I've spent several days trying different things and failing at tracking
down the actual source of this problem. I have a client and a server
communicating over an SSL socket connection. The client sends some data
to the server along with an RSA signature to verify it's an authorized
request. Upon receiving the request from the client, the server uses the
EVP_verify routines to verify the signature. Then the server attempts to
send a response back to the client telling it the request succeeded or
failed. However, during the transmit routine in Qt, a call to ssl_read
fails and gives the following reason:

Error while reading: error:04077068:rsa routines:RSA_verify:bad


I was originally using the RSA_verify routine, but was having the same
problem and thought that maybe it would be solved if I switched over to
the EVP_verify routines as they can provide an EVP_MD_CTX structure.


I'm using openssl built into the Qt 4.4.1 libraries, which are
implemented for thread safety using the locking_function as prescribed.
I've verified that the locking_function gets called for both their calls
and my calls; so I don't think it's a threading issue.


I'm wondering if it could have anything to do with the socket using a
different public key than what I'm using to verify the sent data.
Another possibility could be that they are using two different
decryption algorithms and my calling the EVP_verify routines changes
some global value that the ssl_ routine ends up using which is no longer
valid for the connection.


I've built debug versions of the shared openssl libraries and used those
to build a debug version of the QtNetwork.dll; I can step into the Qt
calls, but since Qt is dynamically loading the openssl APIs, I'm having
difficulty stepping into the openssl routines where I can view the
source code. I can only step into the assembly. So I can't really tell
which line of code and why the ssl_read routines are actually failing.


So, a quick recap to hopefully clarify what I'm seeing...


SSL socket connection using public key A recieves signed data

EVP_verify routines are called using public key B

SSL socket connection attempts to read more data inside the Qt
transmission code.

ssl_read fails with error:04077068:rsa routines:RSA_verify:bad


If I skip the verification calls, everything works fine. Am I attempting
to do something invalid? Is Qt making a bad assumption about when they
can read from the socket? Is there a bug down in openssl? Or am I
skipping some step(s) to put things back in order for the socket after I
call the EVP_verify routines? Is there a book I should have read before
I tried this?


Thanks in advance for any help provided.

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