
2001-12-09 Thread stockway



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Re: where is the private key ?

2001-12-09 Thread Oscar Jacobsson

Your private key is in the file 'user.key', which you have specified by
passing the argument '-out user.key' to the genrsa command.

Your certificate, stored in 'user.crt' does not contain the private key,
hence the name "public-key certificate", but the PFX you create
('user.pfx') using the pkcs12 command will. The phrase "if I need the
[certificate] in pkcs12 format" is a bit misleading, as pkcs12 isn't a
certificate format per se, but rather a format used to transport and
store both private keys and certificates.


> Sarath Chandra M wrote:
> Hi,
> I am generating client certificates using this method at the openssl
> server:
> openssl genrsa -des3 -out user.key 1024
> openssl req -new -config openssl.cnf -key user.key -out user.csr
> openssl ca -config openssl.cnf -cert CA.pem -in user.csr -keyfile
> CA.key -out user.crt
> After this, I am exporting the user.crt to the browser for that user.
> Its working fine. Now, I would like
> to know where the private key of the user is ?
> I am using the user.crt to put it in the user entry in the ldap
> server. Does this user.crt contain
> client's private key also ?
> If I need the user.crt in pkcs12 format, I use
> openssl pkcs12 -export -in user.crt -inkey user.key -out user.pfx
> Anything wrong with this export ? Does it contain the private key ?
> I am doing all these without proper knowledge of openssl. Half
> knowledge is dangerous. But I can't
> help it now. So kindly bear with me if there's anything stupid in the
> method above.
> thanx and regards
> sarath
OpenSSL Project http://www.openssl.org
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Re: argument to app_verify_callback function

2001-12-09 Thread Lutz Jaenicke

On Fri, Dec 07, 2001 at 04:30:21PM -0800, D. K. Smetters wrote:
> I was wondering about the state of support for the argument to
> app_verify_callback. This callback is set by
> SSL_CTX_set_cert_verify_callback to allow the application to
> override the standard verification behavior and was supposed
> to take an app-supplied argument.

I had a short look into the source. Your statement is correct.
I also do not see a reason, why it should not be supported.
You are welcome to submit a patch for inclusion into 0.9.7
(I could also write one myself, but my time is pretty limited
these days).

> The OpenSSL code currently stores that argument and then ignores
> it -- it doesn't pass it on to the callback function at all.
> Comments in the code indicate that people know this, and vary as
> to whether they indicate that it ought to be fixed. The
> documentation still mentions the argument, but has a hasty
> add-on noting that it is currently ignored. Comments in the
> openssl-user mailing list indicate that this is not heavily used,
> so it wouldn't break the world to fix it. (In contrast to adding
> a similar argument to the default_verify_callback, which would be
> nice, but would probably break too much of the world.)

With respect to the verify_callback: changing the API would probably
break too many applications. For Postfix/TLS I utilize the ex_data
feature of the SSL object, for which the verification process is
being performed. This allows to pass connection related verification

> I wanted to know whether someone had decided at some point that
> it ought to stay this way, or whether there was any hope of getting
> a fix into 0.9.7 (it's a ~3-line change, and I'd be happy to supply
> diffs).
> (And before you ask, yes, I do have a perfectly reasonable reason
> for wanting to use this which I am happy to explain, but left out
> for brevity's sake.)

You are invited to explain your reasons, if you consider it to be of
interested for other readers of this list. One advantage of mailing lists
is that they can be very informative and stimulating, because you
get an insight into other peoples work.

Best regards,
BTU Cottbus   http://www.aet.TU-Cottbus.DE/personen/jaenicke/
Lehrstuhl Allgemeine Elektrotechnik  Tel. +49 355 69-4129
Universitaetsplatz 3-4, D-03044 Cottbus  Fax. +49 355 69-4153
OpenSSL Project http://www.openssl.org
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2001-12-09 Thread xuehoubird
Title: Mail

OpenSSL Project http://www.openssl.org
Development Mailing List   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[STATUS] OpenSSL (Sun 9-Dec-2001)

2001-12-09 Thread OpenSSL Project

  OpenSSL STATUS   Last modified at
  __   $Date: 2001/11/14 21:21:47 $


o  OpenSSL 0.9.7:  Under development...
o  OpenSSL 0.9.6b: Released on July   9th, 2001
o  OpenSSL 0.9.6a: Released on April  5th, 2001
o  OpenSSL 0.9.6:  Released on September 24th, 2000
o  OpenSSL 0.9.5a: Released on April  1st, 2000
o  OpenSSL 0.9.5:  Released on February  28th, 2000
o  OpenSSL 0.9.4:  Released on August09th, 1999
o  OpenSSL 0.9.3a: Released on May   29th, 1999
o  OpenSSL 0.9.3:  Released on May   25th, 1999
o  OpenSSL 0.9.2b: Released on March 22th, 1999
o  OpenSSL 0.9.1c: Released on December  23th, 1998


o BIGNUM library failures on 64-bit platforms (0.9.7-dev):
  - BN_mod_mul verificiation (bc) fails for solaris64-sparcv9-cc




o Steve is currently working on (in no particular order):
ASN1 code redesign, butchery, replacement.
EVP cipher enhancement.
Enhanced certificate chain verification.
Private key, certificate and CRL API and implementation.
Developing and bugfixing PKCS#7 (S/MIME code).
Various X509 issues: character sets, certificate request extensions.
o Geoff and Richard are currently working on:
ENGINE (the new code that gives hardware support among others).
o Richard is currently working on:
UI (User Interface)
UTIL (a new set of library functions to support some higher level
  functionality that is currently missing).
Shared library support for VMS.
Kerberos 5 authentication


o  All 'openssl' subprograms taking '-des' and '-des3' options should
   include AES support (0.9.7-dev)

o  'openssl speed' should include AES support (0.9.7-dev)

o  apps/ca.c: "Sign the certificate?" - "n" creates empty certificate file

o  OpenSSL_0_9_6-stable:
   #include  in exported header files is illegal since
   e_os.h is suitable only for library-internal use.

o  Whenever strncpy is used, make sure the resulting string is NULL-terminated
   or an error is reported

o  "OpenSSL STATUS" is never up-to-date.


o  The Makefile hierarchy and build mechanism is still not a round thing:

   1. The config vs. Configure scripts
  It's the same nasty situation as for Apache with APACI vs.
  src/Configure. It confuses.
  Suggestion: Merge Configure and config into a single configure
  script with a Autoconf style interface ;-) and remove
  Configure and config. Or even let us use GNU Autoconf
  itself. Then we can avoid a lot of those platform checks
  which are currently in Configure.

o  Support for Shared Libraries has to be added at least
   for the major Unix platforms. The details we can rip from the stuff
   Ralf has done for the Apache src/Configure script. Ben wants the
   solution to be really simple.

   Status: Ralf will look how we can easily incorporate the
   compiler PIC and linker DSO flags from Apache
   into the OpenSSL Configure script.

   Ulf: +1 for using GNU autoconf and libtool (but not automake,
which apparently is not flexible enough to generate

o  The perl/ stuff needs a major overhaul. Currently it's
   totally obsolete. Either we clean it up and enhance it to be up-to-date
   with the C code or we also could replace it with the really nice
   Net::SSLeay package we can find under
   http://www.neuronio.pt/SSLeay.pm.html.  Ralf uses this package for a
   longer time and it works fine and is a nice Perl module. Best would be
   to convince the author to work for the OpenSSL project and create a
   Net::OpenSSL or Crypt::OpenSSL package out of it and maintains it for

   Status: Ralf thinks we should both contact the author of Net::SSLeay
   and look how much effort it is to bring Eric's perl/ stuff up
   to date.
   Paul +1


o  SRP in TLS.
   [wished by:
Tom Holroyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]

   See http://search.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-tls-srp-00.txt
   as well as http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~tjw/srp/.

   Tom Holroyd tells us there is a SRP patch for OpenSSH at
   http://members.tripod.com/professor_tom/archives/, that could
   be useful.
OpenSSL Project http://www.openssl.org
Development Mailing List   [EMAIL

openssl/postgres db binding - comments?

2001-12-09 Thread Bear Giles

I've developed a proof-of-concept binding between OpenSSL
and Postgres, via user defined types and functions, and am 
interested in comments whether it would be interesting to 
others.  My binding is *not* ready for primetime yet, but 
it's far enough along to start asking some intelligent questions.

There seem to be three major benefits:

1) it makes the database PKI-aware, at least to the extent that
   you can't store an improperly formatted object.

2) it pushes the crypto library into the database engine, so
   any client can access it.  No need to port the library to 
   Perl/Python/Ruby/Visual Basic/whatever.

There are three classes of functions: accessors that extract a 
field from an object, constructors that generate new objects (e.g., 
DSA parameters or key pairs), and miscellaneous functions that 
perform some other task.

My questions are:

1) is there any interest in storing PKI information in relational
   databases?  Specifically, storing them as PKI objects, not BLOBs 
   or opaque VARCHAR objects.

2) is there any interest in using PKI functions provided by the

3) which PKI functions would people want to see?  Should the
   database be able to sign certs?  Should it be able to generate

When thinking about the final item, it's important to remember 
that the database binding can keep some information private. 
The most basic example is a password string required to generate
keypairs because the private key is always encrypted.  This ensures
that the encrypted private key is never visible through the database,
and the password can be protected by a SSL connection.  Of course
some idiot could still store their passwords in the database itself

Alternately, some functions (esp. CA functions) could require 
a unencrypted private key or password kept elsewhere on the system.
Access to these functions would be restricted using the normal 
database access control mechanism.

Bear Giles
bgiles (at) coyotesong (dot) com
OpenSSL Project http://www.openssl.org
Development Mailing List   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Test Fail in BN_mod_mul

2001-12-09 Thread Max Campos

Hi All,
I'm working on porting OpenSSL to the PalmOS platform (the SSLeay port 
just doesn't work for me for a number of reasons).  Anyway, i've gotten 
many pieces of crypto to test OK, and all of bignum except for the 
BN_mod_mul test, which fails only after quite a number of iterations:

This is the line that crashes - line 401 of bn_asm.c (bn_sub_words):

I get essentially an error that says that memory has been accessed that 
hasn't been allocated or is out of bounds.

Here's the variable dump:

a: 0x00036E02
b: 0x0003DC2
c: 0
n: 15
r: 0x00036FC2
t1: 354005811
t2: 14090239

Also: i=55 in line 748 (if (!BN_mod_mul(e,a,b,c,ctx))) of bntest.c when it 

If you want, I can provide variable dumps for the other levels in the stack 
as well.

All of the rest of the Bignum tests pass (including those past the mod_mul 
test), and i'm at a bit of a loss as to why this one fails.

Any ideas?

- Max

OpenSSL Project http://www.openssl.org
Development Mailing List   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My Mother sent me this 28353

2001-12-09 Thread rekjavik89376_98

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2001-12-09 Thread zhenye







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2001-12-09 Thread zhenye







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