Re: [osol-help] Upgrade to nv101: no disappointment!

2008-11-09 Thread Anon Y Mous
Man, it's too bad that you're going through all these problems with your image 
updates. But look on the bright side, the more debugging we do now, the more 
stable Solaris 11 is going to be when it finally gets released a couple of 
years from now.

I think the reason Solaris 8 and Solaris 9 and Solaris 10 have reputations for 
being such "rock solid" and "bullet proof" operating systems is probably 
because back in the day, Sun Microsystems did all of this heavy duty debugging 
and troubleshooting in secret behind closed doors and only high ranking 
officials in the government, military, and financial institutions (and the 
telephone companies like AT&T) were allowed to do what we are doing now, which 
is to get a developer preview of the code base that is going to eventually 
become the next version of Solaris. 

Sun Microsystems has finally opened up the debugging process and allowed 
everyone who is interested to get involved in sanding down the rough edges. 
Look at how stable Solaris 8 and Solaris 9 are and they were debugged in 
secret, so I can only imagine how even more solid Solaris 11 is going to be 
when they have all of us finding the bugs in the code along with the Sun 
Microsystems engineers and the usual customers in the phone companies and 
financial institutions and military IT people who usually worked on debugging 
the code in the past. 

Also keep this in mind: the versions of Solaris from Solaris 10 onwards have a 
lot of pretty new features, some of which I don't think have ever existed in 
any operating system before they were incorporated into Solaris, so the 
engineers at Sun are trying to do some new stuff that has never been done 
before, so I think they deserver a little slack.

Also, look at how few Sun engineers and OpenSolaris developers there are 
compared to the massive horde of millions of Linux developers. If you look at 
how much has been accomplished by such a relatively small number of people in 
the UNIX world, I think it's pretty impressive.
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[osol-help] Upgrade to nv101: no disappointment!

2008-11-09 Thread Uwe Dippel
Afetr my first upgrade nv99->nv101 became unusable through one CPU saturating 
itself with controlling the APIC for the second, and my second upgrade became 
unusable with an NVRM/nv_open error (both reported and being worked on), my 
third upgrade was no disappointment:

After a proper luactivate and init 6, going through without any sign of 
problem, I was greeted by a "Bad PBR Sig" in red. Fortunately, I know how to 
handle this. 
Then, immediately after boot, a new problem: 
pcplusmp: mod_reserve_by_name failed
And my earlier multicast problem with bge0 replaced with
bge0: DL_DISABMULTI_REQ failed: DL_SYSERR (errno 5)

No disappointment here. Third upgrade, third fail. But let's be fair: It is 
101, that is the first alpha of the new hundred!

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