Looking for quick answer from you

2010-08-13 Thread Long.Wei
Hi! My Dear OpenSSL friends,

I am developing code to sign and verify the signature of a DLL or SO 
module/image by using the public key and hash scheme.

I got it work on Windows. Now I am coding the Linux part. I am looking for a 
set of functions from OpenSSL Crypto lib that make same or similar 
functionality of the following Windows Cryptography API functions:

-  CertCreateContext

-  CryptAcquireContext

-  CryptImportPublicKeyInfo

-  CryptCreateHash

-  ImageGetDigestStream

-  ImageGetCertificateData

-  CryptVerifySignature

Please make my favor and take couple of seconds of your time to get an answer 
for me.

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Best wishes,

Long Wei

Where I can find SHA 1 code (definitions/bodies of SHA1_Init, SHA1_Update, SHA1_Final routines) ?

2010-05-01 Thread Long.Wei

I downloaded the openssl-fips-1.2 code. I did find out SHA 256 and SHA 512 code 
from openssl-fips-1.2\crypto\sha.

Unfortunately, I could not find SHA 1 code (definitions/bodies of SHA1_Init, 
SHA1_Update, SHA1_Final routines) declared on the 
openssl-fips-1.2\crypto\sha\sha.h file.

Anybody can help to point out where they are defined?

Thank you in advance,

Long Wei