Re: PKCS#11 wrapper around OpenSSL

2007-11-20 Thread Steven Bade
Victor B. Wagner wrote:
> On 2007.11.19 at 14:51:16 -0600, Steven Bade wrote:
>> OpenCryptoki's Soft token based on openssl, was never intended to be a
>> FIPS capable function,  its simply intended to be an example for those
>> who might wish to
>> a) test PKCS#11 applications without having to have a card
> It is what I need. Really there is just two applications I really want
> to test - Firefox and Thunderbird. 

We have successfuly used it with Firefox and Thunderbird. We also tested
 (LONG time ago) with Netscape Web Server.

> But it is interesting to know how fully PKCS#11 specification is
> implemented in OpenCryptoki. How much effort would be needed to add new
> profile for new cryptography algorithms, which are supported by recent
> OpenSSL, but, probably, never taken into account by authors of
> OpenCryptoki.   

Adding new Mechanisms is pretty straight foward.  Corhent added the DH
mechanisms, and their developer was able to do it in about 1 month time.
 Some mechanisms maybe more difficult than others to integrate.

We tried to make the code modular and be extensible for new mechanisms
and new crypto providers, but that said, nothing is perfect.

We implement the full spec of API's, we don't implement all mechanisms,
that is not required of Tokens (I've never seen a token which implements
all the mechanisms).

Any questions etc, should be addressed to the opencryptoki mailing list,
which is linked to off the sourceforge project page.
> __
> OpenSSL Project
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Re: PKCS#11 wrapper around OpenSSL

2007-11-19 Thread Steven Bade
I believe that Sun contributed a pretty robust PKCS#11 engine for openSSL.

Soft token exists in opencryptoki today,  if i ever find time, I will be
porting this to OSX
Alon Bar-Lev wrote:
> On Nov 6, 2007 11:07 AM, Victor B. Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I was asked by one user if we are planning to provide PKCS#11 module,
>> based on OpenSSL (it was in the context of adding GOST algorithms
>> support to the Mozilla-based software).
> I guess you mean software token... You wish to have PKCS#11 token that is
> implemented using OpenSSL libraries.
> PKCS#11 usually used in order to access hardware cryptography, it would
> be nice if the engine interface of OpenSSL would have PKCS#11, it would
> have been more standard, and allow supporting features that are not currently
> supported by the engine interface, such as loading certificates from engine or
> authenticating to the agent during usage etc..
> In order to allow OpenSSL based application to use PKCS#11 properly with
> minimum changes, I've written pkcs11-helper library [1].
> But if you wish only have PKCS#11 soft token implemented using OpenSSL,
> it should not too complex to achieve.
> Best Regards,
> Alon Bar-Lev.
> [1]
> __
> OpenSSL Project
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Re: PKCS#11 wrapper around OpenSSL

2007-11-19 Thread Steven Bade
OpenCryptoki's Soft token based on openssl, was never intended to be a
FIPS capable function,  its simply intended to be an example for those
who might wish to
a) test PKCS#11 applications without having to have a card
b) implement a token for an accelerator,  other examples in opencryptoki
are ICA (IBM Cryptographic Accelerator - which has also been permuted on
Z Linux to access what ever crypto exists in a CLEAR KEY format.), the
Broadcom support.

As peter points out, there are some design decisions in the accelrator
token model which preclude FIPS.  Integration of a FIPS module under OC
is possible, but the integration points need to be much higher up in the
actual token stack, because one really needs to be passing encrypted
"blobs" as keys to the module and have a true separation of the Module,
from the API... Possible, yes, just does not exist today

Peter Waltenberg wrote:
> There are some things that are "quite hard" problems doing it the other way
> round. FIPS certification with the OpenSSL engine plugin active is probably
> the worst.
> With PKCS#11 on top of OpenSSL you have an "industry standard" API, which
> most hardware cards support. So you could swap a FIPS certified hardware
> card with a FIPS certified PKCS#11 on top of OpenSSL.  Using OpenSSL with
> the engine code underneath doesn't make much sense in this context.
> Note that IBM does have an open source PKCS#11 which sits on top of
> OpenSSL, search for opencryptoki. That doesn't solve the FIPS problem
> though due to some details of it's design.
> There are downsides in PKCS#11, various vendors have interpreted the
> standard in their own unique manner - so even though it's "standardized",
> you still need some implementation specific code to function across vendor
> implementations. It also has more (a lot more) setup overhead than OpenSSL
> and although the user API isn't bad to implement, the provider side is
> painful.
> I can guarantee it's feasible, but it is a lot of work.
> Peter
>   From:   "Victor B. Wagner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
>   To: 
>   Date:   19/11/2007 20:27
>   Subject:PKCS#11 wrapper around OpenSSL  
> I was asked by one user if we are planning to provide PKCS#11 module,
> based on OpenSSL (it was in the context of adding GOST algorithms
> support to the Mozilla-based software).
> I doubt is this solution is technically feasable.
> As far as I know, most people do it other way around - write interfaces
> which allow to USE PKCS#11 modules from within OpenSSL. I've seen at
> least two engines which interface external PKCS#11 modules, and both are
> incomplete, so if there is a PKCS#11 module which implements new public
> key algorithm, they wouldn't allow to use it.
> But question is - is it a good idea to write PKCS#11 module which uses
> OpenSSL (with all its engine support) for cryptography and supports
> everything OpenSSL supports.
> I haven't studied PKCS#11 specification in great detail - it is very huge.
>  From the first glance it looks like just a big enough coding effort -
>  OpenSSL contains all neccessary cryptography routines and ASN.1 support
>  to provide PKCS#11 interface.
> May be someone on this list hav dug a bit deeper in the PKCS#11
> specification and can give more arguments pro or contra?
> __
> OpenSSL Project
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Re: patent risk in encryption algotithm ?

2003-09-26 Thread Steven Bade
DSA is unencumbered... I'm not sure about CAST
On Thu, 2003-09-25 at 23:43, Boehme, Alfred wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been asked, if there is any known patent risk in the encryption algorithm of 
> OpenSSL ?
> Especially 
> DSA, CAST-128, and CAST-256
> was asked for.
> Can someone help me here ?
> Thanks in advance
> Alfred
> __
> OpenSSL Project
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Re: PKCS#11 engines revisited

2002-09-10 Thread Steven Bade


When are you going to submit a 0.9.7 pkcs#11 engine??
As I understand things, 0.9.6 will not have any new
submissions included 0.9.7 is probably frozen, but the
0.9.8 function will be built on the 0.9.7 base and
a PKCS#11 engine for 0.9.7 would be more likely to be
incorporated into 0.9.8???

afchine madjlessi wrote:
> I've made some improvements in the Bull trustway pkcs#11 engine to be more generic.
> In this release, PKCS#11 functions are called through the functions list rather than 
>specific calls directly to PKCS#11 functions. So it is possible to point it to any 
>PKCS#11 shared library renamed on Linux.
> A new flag, RSA_FLAG_GEN_KEY is added to RSA_method to allow the use of the 
>additionnal entries (rsa_generate_key, i2d/d2i_RSAPrivate/PublicKey) for crypto cards 
>which can generate and store keys. 
> PKCS#11 engine is added in crypto/engine/pkcs11. In the crypto code, rsagen & 
>d2i/i2dRSAPublic/PrivateKey functions can be redirected to the the PKCS11 engine when 
>RSA_FLAG_GEN_KEY is defined by the engine.
> This PKCS#11 engine identifier is "pkcs11" rather than trustway in the last release.
> I've tested this engine with apache-mod_ssl & cc2000 Bull crypto card on Linux. It 
>have been tested also on Win32.
> Cheers,
> Afchine Madjlessi
> __
> Bull - Trustway R&D - Networking & Security
> __
> OpenSSL Project
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Steven Bade
Senior Software Engineer
IBM Linux Technology Center

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Who cares about converting MPH to KPH.  I want to convert to
Furlongs per Fortnight

OpenSSL Project
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Re: Update: Bull TrustWay PKCS#11 engine

2002-07-10 Thread Steven Bade

The 64$ question from my mind is are you working on a 0.9.7 engine for 
PKCS#11... That's the one of particular interest to me in the long run.

afchine madjlessi wrote:

> You can find here the last updates for Trustway PKCS#11 engine.
> ChangeLog:
> - patch update for openssl-engine-0.9.6d
> - patch update for mod_ssl-2.2.10-1.3.26
> Work on a generic non-intrusive version of pkcs11 engine implementation for
> openssl is in progress.
> I will submit it as soon as possible.
> Cheers,
> Afchine
> __
> Bull Trustway R&D - Networking & Security
> __
> OpenSSL Project
> Development Mailing List   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Steven A. Bade
UNIX Network Security Cryptographic Strategy and Development Architecture
T/L 678-4799

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Re: [ #11] Fw: trustway pkcs11 engine for openssl

2002-05-30 Thread Steven Bade

We generate all keys within our "tokens" Some tokens such as the 
4758 keep all the token objects within the secure boundary, and rely on 
the proper PKCS#11 attributes to control selection, keys generated stay 
within the FIPS4 boundary.  Others which are accelerators, still use the 
PKCS#11 key generation calls (or object creation functions which could 
be done with the 4758 as well, but then these objects really can't be 
marked as NEVER_EXTRACTABLE because their origin is not really known or 
can be trusted).

I don;t remember exactly what the Trustway patch added, but it would be 
nice to allow for engine specific key generation to be used through the 
normal key generation paths, as well as allow for normal calls to be 
used to instantiate the CERT within the PKCS#11 token

BTW, afchine, I for some reason always get 2 copies of ALL your posts to 
the mailing list...

afchine madjlessi wrote:

>  "Steven Bade" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>I'm not sure about the second question, but we found that the eracom
>>engine submission was much more generic.   When one of my co-workers
>>tried to get our PKCS#11 libraries (openCryptoki) used by the Trustway
>>module there were many issues, as well as specific calls directly to
>>PKCs#11 functions rather than through the function list.   If I remember
>>correctly the Eracom submission from last year was much more generic and
>>we had to do nothing except point it to our shared library...  No
>>requirements for GKPCS11 headers, no direct function calls...
> I think that in the case of Eracom card, keys are generated by an external
> way.
> Trustway card generates and stores keys, it's the reason of changes in the
> RSA methods.
> If needed, I can add the include files in the patch, so it doesn't require
> to get gpkcs11
> headers.
> afchine

Steven A. Bade
UNIX Network Security Cryptographic Strategy and Development Architecture
T/L 678-4799

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Re: [ #11] Fw: trustway pkcs11 engine for openssl

2002-05-30 Thread Steven Bade

I'm not sure about the second question, but we found that the eracom 
engine submission was much more generic.   When one of my co-workers 
tried to get our PKCS#11 libraries (openCryptoki) used by the Trustway 
module there were many issues, as well as specific calls directly to 
PKCs#11 functions rather than through the function list.   If I remember 
correctly the Eracom submission from last year was much more generic and 
we had to do nothing except point it to our shared library...  No 
requirements for GKPCS11 headers, no direct function calls...

Richard Levitte via RT wrote:

> I've just started looking at this, and I've got a couple of 
> questions:
> 1. could this engine be considered a general PKCS#11 engine, or are 
> there specific ties to Trustway.  I'd prefer to see a general 
> PKCS#11 engine.
> 2. Those extra functions in the RSA method, are they really needed?  
> I understand that they provide a lot of automagic things, but then 
> it should be added in the ENGINE framework as something that would 
> be potentially available for any hardware (that supports that extra 
> functionality).  Also, when it comes to loading keys, the current 
> modus operandi is to explicitely use the ENGINE key loading 
> functions rather than having some implicit functionality going on.  
> The reason is that we'd prefer not to surprise the users too much.

Steven A. Bade
UNIX Network Security Cryptographic Strategy and Development Architecture
T/L 678-4799

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Re: Name space collision

2002-04-06 Thread Steven Bade

thanks for taking the patch into consideration...  When I get back to 
work I'll see if i can;t find the AIX Linker options and pass them on...

Richard Levitte - VMS Whacker wrote:

> From: Steven Bade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> sbade> It seems that building with -Wl,-Bsymbolic on the linker options for 
> sbade> creating the  makes this issue go away...
> Hmm, I guess that's a change to be made in  However,
> except for GNU ld, I have no idea what the option to get this right
> is, so it would be nice if those who know all the other linkers we're
> attempting to support could chip in and tell us how to do this.

Steven A. Bade
UNIX Network Security Cryptographic Strategy and Development Architecture
T/L 678-4799

To convert from Hogsheads to Cubic Feet - Multiply by 8.4219

"Two-way communication is necessary to proactively facilitate acceptance
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OpenSSL Project
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Re: Name space collision

2002-04-05 Thread Steven Bade

Harald... We build our software token with -Bsymbolic. In fact all the 
shared objects we create are with -Bsymbolic.   Because of licensing 
issues I can't staticaly bind with libcrypto (and even under debug 
scenarios, it turns out that binding static to libcrypto.a the problem 
occurs as well so this does not fix)

If you are going to over ride SHA1_Update, you had better override all 
the SHA1_* functions...

Harald Koch wrote:

>>Here is a patch I created for the file to correct the 
>>problem we were having...
> I wouldn't like to see this in OpenSSL by default; there are times when
> you *want* to over-ride functions inside the library in your own
> program, and times when you don't.
> I'd advise you instead to build your software token with -Bsymbolic and
> link it against the static versions of libssl and/or libcrypto. That's
> what we do for our Apache and iPlanet plugins, and it works on most
> UNIXes (I'm currently having trouble with HP/UX, but doesn't everyone? :-)

Steven A. Bade
UNIX Network Security Cryptographic Strategy and Development Architecture
T/L 678-4799

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Re: Name space collision

2002-04-05 Thread Steven Bade

Here is a patch I created for the file to correct the 
problem we were having...

Steven Bade wrote:

> It seems that building with -Wl,-Bsymbolic on the linker options for 
> creating the  makes this issue go away...
> Tom Wu wrote:
>> Steven Bade wrote:
>>> We've created in the openCryptoki project a software token  which 
>>> uses openSSL's crypto routines...   When running under the iplanet 
>>> regression test suite we get a core dump in the key generation 
>>> code... Tracing it down, the crash occurs in the SHA1_Update... one 
>>> of the community members as a test changed the calls in the openSSL 
>>> code to SHA1_Update to be FOO_SHA1_Update.
>>> Any of the more experienced openSSL developers out there have any 
>>> suggestions of things we may try with regard to linker options  or 
>>> other  ideas that we could do to address this collision (I doubt that 
>>> I;m going to be able to get netscape to chance their function names 
>>> :)
>> We encountered the same problem here when loading OpenSSL-based 
>> modules under iPlanet or the Netscape browser.  Our solution was to 
>> add macros to the OpenSSL includes to "remap" the offending symbols to 
>> avoid conflicts.  We also added placeholders for the old function 
>> names that called the remapped functions to ensure that our library 
>> binaries were still binary and source-compatible with unmodified 
>> OpenSSL libraries.
>>> thanks for your help...
>> Tom

Steven A. Bade
UNIX Network Security Cryptographic Strategy and Development Architecture
T/L 678-4799

To convert from Hogsheads to Cubic Feet - Multiply by 8.4219

"Two-way communication is necessary to proactively facilitate acceptance
and involvement and to get insights about the journey it takes to get where
we want"

this mess is so big and so bad and so tall,
we cannot clean it up, there is no way at all
(Cat in the Hat)

---   Fri Apr  5 08:56:18 2002
+++ Makefile.orgFri Apr  5 08:56:36 2002
@@ -258,6 +258,7 @@
( set -x; ${CC}  -shared -o lib$$${SHLIB_MAJOR}.${SHLIB_MINOR} \
-Wl,-soname=lib$$${SHLIB_MAJOR}.${SHLIB_MINOR} \
-Wl,--whole-archive lib$$i.a \
+   -Wl,-Bsymbolic \
-Wl,--no-whole-archive $$libs ${EX_LIBS} -lc ) || exit 1; \
libs="$$libs -l$$i"; \

Re: Name space collision

2002-04-05 Thread Steven Bade

Thanks, but I don;t think that in this case this will help since the 
particular use of the function is down in the deep libcrypto code itself 
  so creating macros for our calls internaly would not do much good...

I've been able to get past some of these types of problems in the past 
with -Wl,-Bsymbolic.  Which I;m trying in the openSSL 0.9.6c build now

Tom Wu wrote:

> Steven Bade wrote:
>> We've created in the openCryptoki project a software token  which 
>> uses openSSL's crypto routines...   When running under the iplanet 
>> regression test suite we get a core dump in the key generation code... 
>> Tracing it down, the crash occurs in the SHA1_Update... one of the 
>> community members as a test changed the calls in the openSSL code to 
>> SHA1_Update to be FOO_SHA1_Update.
>> Any of the more experienced openSSL developers out there have any 
>> suggestions of things we may try with regard to linker options  or 
>> other  ideas that we could do to address this collision (I doubt that 
>> I;m going to be able to get netscape to chance their function names 
>> :)
> We encountered the same problem here when loading OpenSSL-based modules 
> under iPlanet or the Netscape browser.  Our solution was to add macros 
> to the OpenSSL includes to "remap" the offending symbols to avoid 
> conflicts.  We also added placeholders for the old function names that 
> called the remapped functions to ensure that our library binaries were 
> still binary and source-compatible with unmodified OpenSSL libraries.
>> thanks for your help...
> Tom

Steven A. Bade
UNIX Network Security Cryptographic Strategy and Development Architecture
T/L 678-4799

To convert from Hogsheads to Cubic Feet - Multiply by 8.4219

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Re: Name space collision

2002-04-05 Thread Steven Bade

Fred  Not sure what Tom is using... but we're using openCryptoki 
which is the IBM LTC sponsored open source implementation of PKCS#11 
it has nothing to do with gpkcs11, and is available at the IBM 
Developerworks site under the Common Public License...

Frederic DONNAT wrote:

> Hi Tom
> You say that you where loading openssl based modules under iplanet. 
> Are you talking about gpkcs11 stored on ?
> Could you tell me more about this ? What are these modules ? Are they free ? Where 
>could i find them if there are free ?
> Thanks in advance 
> Fred
> -Original Message-
> From: Tom Wu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Fri 04/05/2002 6:25 AM
> Cc:   
> Subject:  Re: Name space collision
> Steven Bade wrote:
>>We've created in the openCryptoki project a software token  which 
>>uses openSSL's crypto routines...   When running under the iplanet 
>>regression test suite we get a core dump in the key generation code... 
>>Tracing it down, the crash occurs in the SHA1_Update... one of the 
>>community members as a test changed the calls in the openSSL code to 
>>SHA1_Update to be FOO_SHA1_Update.
>>Any of the more experienced openSSL developers out there have any 
>>suggestions of things we may try with regard to linker options  or other 
>> ideas that we could do to address this collision (I doubt that I;m 
>>going to be able to get netscape to chance their function names :)
> We encountered the same problem here when loading OpenSSL-based modules 
> under iPlanet or the Netscape browser.  Our solution was to add macros 
> to the OpenSSL includes to "remap" the offending symbols to avoid 
> conflicts.  We also added placeholders for the old function names that 
> called the remapped functions to ensure that our library binaries were 
> still binary and source-compatible with unmodified OpenSSL libraries.
>>thanks for your help...
> Tom

Steven A. Bade
UNIX Network Security Cryptographic Strategy and Development Architecture
T/L 678-4799

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OpenSSL Project
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Name space collision

2002-04-04 Thread Steven Bade

We've created in the openCryptoki project a software token  which uses 
openSSL's crypto routines...   When running under the iplanet regression 
test suite we get a core dump in the key generation code... Tracing it 
down, the crash occurs in the SHA1_Update... one of the community 
members as a test changed the calls in the openSSL code to SHA1_Update 
to be FOO_SHA1_Update.

Any of the more experienced openSSL developers out there have any 
suggestions of things we may try with regard to linker options  or other 
  ideas that we could do to address this collision (I doubt that I;m 
going to be able to get netscape to chance their function names :)

thanks for your help...
Steven A. Bade
UNIX Network Security Cryptographic Strategy and Development Architecture
T/L 678-4799

To convert from Hogsheads to Cubic Feet - Multiply by 8.4219

"Two-way communication is necessary to proactively facilitate acceptance
and involvement and to get insights about the journey it takes to get where
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(Cat in the Hat)

OpenSSL Project
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Re: Adding a new hardware accelerator

2002-01-09 Thread Steven Bade


You might want to look at participating in our openCryptoki project 
rather than create a PKCS#11 implementation from scratch.

If you go to
you can get some information, or you can email me and I'll try and 
answer what ever questions you may have...


> I've implemented an openssl engine adaption for Utimaco's new hardware
> security module CryptOn2. It is a pci card which today can do asymmetric
> encryption, DES, 3DES3, SHA1, MD5, RIPEMD. Random number generation and
> secure key storage will be implemented in the near future as part of a
> PKCS#11 implementation.
> My openssl-engine adaption is tested to work with openssl-engine-0.9.6b.
> My questions are:
> - How can I distribute my code to have CryptOn2 integrated into
> openssl-engine-0.9.6x?
> - I looked into the current snapshot and found a lot of changes within the
> engine part. It seems to me that hardware accelerated symmetric crypto and
> hashing will also be supported by the future 0.9.7 release of openssl. How
> can I support you with the 0.9.7 integration? Do I concentrate on the
> engine adaption or on OpenBSD's /dev/crypto or on a PKCS#11 module?
> -  Do you need some CryptOn2 boards to verify the functionality?
> Christian
> __
> OpenSSL Project
> Development Mailing List   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Steven A. Bade
UNIX Network Security Cryptographic Strategy and Development Architecture
T/L 678-4799

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"Two-way communication is necessary to proactively facilitate acceptance
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