No matches were found for subject:"Subject\: \[PATCH\] ssl\: introduce async sign\/decrypt APIs This patch is introducing `async_key_ex_cb` member of both `SSL_CTX` and `SSL`, and `SSL_supply\(\)`. If `async_key_ex_cb` is present\: \* Server will ignore dummy RSA key, assuming that it is matching the certificate. \* Server will invoke this callback with either\: \* `SSL_KEY_EX_RSA` \* `SSL_KEY_EX_RSA_SIGN` as a `type` argument, and some data for signature or decryption in `p`\/`n` pair. At that time the sign\/decryption may be performed on any thread, or even remotely, and the result should be supplied with `SSL_supply\(\)`. Calling `SSL_supply\(\)` will continue the handshake process without even touching the real private key."