Client Cert. Problems

1999-05-27 Thread Chris H. Jensen
Running Linux 2.0.36 Apache 1.3.6 Openssl 0.9.3 Mod_ssl 2.3.0  My server is up and running and seems to work fine in secure mode without a clientcert.  But every time I create and install a client cert. in netscape 4.06 I getrecieved bad data from server messagethe server log has the following.[Thu May 27 08:33:25 1999] [error] mod_ssl: SSL handshake failed (client, server (OpenSSL library error follows)[Thu May 27 08:33:25 1999] [error] OpenSSL: error:14094410:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert handshake failure  From reading the openssl.cnf file it says that nsCertType can beleft alone except for object signing.  If I am creating a self sign sign my server.crt.  Should I change the openssl.cnf file to allowsigning ca.crt and then change it back before I create my server.crt  And do I do the same thing while creating client cert's with CA.shAlso, if anyone has another idea I'd like to hear it.Chris Jensen[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Client Certificate Problem

1999-05-27 Thread Chris H. Jensen
Running Linux 2.0.36 Apache 1.3.6 Openssl 0.9.3 Mod_ssl 2.3.0  My server is up and running and seems to work fine in secure mode without a clientcert.  But every time I create and install a client cert. in netscape 4.06 I getrecieved bad data from server messagethe server log has the following.[Thu May 27 08:33:25 1999] [error] mod_ssl: SSL handshake failed (client, server (OpenSSL library error follows)[Thu May 27 08:33:25 1999] [error] OpenSSL: error:14094410:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert handshake failure  From reading the openssl.cnf file it says that nsCertType can beleft alone except for object signing.  If I am creating a self sign sign my server.crt.  Should I change the openssl.cnf file to allowsigning ca.crt and then change it back before I create my server.crt  And do I do the same thing while creating client cert's with CA.shAlso, if anyone has another idea I'd like to hear it.Chris Jensen[EMAIL PROTECTED]