Re: How to create intermediate CA certificate with openssl

2014-11-27 Thread John Mok

When you create the intermediate certificate, you need to add the
following attribute :-


Otherwise, the intermediate CA certificate can not issue server certificates.

Best regards,  John Mok

On Thu, Nov 27, 2014 at 3:43 PM, Jerry OELoo wrote:
 Hi All:
 Now I want to create a certificate chain by myself.
 It will looks like as below:

 Server Certificate - Intermediate CA - Root CA.

 Now I am using openssl command to create these certificate files.

 # Create CA
 openssl genrsa -out ca.key 4096
 openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -sha1 -days 1825 -key ca.key -out ca.crt

 # Create Intermediate
 openssl genrsa -out intermediate.key 4096
 openssl req -new -sha1 -key intermediate.key -out intermediate.csr

 # CA signs Intermediate
 openssl x509 -req -days 1825 -in intermediate.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey
 ca.key -set_serial 01 -out intermediate.crt

 # Create Server
 openssl genrsa -out 4096
 openssl req -new -key -out

 # Intermediate signs Server
 openssl x509 -req -days 1825 -in -CA
 intermediate.crt -CAkey intermediate.key -set_serial 01 -out

 Now I install ca.crt into WIndows7 local Trust Root Store. when I open file, I can see Certificate chain in
 Certification Path.

 But I get 1 warning information on intermediate certificate This
 certification authority is not allowed to issue certificates or cannot
 be used as an end-entity certificate.

 From search, I think this is because intermediate certificate/key is
 not a correct intermediate CA that it can not sign

 Please kindly give me some suggestion about how to use openssl command
 to sign with intermediate CA. Thanks!

 Rejoice,I Desire!
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Re: your mail

2014-11-27 Thread Viktor Dukhovni
On Thu, Nov 27, 2014 at 02:58:01PM +0800, Jerry OELoo wrote:

 # Create CA
 openssl genrsa -out ca.key 4096
 openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -sha1 -days 1825 -key ca.key -out ca.crt

Don't forget umask 077 or use a strong passpharse (no nodes).
Otherwise, the key is generally world-readable.  By far the greater
risk than someone factoring a 2048-bit key.

 # Create Intermediate
 openssl genrsa -out intermediate.key 4096
 openssl req -new -sha1 -key intermediate.key -out intermediate.csr

Various extensions should be set for intermediate CAs, and are not
in this case.

 Please kindly give me some suggestion about how to use openssl command
 to sign with intermediate CA. Thanks!

If you want to avoid the stateful CA model supported by the
openssl ca(1) command, the bash script below my signature is a
one-shot CA.  Adjust to taste.  This it has a root, two intermediates
and a leaf.  A PKCS#12 file is also generated.  The PKCS#12 passphrase
is umask 077, i.e. security of that file relies exclusively on
the filesystem (if POSIX).  You can change that too if you wish,
as well as password protecting the created keys (provided you're
willing to put up with all the prompts).

You may need to add more extensions, depending on where and for
what the chain will be used, this is not difficult.


#! /bin/bash

set -e

urun() {
local mask=$1; shift
( umask $mask; exec $@ )

key() {
local alg=$1; shift
local key=$1; shift

if [ ! -f ${key}.pem ]; then
case $alg in
urun 077 \
openssl genpkey \
-paramfile (openssl ecparam -name prime256v1) \
-out ${key}.pem;;
urun 077 \
openssl genpkey \
-algorithm rsa -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048 \
-out ${key}.pem;;
echo Unsupported key algorithm $alg
return 1;;

req() {
local alg=$1; shift
local key=$1; shift
local cn=$1; shift

key $alg $key
openssl req -new -sha256 -key ${key}.pem \
-config (printf [req]\n%s\n%s\n%s\n[dn]\nCN=%s\n \
   string_mask = utf8only prompt = no \
   distinguished_name = dn ${cn}) 

cert() {
local cert=$1; shift
local exts=$1; shift

openssl x509 -req -sha256 -out ${cert}.pem \
-extfile (printf %s\n $exts) $@

genroot() {
local cn=$1; shift
local alg=$1; shift
local key=$1; shift
local cert=$1; shift
local akid=authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid
local skid=subjectKeyIdentifier = hash

exts=$(printf %s\n%s\n%s\n $skid $akid basicConstraints = CA:true)
req $alg $key $cn |
cert $cert $exts -signkey ${key}.pem -set_serial 1 -days 30

genca() {
local cn=$1; shift
local alg=$1; shift
local key=$1; shift
local cert=$1; shift
local ca=$1; shift
local cakey=$1; shift
local akid=authorityKeyIdentifier  = keyid
local skid=subjectKeyIdentifier = hash

exts=$(printf %s\n%s\n%s\n $skid $akid basicConstraints = CA:true)
req $alg $key $cn |
cert $cert $exts -CA ${ca}.pem -CAkey ${cakey}.pem \
-set_serial 2 -days 30 $@

genee() {
local cn=$1; shift
local alg=$1; shift
local key=$1; shift
local cert=$1; shift
local ca=$1; shift
local cakey=$1; shift

exts=$(printf %s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n[alts]\n%s\n \
subjectKeyIdentifier = hash \
authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid, issuer \
basicConstraints = CA:false \
extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth \
subjectAltName = @alts DNS=${cn})
req $alg $key $cn |
cert $cert $exts -CA ${ca}.pem -CAkey ${cakey}.pem \
-set_serial 2 -days 30 $@

genroot Root CA rsa rootkey rootcert
genca CA 1 rsa cakey1 cacert1 rootcert rootkey
genca CA 2 rsa cakey2 cacert2 cacert1 cakey1
genee $(uname -n) ecdsa eekey eecert cacert2 cakey2

cat eecert.pem cacert2.pem cacert1.pem rootcert.pem  fullchain.pem
cat eecert.pem cacert2.pem cacert1.pem  chain.pem

urun 077 \
openssl pkcs12 -export \
-inkey eekey.pem -in chain.pem -out eekeys.p12 \
-password pass:umask 077 \
-keypbe PBE-SHA1-3DES -certpbe PBE-SHA1-3DES
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Question on option SSL_CTRL_CHECK_PROTO_VERSION (s3_lib.c)

2014-11-27 Thread Casado, Reyes

I use OpenSSL as a server implementation.
I'm upgrading my implementation from 1.0.1h to 1.0.1j and there have been 
changes added to s3_lib.c, which break the compilation of my implementation.
The issue is that the linker cannot locate the definition of SSLv23_method(). 
My implementation has never compiled this function.

From my limited understanding of the OpenSSL code, I've been guessing the call 
to SSLv23_method() (within 'case SSL_CTRL_CHECK_PROTO_VERSION') in s3_lib.c is 
used for an internal testing exercise? I could be wrong, please confirm.

I have compiled out that specific case and I'm able to link my code 
My question is:
Is that 'case' used during real execution or is it there for internal testing 
purposes only, as the comment associated seems to suggest? Is it a problem if 
It compiled out of the OpenSSL code?

Many thanks for your help in advance,
Reyes Casado

Re: Question on option SSL_CTRL_CHECK_PROTO_VERSION (s3_lib.c)

2014-11-27 Thread Matt Caswell

On 27/11/14 17:31, Casado, Reyes wrote:
 I use OpenSSL as a server implementation.
 I’m upgrading my implementation from 1.0.1h to 1.0.1j and there have
 been changes added to s3_lib.c, which break the compilation of my
 The issue is that the linker cannot locate the definition of
 SSLv23_method(). My implementation has never compiled this function.
 From my limited understanding of the OpenSSL code, I’ve been guessing
 the call to SSLv23_method() (within ‘case SSL_CTRL_CHECK_PROTO_VERSION’)
 in s3_lib.c is used for an internal testing exercise? I could be wrong,
 please confirm.
 I have compiled out that specific case and I’m able to link my code
 My question is:
 Is that ‘case’ used during “real” execution or is it there for internal
 testing purposes only, as the comment associated seems to suggest? Is it
 a problem if It compiled out of the OpenSSL code?

It is used during real execution and you should not compile it out.
SSLv23_method is an important function and is always present. You should
not be getting linker errors with it.

What config options and platform are you using?

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