RE: Supported OS Versions...

2003-03-13 Thread Jones, Steven
I assume any OS that has a compiler, which should be all.


-Original Message-
From: Clifford Grimm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 28 February 2003 4:00 
Subject: Supported OS Versions...

Where can a find a list of the OS Versions that are supported for 
various versions of openssl?

For example, is Solaris 2.6 supported in version 0.9.6h.



Clifford L. Grimm
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
46 Lizotte Drive
Marlborough, MA 01752

Direct:  781-442-6246   Internal: x26246
Fax: 781-442-7198
Cell: 978-618-1336

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2003-03-13 Thread Rene Ponton F.

I´ve installed apache-1.3.27-sol7-sparc-local with openssl-0.9.6g-sol7-
sparc-local but I think I have some problem with ssl because when I try
to start up apache I obtain this error: /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd: fatal: open failed: No
such file or directory
./apachectl start: httpd could not be started

One requerement to install apache is openssl could you help me with
this error?


René Pontón
Impsat Fiber Networks
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a problem in installtion

2003-03-13 Thread Rohana Dasanayaka
Dear Sir,

When I am running ./config, it says you want perl 5. My perl directory
is /usr/bin/perl5.6.0,. Could you please inform me that where I should
edit or how can I fix it.

OpenSSL Project
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RE: Malloc failure error with OpenSSL

2003-03-13 Thread Greaney, Kevin
Title: Message

 What version of OpenSSL are you 
using? What platform are you seeing this
error on - Unix, VMS, Windows? And, it 
might help to know how you built it?!?


SSL for OpenVMS Team Hewlett Packard Company OpenVMS Engineering 
Group 110 Spitbrook 
Nashua, NH 
03062 (603) 

  -Original Message-From: Kattamuri, Kal 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 2:46 PMTo: 
  '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'Subject: Malloc failure error with 
  OpenSSLImportance: High
  Hi All,
  I am seeing the following error in my error logs after I 
  installed/enabled SSL in my server. Please note that I was not seeing this 
  error prior to enabling SSL on this server. Any help would be highly 
  [Mon Mar 3 20:43:17 2003] 
  [error] mod_ssl: SSL handshake failed (server, client (System and OpenSSL library errors follow)[Mon Mar 3 
  20:43:17 2003] [error] System: Not enough space (errno: 12)[Mon Mar 
  3 20:43:17 2003] [error] OpenSSL: error:1409C021:SSL 
  routines:SSL3_SETUP_BUFFERS:Malloc failure
  Thanks in 
  Best Regards,Kalyan Kattamuri,Web 
  Hosting Services Delivery,Hewlett 

RE: Cert usage

2003-03-13 Thread Aslam
If u don't want to use any certs on both side then u have to chose
annonymous cipher suites, the ones having ADH- in them, like
But still u need to have DH key on server and turn off the client
athentication on server side. 


-Original Message-
From: Emil Kopysc [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2003 10:41 AM
Subject: Cert usage

Hi All!
I'm writing a small library to provide secure communication
for our client/server application. I don't want to use any certs
on both sides (client/server), just establish a connection
whith e.g. DHE-DSS-AES128-SHA (i think it doesn't need any
certificate to use... or I am wrong...?). The OpenSSL libraries 
version I'm using is 0.9.7a (on RH7.3), they're compiled as shared 
libraries. My programs caused some errors, so I thought I've made 
something wrong, but when I tried to use:
openssl s_server -nocert -debug -cipher DHE-DSS-AES128-SHA
openssl s_client -debug
on server side there was an error:
2847:error:1408A0C1:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:no shared 
cipher:s3_srvr.c:881:shutting down SSL
and on client side:
2951:error:14077410:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert 
handshake failure:s23_clnt.c:470:
and these errors are the same as my programs made...
All is good when I use a certificate on server side.
So my question is:
Is there possible to make any encrypted communication without any 
Emil Kopysc
Design  Developement
TRX - Cyfrowe Rejestratory Rozmow
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Re: ftp implicit ssl connection

2003-03-13 Thread Jeffrey Altman

It is very unclear to me what type of help you are looking for.
There are many SSL/TLS FTP client and server implementations available
as open source in addition to the specifications for the protocol which
are available as an Internet-Draft.

What do you need?

gomess wrote:

  Nobody can help me ? :-((
  Please... :-)

Problem changing key/iv on a CIPHER bio

2003-03-13 Thread Brian Hatch

I want to be able to change the key and iv on a connection
that is already established.  Currently I just have a simple
socket BIO and cipher BIO chained together.  (Cipher is
EVP_bf_cbc() currently.)

The connection should look like this:

1) client connects to server
2) set both client and server to use key/iv foo/bar
3) send some data
4) set both client and server to use new key/iv one/two
5) send more data

#1 through #3 are working fine, I can easily verify that the data sent
is what I recieve.  It's #4 and #5 that seem to be failing.

Doing doing operation #4 above is clearly what I need to fix.
I've tried:

  * calling BIO_set_cipher on the cipher BIO directly.

  * removing the cipher BIO and adding a new one with the
correct key/iv to the socket BIO.

  * calling BIO_flush on the chain before using any of the
previous two changes, discarding any padding bytes from
the BIO_flush.

I'm doing the same thing on both ends, of course - it would never
work to change the key on client and not server and expect things
to work.  This is unidirectional data flow -- the server never sends
any data to the client.

Any quick ideas where my brain or code is failing me?

Brian Hatch  LLooccall EEcchhoo iiss
   Systems anduunnddeeaatteedd.
   Security Engineer

Every message PGP signed

Description: PGP signature

Re: Problem changing key/iv on a CIPHER bio

2003-03-13 Thread Dr. Stephen Henson
On Thu, Mar 13, 2003, Brian Hatch wrote:

 I want to be able to change the key and iv on a connection
 that is already established.  Currently I just have a simple
 socket BIO and cipher BIO chained together.  (Cipher is
 EVP_bf_cbc() currently.)
 The connection should look like this:
   1) client connects to server
   2) set both client and server to use key/iv foo/bar
   3) send some data
   4) set both client and server to use new key/iv one/two
   5) send more data
 #1 through #3 are working fine, I can easily verify that the data sent
 is what I recieve.  It's #4 and #5 that seem to be failing.
 Doing doing operation #4 above is clearly what I need to fix.
 I've tried:
   * calling BIO_set_cipher on the cipher BIO directly.
   * removing the cipher BIO and adding a new one with the
 correct key/iv to the socket BIO.
   * calling BIO_flush on the chain before using any of the
 previous two changes, discarding any padding bytes from
 the BIO_flush.
 I'm doing the same thing on both ends, of course - it would never
 work to change the key on client and not server and expect things
 to work.  This is unidirectional data flow -- the server never sends
 any data to the client.
 Any quick ideas where my brain or code is failing me?

This isn't something I've had to do personally however...

Popping and pushing the BIO should work provided you get it right. For this to
work properly of course you need change keys and IVs only after a multiple of
the block length has been sent, otherwise data will be lost and possibly
internal buffering could spoil you whole day due to synchronisation errors.

In fact synchronisation may well be a problem because when using padding the
EVP routines need to buffer a whole block on decrypt so that the block padding
check works. So when you read data from the end BIO in the chain it will
typically have internally buffered the next block using the current key/IV.

In OpenSSL 0.9.7X you can disable padding using the EVP API, that is the
preferred method because the internal buffering no longer occurs. You need to
retrieve the EVP_CIPHER_CTX structure from the BIO to do that, see the 0.9.7
manual pages for precise details.

Dr Stephen N. Henson.
Core developer of the   OpenSSL project:
Freelance consultant see:
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], PGP key: via homepage.
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Re: openssl configuration for IA5String: domainComponent

2003-03-13 Thread Dr. Stephen Henson
On Thu, Feb 27, 2003, Dhiva Muruganantham wrote:

 I want have a certificate request with subject DN as,OU=hosts,DC=sample,DC=org.
 and also i want the DC component value as a IA5String.
 By default the asn1parse shows me that the DC component values are 
 Is it possible with 0.9.7a ? If yes, what are the changes which i have 
 to do with the openssl.cnf

This is possible but not via openssl.cnf. It needs a source modification.

The behaviour of DN components is governed by a table in

If a particular component is absent then it reverts to DirectoryString which
wont use an IA5String at all.

So the only solution is to add an appropriate value to this table or call the
ASN1_STRING_table_add() function which I'm not sure has ever been tested...

Since this is incorrect behaviour for this component I'll check in a fix which
will appear in the next snapshots.

Dr Stephen N. Henson.
Core developer of the   OpenSSL project:
Freelance consultant see:
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], PGP key: via homepage.
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Re: introduction

2003-03-13 Thread Paul L. Allen
Mozilla can use SSL for NNTP, POP, and SMTP connections, so
its source code will have client code for each of those service types.
Mozilla knows how to provide client certs if the server requests them,
but it's up to the server to do that.  I've coded servers that require
client certs, but I don't know if there's an SMTP server that does
that.  (I mean, I'm ignorant, not I don't think one exists.)
The client/server examples from Eric Rescorla's book might also
be useful in figuring out how the code works.  And actually, Eric's
book (SSL and TLS, Designing and Building Secure Systems,
Addison Wesley) should be on the shelf of anyone coding with SSL.
I've certainly found it handy.
Paul Allen

Jake Zajac wrote:

I am new to the ssl thing but have been asked to implement this into 
an existing application.  We currently support email in our app, but 
only smtp servers that do not require any type of authentication.  Can 
you provide me with a link that has an overview of ssl?  I am looking 
for information on the flow of the data, the details of the 
transaction between the client and the smtp server, and an overview of 
the certificates and how they work with ssl.  Any input on this would 
be greatly appreciated.  I am sure that you get a lot of questions 
like this and I apologize for asking, but I could not find any 
overviews on the web site.  I have looked at several newsgroups but 
could not find any information on my topic or get any answers to my 
questions, so I figured that I would try here...  To connect to a 
server that does use SSL, is there always going to be a need for 
certificates on the client machine? 

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Problem running Tomcat SSL with my CA-generated certificate

2003-03-13 Thread Mark Liu
I am sorry if I should not have posted this message in
this list.

But I've been trying in both tomcat-user and
tomcat-dev, nobody has a clue.  Therefore, I wanna try
my luck here.

I use Tomcat 4.1.12 under Windows 2000.

I know how to run Tomcat in SSL mode by generating a
self-signed cert using the keytool utility that comes
with the Java J2SDK.

But my project needs to run Tomcat SSL with the
certificate generated by my little Java program.  It
has not been successful.

Check the cert attached in this message (cert4ca.cer).
 It is generated by my little Java program.

The keytool-generated self-signed cert works perfect. 
I can access both https://localhost and

To try the cert generated by my little Java program, I
deleted the tomcat cert in the keystore and imported
the above cert into the keystore as tomcat.

Then I can only access http://localhost, not
https://localhost.  And if I reverse to the
keytool-generated certificate, both http and https
work perfect again.  Obviously, it looks like it is
the problem of the cert generated by little Java

But the thing is, the cert generated by my little Java
program is a valid one as you can see from the
attached cert.

Can you guys give me a hint?  I need to resolve this

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Description: cert4ca.cer

DES/CBC question

2003-03-13 Thread Ken Ho


I am developing a cipher encryption tool in c++ using your openssl-crypto 

The result encrypted string is passed to another system for decryption and 
vice versa, in which the cipher encryption tool was developed in Java, cipher 
algorithm isDES, mode is CBC, PKCS 5 padding.

I tried both functions DES_ncbc_encrypt() and DES_cbc_encrypt() in lib 
crypto/des for encryption, the result string can't be decrypted by the Java 
version cipher tool, it doesn't work the other way around neither. I got around 
the padding but the strings just look totally different. Am I using the 
wrong functions? Which function provides the same algorithm/mode as the one we 
used in ourJava version.

Please help!! Thanks.

Ken Ho