I'm running an application which runs an authentication session with a server. 
The server provides some random data, and my application needs to sign it with 
its private key, and send back the signature. The server which knows the public 
key verifies the signature, and it good then the client which runs my 
application is authenticated.
This session used to run OK, until the server was changed so instead of using 
PKCS#1_v1.5 now it uses PKCS#1_v2.1
Now, the server uses signature algorithm of SHA256 WITH RSA AN DMGF1.
In my application I use OpenSSL.
I think that I need to use 'RSA_padding_add_PKCS1_OAEP_mgf1' but couldn't 
figure out what to put in each of its arguments.
Is there somewhere a sample code which implements RSA signature with mgf1 
padding and a SHA256 hash?
Many thanks,

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