

For example if we have serial redirection, usually you'll see the banner and 
afterwards nothing else on screen until it gets to GUI.

Since I don't know the order of device probing in your specific board, I would 
try the following:

1. edit grub entry and add -v to the kernel line.
2. attach the monitor to the nvidia card and check if anything happens.
3. try to boot it with serial interface instead of screen and monitor.

Hope it helps
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Re: [osol-help] switch to a different virtual console

2008-04-29 Thread Ether.pt
not for the moment ...
I know there is a project for that

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Re: [osol-help] cp with jolly caracters

2008-04-07 Thread Ether.pt
with folder you have to use -r ..

it could be easier if you execute the command and copy the result into here.

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Re: [osol-help] cp with jolly caracters

2008-04-07 Thread Ether.pt

Do this and provide the results:

df -kh
ls -l copia
ls -l /rmdisk/noname
cp -r copia /rmdisk/noname

by the way ... the rmdisk/noname is a usb pen?
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Re: [osol-help] Help with zones

2008-04-04 Thread Ether.pt

For info about solaris 10 you should check the:
http://www.sun.com/bigadmin/home/index.html and 

Either way, if you want to costumize those parameters you'll need to create a 
project associate to a resource pool and this resource pool you'll have to 
associate it to the zone.

Basically you should check resource management and containers under 
docs.sun.com you can find the manual for zones. 
Try to find a blueprint named Blue Containers (I don't have link with me) which 
is pretty good explaining how to implement several things.

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Re: [osol-help] cp with jolly caracters

2008-04-04 Thread Ether.pt
I'm not sure, but it can be something with your locale setting.

I'm using:


touch andrà
cp andrà daró
ls -l andrà
-rw-r--r--   1 aalves   aalves 0 Apr  4 16:48 andrà
ls -l daró
-rw-r--r--   1 aalves   aalves 0 Apr  4 16:49 daró

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Re: [osol-help] Does Solaris not use the the remaining 28 Gig?

2008-04-03 Thread Ether.pt

That question should be posted to Solaris 10 forums instead of opensolaris.
but, In would say that in 32 bit it won't use more than 4GB

2^32 = 4294967296
2^64 = 18446744073709551616

as you can see the space available is quite different :P either way. You can 
always search for libraries that run in 32 bit mode under 64 bit operating 

I haven't dig this in solaris and I now that in linux os possible to have both 

But I would say once more try the solaris 10 forums

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Re: [osol-help] Does Solaris not use the the remaining 28 Gig?

2008-04-03 Thread Ether.pt
Hi again ...

Without digging too much take a look at this link:


I think you've the needed answer in there :P

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Re: [osol-help] getting things working woes

2008-04-02 Thread Ether.pt

First of all, things are working ... 
Second ... see docs.sun.com and in there you have manual for solaris and 
creating smf services. search for solaris management facilithy.
Third to configure ipv6 is as simples as configuring in solaris 9. 
create /etc/hostname6.interface
add the hostname entry in /etc/inet/ipnodes 
start named upon reboot plain an simples as: svcadm enable dns/server
done it's started across reboots

Fourth ... this is unix why do you need gui tools do you use then as well 
in debian??? 
Fifth ... ZFS is activated by default on Solaris Developer Preview or in 
Nexenta. If you want ZFS at boot search on www.opensolaris.org, there is a 
manual to do that (x64 only maybe it has been updated since I last seen)

by the way ... DON'T confuse ms windows services WITH SMF. They are quite 
diferent ... it seems that the term for google it doesn't fit here :P

im going to need a whole lot of handholding from the community for a while if 
i am not going to be forced to junk solaris in favor of debian 
Do you know the term RTM (I'm omitting the F before the M :P) linux guys 
usually know it as well. docs.sun.com search for Solaris 10. For now they are 
quite alike.

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Re: [osol-help] WEP key provided by server

2008-03-30 Thread Ether.pt

that doesn't work. 
The wep key is provided by the server and I log in using username and a 
Just like wpa enterprise. The odd part is that this connection is with the 

Wep key provided by server

nwam and dladm or wificonfig don't give me the chance to configure wpa-eap 
since this is what I need I think (in linux and configure as wpa-eap)

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Re: [osol-help] How to switch between English and Russian in Star Office Text Editor ?

2008-03-26 Thread Ether.pt
You have a doc in Russian and you're unable to print it?

That's odd ... and unfortunately in that case I can only advice to check the 
driver printer or to try and print in another software.

The printing should not be a problem. You have postscript or the printer 

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[osol-help] WEP key provided by server

2008-03-26 Thread Ether.pt
I all,

I'm having a issue with OpenSolaris to connect to a wireless network.
With linux I would configure wpa_supplicant and define the MSchapV2, eap=PEAP.

The nwam is able to see the network but unable to connect. With wificonfig 
and/or dladm I'm  unable to configure WEP with key provided by the server.

Does anyone has any idea on how to do this in OpenSolaris?

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Re: [osol-help] pkg-get -i wget fails in zone

2008-03-25 Thread Ether.pt

By default solaris has wget under /usr/sfw/bin/wget, most likely you don't have 
it in your PATH.
By the weird part is that you're requesting the installation of wget itself 
with the blastwave repository ... try to put wget in your path

in bash

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/sfw/bin

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Re: [osol-help] not able to create file greate than 2gb on zfs file system over NFS

2008-03-25 Thread Ether.pt

This forum is for opensolaris and not Solaris 10 nor Solaris 9.
Either way, you should check this with Sun itself opening a case under 
www.sun.com/osc or try searching the solaris Forum 
http://forum.java.sun.com/index.jspa?tab=solaris several sub discussion for 9 
and 10.

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Re: [osol-help] mpt StorageTek 2530 disk errors

2008-03-19 Thread Ether.pt
Have you tried to open a case with Sun?


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Re: [osol-help] mpt StorageTek 2530 disk errors

2008-03-18 Thread Ether.pt
Most likely you used CAM to update firmware right?

In the storage you must have specified the kind of host your system is.
Do you have Solaris select or something else?

With that storage I didn't had any problem connecting to a T2000 with Sol 10 

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[osol-help] Nevada build 84 and gnome

2008-03-18 Thread Ether.pt
hi all,

I've done a live upgrade of my laptop from b83 to b84 everything went extremely 
After the reboot the system booted into the b84 environment. But I'm having a 
issue which is killing me and I don't see the reason for it ...

When I try to log in with my user, I get a gnome crash. The icons don't appear, 
the windows list has to be remove from the panel.
Everytime I try to open the menu it crashes. 

What I tried to solve the issue was something pretty simple, removal of the 
configuration directories of gnome:

After this ... it's still the same issue. Boot back with b83 it works. The only 
thing I had to do was to reconfigure my gnome environment since I erased the 
configurations directories.

Has anyone a similar problem and/or a solution for this issue

Thanks in Advance
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Re: [osol-help] b83 windows shares

2008-03-18 Thread Ether.pt
that's pretty vague and generic  

do you have and ip configured?
do you have dns configured?
have you changed any configuration?
can you ping your samba servers?

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[osol-help] Intel Wireless 4965

2008-03-06 Thread Ether.pt
Hi all,

I have a Tecra M9 with this wireless card. 
Does anyone has this wireless working? From my web digging, the only driver I 
found was wpi for the 3965.

does anyone has this wireless card working under opensolaris. In this case I'm 
using OpenSolaris 83a.

Thanks in advance
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[osol-help] Developer Preview 2 and locales

2008-03-04 Thread Ether.pt
Hi all,

I've installed the Developer Preview 2 and it's working pretty well so far :D 
But theres one thing missing ... localeadm ... unfortunately I need this 
because I want to now which locales are installed and change my locale to 
en_US.UTF-8 (which doesn't exist, I've tried adding it in /etc/TIMEZONE) or 

Does anyone know how can I do this?

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Re: [osol-help] Considering buying E10K...

2008-02-06 Thread Ether.pt

For fileserver a E10k system? How much I/O do you need?
Most likely what I would advice, it would be a system capable of dealing with 
I/O. V490 or V890.
The new ones M4000/M5000 I don't have enought experience about those.

Well ... if you use a fileserver that uses lots of threads I would advice 
T5120, it's cpu is Niagara 2 that has 8 cores witch each core has 8 threads 
giving a total of 64 processes/threds (the same as E10K). The speed is Higher 
1.4 Ghz per core. The downside is that you won't have lots of pci for the 
connection with the storage. Either way, in that case I T5220 can solve the pci 

Either way, usually what I see and the system that has most PCI for high I/O is 

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Re: [osol-help] How do I make my own custom build?

2008-01-31 Thread Ether.pt
Do you wanna build your own solaris or do you want do install with reduced 

If the second is the case, what you can do is simple, you can install solaris 
with the minimun core packages ... after that I wish you good luck with 
installing software and it's dependecies ... Unfortunately I don't know what's 
the state of Project Indiana ...

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Re: [osol-help] shell related files

2008-01-31 Thread Ether.pt

If you want to know if files belongs to a package, you can do:

cat /var/sadm/install/contents |grep package

there is another way to do that, but I can't remember which.

I don't know if this is exactly what you're looking for ... but in you want to 
know where you profiles are loaded it can be in several places:


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Re: [osol-help] i am getting following errors in bootup time

2008-01-29 Thread Ether.pt

For the first one it's not a error it's a warning ... 
to stop seeing those messages just add to /etc/inet/ipnodes you need to do:
in the line that has your ip and hostname add at the end of line hostname.

ex: fusionfusion.

The other you may try do delete .gnome2 .gnome from your home directory to see 
if the files reconstruction solves the problem

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