Re: Error - AES-256 CBC encrypting using EVP routines and decrypting using command line

2010-05-25 Thread Anand Patel
You need to use same iv and key for decryption.
I believe the command is
openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -K key used to encrypt -iv iv used to
encrypt -in rgconf_encrypted -out rgconf_decrypted.


On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 8:30 AM, ~ Kunal Sharma ~ koolku...@gmail.comwrote:


 I'm trying to verify that my encryption and decryption routines work ok.
 One way I do it is to encrypt the data and save it to a file. The I feed the
 encrypted file to my decryption routine and write the decrypted data to
 another file. I compare the original data and the contents of the decrypted
 file and they are same. So the routines work fine in tandem.

 Another method I want to use it to encrypt the data and save it to a file.
 Then I feed the encrypted file to Openssl command line to decrypt.

 I get my encrypted data in the file rgconf_encrypted. Then I run the
 following command:

 openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -in rgconf_encrypted

 I enter the decryption password As different as chalk and cheese which I
 used to encrypt the data. But I get the error bad magic number.

 Am I missing something here ? I need to be able to use a simple phrase as
 my encryption password so I can decrypt it on command line as well. Please
 provide any pointers on what could be wrong here.

 Below is the code for my encryption routine.


 int encrypt(void)
 unsigned char ibuf[1024],obuf[1024];
 int rfd, wfd,ilen,olen,tlen;

 unsigned char key32[] = As different as chalk and cheese;
 unsigned char iv[] = As dark as pitch;
  if(!EVP_CipherInit_ex(ctx, EVP_aes_256_cbc(),NULL,key32, iv,AES_ENCRYPT)
 ) {
 console_printf(Couldnt initialize cipher\n);
  return 1;
  /* read the original contents that are stored in file /etc/rgconf */
 if((rfd = open(/etc/rgconf,O_RDONLY) ) == -1) {
  console_printf(Couldnt open input file\n);
 return 1;

 /* open a file /et.rgconf_encrypted to store encrypted data */
  if((wfd = creat(/etc/rgconf_encrypted,0644) ) == -1) {
 console_printf(Couldn't open output file for writing\n);
  return 1;
  while((ilen = read(rfd,ibuf,1024) )  0) {
  else {
 console_printf(Encryption error\n);
  return 1;
  if(!EVP_CipherFinal_ex(ctx,obuf+olen,tlen)) {
 console_printf(Trouble with padding the last block\n);
  return 1;

  console_printf(AES 256 CBC encryption complete\n);
  return 0;

Re: Problem in using openssl in PC

2010-03-21 Thread Anand Patel
Why don't you link your application statically during build. This eliminates
problem of having runtime linking/loading.  If that works then you know the
problem is with something else and not ssl.

On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 8:42 AM, Mohit Kumar wrote:

 I am using openssl in QT4.I copy libeay32.dll,ssleay32.dll along with
 my application.In some machine its work fine.While in some other PC i
 get error ssl not supported

 Please help as only ssl creating problem.
 Its urgent
 Thanks in advanced
 OpenSSL Project
 User Support Mailing
 Automated List Manager

Re: Error copiling ssl: undefined reference

2010-02-26 Thread Anand Patel
Do you link against correct libraries?  Try linking with ssleay and libeay.

On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 12:08 PM, xabi esteban wrote:

 I'm trying to use the SSL libreries. When I try to comipile my code y
 always obtain the same error:

 cli.c:(.text+0x20): undefined reference to `SSL_library_init'
 cli.c:(.text+0x25): undefined reference to `SSLv2_client_method'
 cli.c:(.text+0x30): undefined reference to `SSL_load_error_strings'
 cli.c:(.text+0x3e): undefined reference to `SSL_CTX_new'
 cli.c:(.text+0x6f): undefined reference to `ERR_print_errors_fp'
 cli.c:(.text+0x150): undefined reference to `SSL_new'
 cli.c:(.text+0x183): undefined reference to `SSL_set_fd'
 cli.c:(.text+0x191): undefined reference to `SSL_connect'
 cli.c:(.text+0x1ad): undefined reference to `ERR_print_errors_fp'
 cli.c:(.text+0x1c7): undefined reference to `SSL_get_current_cipher'
 cli.c:(.text+0x1cf): undefined reference to `SSL_CIPHER_get_name'
 cli.c:(.text+0x1ed): undefined reference to `SSL_get_peer_certificate'
 cli.c:(.text+0x222): undefined reference to `X509_get_subject_name'
 cli.c:(.text+0x23a): undefined reference to `X509_NAME_oneline'
 cli.c:(.text+0x279): undefined reference to `CRYPTO_free'
 cli.c:(.text+0x287): undefined reference to `X509_get_issuer_name'
 cli.c:(.text+0x29f): undefined reference to `X509_NAME_oneline'
 cli.c:(.text+0x2de): undefined reference to `CRYPTO_free'
 cli.c:(.text+0x2ec): undefined reference to `X509_free'
 cli.c:(.text+0x30a): undefined reference to `SSL_write'
 cli.c:(.text+0x326): undefined reference to `ERR_print_errors_fp'
 cli.c:(.text+0x352): undefined reference to `SSL_read'
 cli.c:(.text+0x36e): undefined reference to `ERR_print_errors_fp'
 cli.c:(.text+0x3b6): undefined reference to `SSL_shutdown'
 cli.c:(.text+0x3d2): undefined reference to `SSL_free'
 cli.c:(.text+0x3e0): undefined reference to `SSL_CTX_free'

 I'm trying with differets codes from the web and with the examples in
 In the includes y put the includes:

 #include openssl/crypto.h
 #include openssl/x509.h
 #include openssl/pem.h
 #include openssl/ssl.h
 #include openssl/err.h

 And the all the files are in /usr/includes/openssl

 Any idea? thanks
 Navega con el navegador más seguro de todos. ¡Descárgatelo 

Re: Need help on creating certs

2010-02-26 Thread Anand Patel
You are not using any valid command.  Error clearly explains that command
'-incommand' is not valid command, and gives you output of valid commands.
Look at,
openssl x509
openssl ca
openssl req

simple expample to get you started.
openssl genrsa -out private_key.pem 1024
openssl req -new -x509  -key private_key.pem -out certificate.pem


On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 4:08 AM, Chaitra

 I think it should be just -key.

 Thanks  Regards
 Chaitra Shankar

 prasad kasthuri wrote:

 Hi Team,

 I am getting the following error while creating certs using openssl
 command. Please help me to create a cert using openssl.

 C:\OpenSSL\binopenssl -inkey mykeyfile.pem -in -mycertfile.pem -out
 openssl:Error: '-inkey' is an invalid command.

 Standard commands
 asn1parse  ca cipherscrlcrl2pkcs7
 dgst   dh dhparamdsadsaparam
 ec ecparamencengine errstr
 gendh  gendsa genrsa nseq   ocsp
 passwd pkcs12 pkcs7  pkcs8  prime
 rand   reqrsarsautl s_client
 s_server   s_time sess_idsmime  speed
 spkac  verify versionx509

 Message Digest commands (see the `dgst' command for more details)
 md2md4md5rmd160 sha

 Cipher commands (see the `enc' command for more details)
 aes-256-ecbbase64 bf bf-cbc bf-cfb
 bf-ecb bf-ofb cast   cast-cbc   cast5-cbc
 cast5-cfb  cast5-ecb  cast5-ofb  desdes-cbc
 des-ede-ofbdes-ede3   des-ede3-cbc   des-ede3-cfb   des-ede3-ofb
 des-ofbdes3   desx   idea   idea-cbc
 idea-cfb   idea-ecb   idea-ofb   rc2rc2-40-cbc
 rc2-64-cbc rc2-cbcrc2-cfbrc2-ecbrc2-ofb


 OpenSSL Project
 User Support Mailing
 Automated List Manager

Re: Error copiling ssl: undefined reference

2010-02-26 Thread Anand Patel
Those are the header you included.  But you need to link against libs after
compilation.  What platform(win/linux) and What tool(studio/shell)?

On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 1:59 PM, xabi esteban wrote:

  I don't understand you. I put the libreries in the includes #include
 openssl/ssl.h #include 
 but i'din't put nothing more.
 How i could link with this libreries? I didn't found any example.


 Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2010 12:39:57 -0500
 Subject: Re: Error copiling ssl: undefined reference

 Do you link against correct libraries?  Try linking with ssleay and libeay.

 On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 12:08 PM, xabi esteban wrote:

 I'm trying to use the SSL libreries. When I try to comipile my code y
 always obtain the same error:

 cli.c:(.text+0x20): undefined reference to `SSL_library_init'
 cli.c:(.text+0x25): undefined reference to `SSLv2_client_method'
 cli.c:(.text+0x30): undefined reference to `SSL_load_error_strings'
 cli.c:(.text+0x3e): undefined reference to `SSL_CTX_new'
 cli.c:(.text+0x6f): undefined reference to `ERR_print_errors_fp'
 cli.c:(.text+0x150): undefined reference to `SSL_new'
 cli.c:(.text+0x183): undefined reference to `SSL_set_fd'
 cli.c:(.text+0x191): undefined reference to `SSL_connect'
 cli.c:(.text+0x1ad): undefined reference to `ERR_print_errors_fp'
 cli.c:(.text+0x1c7): undefined reference to `SSL_get_current_cipher'
 cli.c:(.text+0x1cf): undefined reference to `SSL_CIPHER_get_name'
 cli.c:(.text+0x1ed): undefined reference to `SSL_get_peer_certificate'
 cli.c:(.text+0x222): undefined reference to `X509_get_subject_name'
 cli.c:(.text+0x23a): undefined reference to `X509_NAME_oneline'
 cli.c:(.text+0x279): undefined reference to `CRYPTO_free'
 cli.c:(.text+0x287): undefined reference to `X509_get_issuer_name'
 cli.c:(.text+0x29f): undefined reference to `X509_NAME_oneline'
 cli.c:(.text+0x2de): undefined reference to `CRYPTO_free'
 cli.c:(.text+0x2ec): undefined reference to `X509_free'
 cli.c:(.text+0x30a): undefined reference to `SSL_write'
 cli.c:(.text+0x326): undefined reference to `ERR_print_errors_fp'
 cli.c:(.text+0x352): undefined reference to `SSL_read'
 cli.c:(.text+0x36e): undefined reference to `ERR_print_errors_fp'
 cli.c:(.text+0x3b6): undefined reference to `SSL_shutdown'
 cli.c:(.text+0x3d2): undefined reference to `SSL_free'
 cli.c:(.text+0x3e0): undefined reference to `SSL_CTX_free'

 I'm trying with differets codes from the web and with the examples in
 In the includes y put the includes:

 #include openssl/crypto.h
 #include openssl/x509.h
 #include openssl/pem.h
 #include openssl/ssl.h
 #include openssl/err.h

 And the all the files are in /usr/includes/openssl

 Any idea? thanks
 Navega con el navegador más seguro de todos. ¡Descárgatelo 

 Navega con el navegador más seguro de todos. ¡Descárgatelo 

Re: Problem with compiling of openSSL

2010-01-20 Thread Anand Patel
I use windows cmd prompt to compile openssl (0.9.8) on XP.  I have found
Perl to be a main problem.
make sure ActivePerl is the first perl on your path (set
path=ActivePerl;%PATH%). And then run

$$perl Configure other config option, look in install readme

Also, if you want debug symbols you will have to edit nt.mak file.   After
running Configure and ms/do_(masm/nasm) edit nt.mak to add/remove
appropriate CFLAGS.


On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 4:31 AM, Christian Gehrmann - Setasign wrote:

 I'm an student at my company and got the task to compile openSSL under
 Windows XP.
 I tried to make it how it was described in the install.w32 file, but it
 won't work!
 I searched in google but there were no answer for my problem.

 The ./config works, that seems to be ok,
 but always when I try to compile it, I got errors during the make-command
 execution (see file attachment)

 I use CygWin with NASM, Perl5 and ActivePerl.

 Can somebody show me the right direction to fix my problem?


Re: recommended rsa api

2010-01-20 Thread Anand Patel
EVP is oneway of implementing your solution.  Look at Example section of


On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 10:14 AM, Alexey Luchko wrote:


 I'm new to openssl.

 I need to encrypt and decrypt approx 1k block of data with rsa.
 What is recommended api for the case?

 I've found RSA_public_encrypt() and RSA_private_decrypt().
 It looks like a kind of low level api.
 But here I've got a problem with OAEP padding.

 Another one is EVP_PKEY_encrypt() and EVP_PKEY_decrypt().
 It is of a higher level.
 It encodes and decodes correctly only one block for me,
 but looks like it could operate on block of any size.
 And I've not found any use cases with google code search.

 It looks like I missed smth ;)
 Any advice is very welcome!

 Thanks in advance,

 sms stands for save my soul
 OpenSSL Project
 User Support Mailing
 Automated List Manager

Re: recommended rsa api

2010-01-20 Thread Anand Patel
For RSA API take a look at

On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 11:18 AM, Anand Patel anand.apa...@gmail.comwrote:

 EVP is oneway of implementing your solution.  Look at Example section of


 On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 10:14 AM, Alexey Luchko wrote:


 I'm new to openssl.

 I need to encrypt and decrypt approx 1k block of data with rsa.
 What is recommended api for the case?

 I've found RSA_public_encrypt() and RSA_private_decrypt().
 It looks like a kind of low level api.
 But here I've got a problem with OAEP padding.

 Another one is EVP_PKEY_encrypt() and EVP_PKEY_decrypt().
 It is of a higher level.
 It encodes and decodes correctly only one block for me,
 but looks like it could operate on block of any size.
 And I've not found any use cases with google code search.

 It looks like I missed smth ;)
 Any advice is very welcome!

 Thanks in advance,

 sms stands for save my soul
 OpenSSL Project
 User Support Mailing
 Automated List Manager

Re: How can I decrypt a DES-EDE3-CBC file?

2009-12-27 Thread Anand Patel
openssl enc -d/-e [cipher to use] -in inputfile -out outputfile
Look here

openssl enc -e -des-ede3-cbc -in regualr_file

openssl enc -d -des-ede3-cbc -in encrypted_file


On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 5:09 PM, dutchman1 wrote:


 what's the openssl command to decrypt a DES-EDE3-CBC file?


 View this message in context:
 Sent from the OpenSSL - User mailing list archive at
 OpenSSL Project
 User Support Mailing
 Automated List Manager

Re: (newbie) private key vs. keystore confusion

2009-12-27 Thread Anand Patel
Not sure what you mean by keystore but above command combines certificate
and key in PKCS12 format service.p12.

On Thu, Dec 24, 2009 at 10:33 AM, Mazza, Glen R.

  Hello, I'm confused somewhat about the workings of OpenSSL, in particular 
 the following command:

 openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey servicekey.pem -in servicecert.pem -out 
 service.p12 -name myservicekey -passin pass:sspass -passout pass:skpass

 Question:  Does the above command create a private key named service.p12 or 
 a keystore named service.p12 that has a private key within it?  I’m not 
 sure what service.p12 is -- is it a keystore or a private key?

 If it is a keystore containing a private key, just to confirm, there is no 
 real way with OpenSSL to create a private key without its enclosing keystore, 
 correct?  I.e., it is usual and normal for OpenSSL to create its private keys 
 within keystores.

 But if it is just a private key, does OpenSSL provide the ability to create a 
 keystore that can be used to house this private key? (What would the command 
 be for that)?



PKCS 1 API question

2009-11-24 Thread Anand Patel
I need to generated PKCS#1 structure from a message hash that I have
Can some one please point me to OpenSSL API calls that does this.

Thanks in advance..!


wincrypt.h conflicts during compilation winxp

2009-11-19 Thread Anand Patel
I am trying to compile my appilcation performing PKCS7 logic.  I am having
issue during compilation of the x509 related objects.
Specifically, there is name collision between wincrypt.h and openssl.

During my initial research I found that it is a common problem (user list
and ticket#1749).  However, I have not been able to find solution other then

What surprises me is that I have two windows XP machine, on one I am using
installshield openssl distribution and on the other I am using
source natively build modules.  The one that has binary distribution works
fine but natively build does not.

Can someone please point me towards the possible solutions?  I am also
curious on learing what is causing this problem (two machine not behaving

Thanks in advance,