Re: OpenSSL 1.1.1 Windows dependencies

2022-10-22 Thread David Harris
On 21 Oct 2022 at 13:50, Michael Wojcik via openssl-users wrote:

> > That was my initial thought too, except that if it were
> > firewall-related, the initial port 587 connection would be blocked,
> > and it isn't - the failure doesn't happen until after STARTTLS has
> > been issued.
> Not necessarily. That's true for a first-generation port-blocking
> firewall, but not for a packet-inspecting one. There are organizations
> which use packet-inspecting firewalls to block STARTTLS because they
> enforce their own TLS termination, in order to inspect all incoming
> traffic for malicious content and outgoing traffic for exfiltration.

I now have wireshark captures showing the exchanges between the working 
instance and the non-working instance respectively; the problem is definitely 
happening after STARTTLS has been issued and during the TLS handshake. 
I'm not high-level enough to be able to make any sense of the negotiation data 
though. The wireshark capture is quite short (22 items in the list) and I don't 
mind making it available if it would be useful to anyone.

> > Furthermore, the OpenSSL
> > configuration is identical between the systems/combinations of
> > OpenSSL that work and those that don't.
> Do you know that for certain? There's no openssl.cnf from some other
> source being picked up on the non-working system?

I'm pretty certain, but I'll get the customer to double-check.


-- David --

Re: OpenSSL 1.1.1 Windows dependencies

2022-10-21 Thread David Harris
On 21 Oct 2022 at 7:27, Richard Levitte wrote:

> Let me ask you this: on what Windows version was your application
> built?  Common wisdom would be to build on the oldest version...

My application is a very traditional Win32 application, and at the moment (and 
until circumstances *force* me to change) I build it in a Windows 7 SP2 VM. 
There's really no build-related reason why it shouldn't work on Server 2012, 
especially since the 1.1.1g build (which DOES work on the affected system) is 
built in exactly the same VM.

It's a puzzle, for sure.

Thanks for taking the time to look into this for me Richard.


-- David --

Re: OpenSSL 1.1.1 Windows dependencies

2022-10-21 Thread David Harris
On 20 Oct 2022 at 20:04, Michael Wojcik wrote:

> OpenSSL 1.1.1 uses Windows cryptographic routines in two areas I'm
> aware of: rand_win.c and the CAPI engine. I don't offhand see a way
> that a problem with the calls in rand_win.c would cause the particular
> symptom you described. My guess is that you're not using the CAPI
> engine, but you might check your OpenSSL configuration on the failing
> system.

For a variety of reasons to do with redistributables, I build OpenSSL as 
no-shared, and because of the compiler I prefer to use (an older build of 
C), I have to compile with no-capi as well, so CAPI clearly isn't an issue in 
case. But to be sure, I tried rebuilding OpenSSL with Visual C 2022 (using 
Visual C 2019 as the compile unit) and according to the customer, the result 
was the same.

> I think more plausible causes of this failure are things like OpenSSL
> configuration and interference from other software such as an endpoint
> firewall. Getting SYSCALL from SSL_accept *really* looks like
> network-stack-level interference, from a firewall or similar
> mechanism.

That was my initial thought too, except that if it were firewall-related, the 
port 587 connection would be blocked, and it isn't - the failure doesn't happen 
until after STARTTLS has been issued. Furthermore, the OpenSSL 
configuration is identical between the systems/combinations of OpenSSL that 
work and those that don't.

> Personally, if I ran into this, I'd just build OpenSSL for debug and
> debug into it. But I know that's not everyone's cup of tea.

Unfortunately, I don't have that level of access to the customer's systems. 

I was really just wondering if the combination of factors rang any bells with 
anyone before I started digging much deeper; it's altogether possible that I 
just have to write this one off to experience and tell the user to use a 1.1.1g 
of OpenSSL (which I build exactly the same way, and which works correctly in 
the same setup).

Thanks for the help - appreciated.


-- David --

OpenSSL 1.1.1 Windows dependencies

2022-10-19 Thread David Harris
Up front, I'd like to apologize if this is an FAQ or has been answered 
on this list: my workload means that I simply can't keep as up-to-date as I 

I have a situation where my application fails to accept an incoming SSL 
handshake on Windows Server 2012, but the identical software running on 
Server 2019 accepts the same connection from the same remote client without 
a problem. Other types of client software (such as Thunderbird) connect to 
either system without any problems. The connecting client is a Windows Cash 
Register using Window's built-in crypto facilities. If I downgrade my app to 
OpenSSL 1.1.1g or earlier, the problem doesn't happen. With 1.1.1k or 1.1.1q, I 
get the error (I haven't built any versions of OpenSSL between k and q). In 
it helps, the connection is an incoming SMTP connection on port 587, and 
STARTTLS is used to begin SSL negotiation.

SSL_accept returns -1, with an extended error of "SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL" (5), 
which I understand to be largely what it returns when it doesn't have a clear 
of what's gone wrong. The error queue is completely empty in this situation. 
cert is a LetsEncrypt cert that loads without errors and works fine with other 

Do recent versions of OpenSSL 1.1.1 have dependencies on some Windows 
facility (winsock and wincrypt seem likely candidates) that might work on 
2019 but fail on Server 2012?

The version of my application that is in public release uses 1.1.1g, so isn't 
affected by this issue, but I'm slightly worried that I'm going to see an 
uptick in 
this type of problem if I release builds based on later versions of 1.1.1.

Does this ring any bells with anyone? Again, apologies if this is answered 
elsewhere - I *did* spend some time in Google but couldn't find anything that 
seemed relevant.

Thanks in advance for any advice.


-- David --

NASM virus issues.

2020-06-27 Thread David Harris
I normally compile OpenSSL with "no-asm", but this time I thought I'd try 
installing NASM and seeing what difference, if any, it actually made.

I downloaded NASM from the official site (which I believe to be and, as I always do with anything I source from outside my 
firewall, ran it through virustotal 

It reports 11 different scanners out of 72 finding malware in the file 
(nasm-2.15.01-installer-x86.exe). Now, one or two reports from Virustotal is 
normal - there are so many scanners out there that there are bound to be 
occasional false-positives... But 11 is more than I have ever seen on something 
that supposedly wasn't infected. Interestingly, VirusTotal did not have cached 
results for this file, meaning that nobody else has tested it in the last month 

Google didn't reveal any insight, and the NASM project doesn't have any contact 
options that don't involve registration or mailing lists or I'd report this to 
There is no mention of anything like this in their forum.

11 reports is too many for me to feel safe using this product, so for now I'll 
using no-asm, and hope that it's not going to get more deprecated than it 
apparently is at present (based on the comments in INSTALL).

If anyone on the list has a NASM account or knows any of the maintainers, 
could they pass this on? They really should be aware of it.


-- David --

Re: OpenSSL 1.1.1g test failures

2020-06-26 Thread David Harris
On 26 Jun 2020 at 11:55, Matt Caswell wrote:

> No - this is not normal output. We would expect the self tests to pass
> on Windows

> >  The ONLY
> > non-standard thing I do is change the /MD switch (link to the DLL
> > versions of the runtime libraries) to /MT (static link the runtimes)
> > because I don't want to have external dependencies in my production
> > environments
> How exactly do you make this change? By editing the Makefile? Have you
> tried it without doing this? My guess is that this is exactly the
> cause of the problem. AppLink is all about dealing with differences in
> MS runtimes.

Assumption, as they say, is the mother of all fu??ups...

In this case, the failed assumption was that a non-standard modification I had 
been making for many years would continue to work simply because it had in 
the past.

Matt is, of course, quite right. When I changed the "/MT" back to "/MD" in 
CNF_CFLAGS and rebuilt everything, it all worked like clockwork.

My thanks to you Matt - you've solved my problem.

Is there a standard (i.e, approved) way of using the static RTLs instead of the 
DLL ones? Or is my only option to modify the applink code so that it checks its 
environment in a different way? The problem with the dynamic RTLs is that my 
application is often used in environments where the user may not have 
rights to install the redistributables - whereas, if I use the static versions, 
code is a little bigger, but there's no redistributable installation required 
and I 
never run into rights issues.

Again, thank you for the assistance, Matt - I appreciate it.


-- David --

OpenSSL 1.1.1g test failures

2020-06-26 Thread David Harris
Environment: Windows 7 (I know, I know - I just hate Windows 10).
Compiler: Visual Studio, have tried both VS2008 Pro and VS2019 Pro
OpenSSL Build: 1.1.1g, retrieved from last night

I've been attempting to build OpenSSL 1.1.x since it came out, but each time I 
do so, 
I find that, while it compiles and links cleanly, it fails about 50% of its 
self tests when 
I perform "nmake test". It has been this way for several releases. By "fail" I 
that there's a stream of "dubious..." outputs that look like this excerpt:

-- Cut here 
test\recipes\03-test_internal_siphash.t . ok
test\recipes\03-test_internal_sm2.t . ok
test\recipes\03-test_internal_sm4.t . ok
test\recipes\03-test_internal_ssl_cert_table.t .. 
Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/1 subtests 
test\recipes\03-test_internal_x509.t  ok
test\recipes\03-test_ui.t ... ok
test\recipes\04-test_asn1_decode.t .. 
Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/1 subtests 
test\recipes\04-test_asn1_encode.t .. 
Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/1 subtests 
-- Cut here 

Each time I went through the process, I saw the long string of self-test 
failures and 
decided I'd put off migrating to 1.1.1 until it was sorted out, but it's been 
the same for 
at least four releases now. I finally decided I needed to track down what was 
on, so I extrapolated how to run the failing tests manually with more verbose 
from the OpenSSL wiki pages (which are just a little out of date).

It appears that for at least the first twenty or thirty of these failures, the 
reason is 
because the test application has been compiled without including the required 
Applink code - a verbose output typically looks like this:

-- Cut here 
O:\ >perl test\recipes\05-test_idea.t
OPENSSL_Uplink(5C790330,08): no OPENSSL_Applink
..\ideatest.exe => 1
not ok 1 - running ideatest
#   Failed test 'running ideatest'
#   at util/perl/OpenSSL/Test/ line 77.
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.
-- Cut here 

Is this just the way it is? I would have thought that 50% self-test failure 
would be 
ringing alarm bells everywhere if it were common, so I can only conclude that 
something odd about my environment, or that I'm doing something wrong, but this 
about as vanilla a build process as I can possibly make it. I follow the steps 
Win32 in INSTALL, and as I said at the start of this message, the nmake process 
goes cleanly, not a single warning or error. The ONLY non-standard thing I do 
change the /MD switch (link to the DLL versions of the runtime libraries) to 
(static link the runtimes) because I don't want to have external dependencies 
in my 
production environments (I lived in "DLL Hell" for so long that I'm now quite 
about that). This change has never caused problems in the past, and doesn't 
to be relevant to the problems I'm seeing.

I've been building OpenSSL myself for a number of years, most recently with the 
end-of-life v1.0.2 builds, which always go without a hitch. As I remarked, I've 
putting off moving to v1.1.1 because I'm so uneasy about these self-test 
failures, but 
I can't continue doing that any longer as TLS3 starts coming on stream.

Anyone have any insights into what I'm doing wrong, or what I can do about 
this? I'm 
very reluctant to use the software in production if it can't pass its own 
regime, even if it appears to work normally otherwise.

Comments most welcome.


-- David --