Re: OpenSSL 1.1.1h not detecting expired certs

2020-11-01 Thread Paul Smith
On Sun, 2020-11-01 at 11:16 -0500, Paul Smith wrote:
> Does anyone have any ideas about what I might check to figure out
> what's happening here?  The release notes discuss enabling
> MinProtocol and MaxProtocol; I do not use these and in fact I don't
> invoke SSL_CONF_*() at all.  Is this an issue?  Should I do this?


OK, I checked my code and I wasn't using SSL_CONF_*(), but I was using
this after I created my SSL_CTX:

_ctxt = SSL_CTX_new(TLS_method());
SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version(_ctxt, TLS1_2_VERSION);

Does that no longer work properly for some reason?

If I replace the above with this:

_ctxt = SSL_CTX_new(TLS_method());
SSL_CONF_CTX* cctxt = SSL_CONF_CTX_new();
SSL_CONF_CTX_set_ssl_ctx(cctxt, _ctxt);
SSL_CONF_cmd(cctxt, "MinProtocol", "TLSv1.2");

Now it works.

Is this a bug?  Or was I just never using the interface properly?

If I switch to the new method of configuration, it's not clear to me
whether or not I need to preserve the SSL_CONF_CTX structure after the
above code bit, as long as the SSL_CTX is there, or if I can free it
immediately afterward.

Based on the way it's used it seems like it only needs to exist as long
as I need to configure the SSL_CTX, then it can go away and the SSL_CTX
can live on.

OpenSSL 1.1.1h not detecting expired certs

2020-11-01 Thread Paul Smith
I have a server linked (statically) with OpenSSL 1.1.1g (GNU/Linux,
64bit).  I built everything myself, I'm not using any system libraries.

I have a test in my test suite that constructs an expired self-signed
cert and attempts to use it to connect to the server.  When I link my
server with OpenSSL 1.1.1g, it is detected properly and I see in the
log (this is a construct of various openssl error info):

  SSL_accept failed: error:14094415:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3
alert certificate expired::0:SSL alert number 45

If I leave EVERYTHING the same about my environment and re-link the
server with OpenSSL 1.1.1h instead (just re-linking the binaries with a
new static libssl libcrypto), then this expired certificate is no
longer detected by the server and the connection succeeds.

To be sure I also tried recompiling with the 1.1.1h headers and see the
same behavior.

I can see that the expiration date is indeed wrong:

  $ openssl x509 -enddate -noout -in expired/trustStore.pem
  notAfter=Oct 27 15:58:50 2020 GMT

but this is not noticed by my server.

Does anyone have any ideas about what I might check to figure out
what's happening here?  The release notes discuss enabling MinProtocol
and MaxProtocol; I do not use these and in fact I don't invoke
SSL_CONF_*() at all.  Is this an issue?  Should I do this?

Re: Usage of Secure C (memcpy_s, strcpy_s etc) functions on OpenSSL

2019-11-27 Thread Paul Smith
On Tue, 2019-11-26 at 23:47 +, Jordan Brown wrote:
> Here's a paper on the subject:  

I love the fact that the "correct and safe" example they give in
"Unnecessary Uses" is neither correct nor safe (it has a potential DOS due
to memory leak).

However I definitely do agree that the Appendix K functions are of marginal
use _at best_... I don't use them or recommend them myself.

Re: Question: why doesn't my wildcard matching work with OpenSSL?

2019-06-10 Thread Paul Smith
On Mon, 2019-06-10 at 15:14 -0400, Viktor Dukhovni wrote:
> As a safety measure, OpenSSL does not support "*.tld" wildcards.
> The non-wildcard portion of the domain name needs to have at
> least two labels.  It seems I've neglected to document this... :-(
> You can have "*.domain.example", but not "*.domain".

I see, thanks, that's good info.  We will try to figure out how to
modify our Docker-based test configuration to use a multi-label domain
name for its private network.

I'm not sure how or if that will impact users, outside of our test

Is this something controlled by an option for X509_check_host() or is
it just hardcoded and can't be modified?  I didn't see any options in
the docs that seem to manage that, unless it's a side-effect.

Re: Question: why doesn't my wildcard matching work with OpenSSL?

2019-06-10 Thread Paul Smith
On Mon, 2019-06-10 at 20:12 +, Michael Wojcik wrote:
> > What I cut out was only the base64-encoded certificate.
> Yes. That was what we needed to see. The certificate.

Yep, that's my bad.  Thanks for the reminder.

> As it turns out, you're hitting the OpenSSL restriction on wildcards
> with fewer than two domain components, as Viktor explained. I'd
> forgotten about that restriction.
> However, I still recommend using a proper X.509v3 server certificate
> with one or more SANs. If you're running your own CA using the
> openssl utiltity, there are various online tutorials showing how to
> generate modern certificates.

Just to be clear, this is being seen in our docker-based test
environment using a virtual network and the docker resolvers, where
we're creating our own certificates so we can easily do both positive
and negative testing with things like good/bad hostnames, expired
certificates, incorrect chains, testing key rotation, etc. etc.

Our Java and Python clients work fine, but the C/C++ clients were

These certificates aren't being used "for real".

I'll look into enhancing our test environment to address this.  Cheers!

Re: Question: why doesn't my wildcard matching work with OpenSSL?

2019-06-10 Thread Paul Smith
On Mon, 2019-06-10 at 14:23 -0400, Viktor Dukhovni wrote:
> > $ openssl s_client -connect admin0.domain:8004 \
> >  -CAfile ca.cert -verify_hostname admin0.domain
> > 
> > ---
> >  Verify return code: 62 (Hostname mismatch)
> It seems that you've elided too much information.  Is the hostname
> really "admin0.domain", or is there some underlying domain name
> that you've obfuscated?

I tried not to elide anything other than a lot of keys and stuff. 
Maybe that info isn't output?

That is actually the hostname (I have this running in a Docker
container to get the hostname set up without a lot of hassle).

But maybe that's my confusion.  What "hostname" is OpenSSL looking at? 
I told it the name I wanted it to use for the verify on the command
line: "-verify_hostname admin0.domain", which matches the wildcard the
certificate provides.

That appears to be what the docs say; from verify(1ssl):

 -verify_hostname hostname
 Verify if the hostname matches DNS name in Subject Alternative Name
 or Common Name in the subject certificate.

I thought that's all it used: this value plus the wildcard in the
certificate.  Am I misunderstanding this?  Where else will openssl go
looking for hostnames to match?

Note that if I don't use wildcards but instead have a full hostname in
the certificate, then verify hostname does work.  It's only using a
wildcard that doesn't match the way I thought it would.

Thanks for the reply!

Question: why doesn't my wildcard matching work with OpenSSL?

2019-06-10 Thread Paul Smith
I'm having problems trying to get wildcard matching working with
OpenSSL.  Full hostname matching is working fine, but when my
certification uses a wildcard I always get an error.  That includes
both with OpenSSL 1.1.1b linked into my normal client, AND with the
openssl CLI with a system default version.  However, trying to use this
same certificate and hostname matching works fine with Java and Python

Note for my C client I have not set any special flags for matching, I'm
just using the default and using SSL_set1_host() to add the hostname. 
But, I can't even get it to work with openssl itself.

I feel like I must be missing something dumb.  Any pointers

For example, here's a connection attempt using the CLI... note if I
remove the -verify_hostname option the connection works fine:

$ openssl s_client -connect admin0.domain:8004 \
-CAfile ca.cert -verify_hostname admin0.domain

depth=1 C = US, ST = MA, L = Boston, O = Mycorp, OU = Eng, CN =
verify return:1
depth=0 CN = *.domain
verify return:1
Certificate chain
 0 s:/CN=*.domain
 1 s:/C=US/ST=MA/L=Boston/O=Mycorp/OU=Eng/
Server certificate
Acceptable client certificate CA names
Client Certificate Types: RSA sign, DSA sign, ECDSA sign
Requested Signature Algorithms: ...
Shared Requested Signature Algorithms: ...
Peer signing digest: SHA512
Server Temp Key: ECDH, P-256, 256 bits
Protocol  : TLSv1.2
Session-ID: ...
Master-Key: ...
Key-Arg   : None
Krb5 Principal: None
PSK identity: None
PSK identity hint: None
Start Time: 1560181877
Timeout   : 300 (sec)
Verify return code: 62 (Hostname mismatch)

Shutdown examples/explanations

2019-05-05 Thread Paul Smith
Does anyone have a straightforward example of the canonical way to
handle SSL_shutdown() in OpenSSL 1.1.1?  I mean both when my code is
the initiator of the shutdown and also when I'm the peer, and also for
both blocking and non-blocking BIOs?

I've read and re-read the SSL_shutdown() man page and it seems to me
that there's a lot of conflicting content there.  It says you can call
SSL_shutdown() twice, and it also says "However, it is recommended to
wait for it using SSL_read() instead".  It says "It is not possible to
call SSL_write() after calling SSL_shutdown()", but it also says that
for non-blocking BIOs, we might get an SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE and the
calling process "must take appropriate action to satisfy the needs of
SSL_shutdown()"... what "appropriate action" is is not clearly
specified but I assume it means invoke SSL_write().

Under RETURN VALUES <0 it says the shutdown was not successful, but
then says we can get this if an action is needed to continue the
operation for non-blocking BIOs... by "continue the operation" does
that mean call SSL_read() again?  If so what's the difference in
behavior of my code between SSL_shutdown() returning 0 or <0?

I just wish the docs would say what the recommended best practices are
in a clear way, rather than offering lots of not-very-clear
alternatives, or that there was example code somewhere of how the
OpenSSL devs designed this to be handled.

Also as a separate question, if I'm always going to be closing my
socket once the shutdown is complete is there any advantage in worrying
about bi-directional shutdown, versus simply calling SSL_shutdown(),
ignoring the return value, and closing the socket?  I would like my
code to be a good neighbor and play nicely with others but if it
doesn't matter I guess I could side-step all the above confusion and
simply get out.

Let me also assume that the peer may not be reading the socket
constantly.  For example suppose the peer is an interactive shell of
some kind and it's sitting at a prompt waiting for user input and not
invoking SSL_read() etc.  Is it possible to ever complete a bi-
directional handshake shutdown with that peer anyway?  If we need to
wait for it to reply I don't see how.

Re: Is there a way to retrieve the certificate from SSL_CTX?

2019-03-05 Thread Paul Smith
On Tue, 2019-03-05 at 11:28 -0800, Wim Lewis wrote:
> On 5. mar. 2019, at 10:14 f.h., Paul Smith 
> wrote:
> > E.g., I'm adding my certificate with SSL_CTX_use_certificate(); is
> > there a way to get it back out?
> Does SSL_CTX_get0_certificate() do what you need?

AHA!  That seems to do the trick.  If only it were discussed in a man
page [0], I might have found it... :)

Thanks Wim!

[0] After you pointed me to it I did find it listed in the ssl(7) man
page, but no info on it.

Is there a way to retrieve the certificate from SSL_CTX?

2019-03-05 Thread Paul Smith
I'm trying to write a simple function to dump the expiration date of
the certificates in my SSL_CTX cert store.

I've managed to retrieve and show the CA certificates from the
certificate store, and the certificate chain, but I can't find a method
that retrieves the certificate itself from SSL_CTX.  Is this something
that is retrievable?

E.g., I'm adding my certificate with SSL_CTX_use_certificate(); is
there a way to get it back out?

Re: Online docs have broken links

2019-03-02 Thread Paul Smith
On Fri, 2019-03-01 at 23:58 +0100, Richard Levitte wrote:
> The problem isn't a lack of test_docs, the issue lies in how we
> organised the manuals before (in an apps, a crypto and a ssl
> directory), and the script that builds up these pages haven't been
> updated to prefix properly per actual man section.
> There's a PR that I think fixes the problem:

Thanks for looking into this issue.

I had another request: can you adjust the title of the pages? 
Currently the titles look like this:


This can be frustrating when I have a bunch of SSL docs open in tabs in
my browser; the tab titles are all truncated to just "/docs/man..." or
whatever will fit.

I would prefer the title to be something like:


If you would like to keep the version in the title maybe it could be
added after the name, something like:

  SSL_accept(3) [1.1.1]

or similar.


OpenSSL 3.0 (or 4.0) API goals

2019-03-01 Thread Paul Smith
Hi all.

I'm reading with interest the details coming out with respect to the
next release of OpenSSL.

I'm curious if there's any consideration being given to updating the
API for existing interfaces, and/or checking the APIs of any new
interfaces for issues that are seen in the current API.

I'm talking about things like:

 * Const-correctness for arguments
 * Signed vs. unsigned values for integer values
 * Avoiding non-portable types in the API (the most obvious example:
   using "int" as the type for socket descriptors, which is only
   portable to Windows due to an implementation detail).
 * Possibly using something like uint8_t* for pointers to buffers
   containing binary "stuff" (this could be more annoying than helpful,
   requiring a lot of casting, so I'm not sure about that).

Just wondering... seems like a good time to think about cleanups like
that, if feasible.

Online docs have broken links

2019-02-28 Thread Paul Smith
Not sure if anyone is aware or not, but many of the man pages on the site contain broken links.  Basically anywhere a man page
refers to a man page in a different section, the link is broken because
it uses the same section.

So for example:

is in section 7, but it refers to functions in section 3... however all
the links are broken because they still point to section 7.  See the
link in the second paragraph of the description to SSL_CTX_NEW, which
has this HTML linkage:


which does not exist; this should be .../man3/SSL_CTX_new.html instead.

I've found other links in the man3 section which want to refer to this
"ssl" page, and look for it in section 3 instead of section 7, also


[openssl-users] Multiplexing TLS / non-TLS connections on a single socket

2019-02-12 Thread Paul Smith
Hi all.

We have a service that currently implements a home-grown secure
connection model based on SRP using AES as the cipher.  We want to add
support for TLS 1.2/1.3 as well, but we have to maintain backward-
compatibility.  Our app is in C++ and using OpenSSL 1.1.1.

We really don't want to create a separate socket: we'd like to support
client requests on the same socket using either the old connection
method or TLS.  We also want to support "pure" TLS, rather than some
kind of wrapped connection protocol.  This means we need to determine
at connect time which method is being used.

One idea is to use MSG_PEEK on the socket recv() to check the first
bytes of the initial message (our protocol uses an XML message as the
initial connection so seeing something like "

Re: [openssl-users] EVP_DecryptUpdate: why is this failing when out == in?

2018-12-20 Thread Paul Smith
I filed about this FYI.


On Wed, 2018-12-19 at 01:56 -0500, Paul Smith wrote:
> As I understand it, it's legal to provide the exact same input and
> output buffer to EVP_EncryptUpdate and EVP_DecryptUpdate, but it's not
> legal to provide pointers into different parts of the same buffer. 
> That's a good check.
> However, my implementation is getting triggered by this code in
> EVP_DecryptUpdate():
> if (ctx->final_used) {
> /* see comment about PTRDIFF_T comparison above */
> =>  if (((PTRDIFF_T)out == (PTRDIFF_T)in)
> || is_partially_overlapping(out, in, b)) {
> return 0;
> }
> Can someone explain why, only in this specific situation where we're
> decrypting the final block, we require that OUT and IN not be the same
> buffer?  Everywhere else we check is_partially_overlapping() only,
> without equality.
> I read the comment about PTRDIFF_T but I didn't come up with a reason
> for the equality check.  This check was added back in 2016 in SHA
> 5fc77684f1 FWIW.

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Re: [openssl-users] Two questions on OpenSSL EVP API

2018-12-18 Thread Paul Smith
On Wed, 2018-12-19 at 08:57 +0300, Dmitry Belyavsky wrote:
> > I would have thought that the true maximum would be round-up(inl,
> > cipher_block_size); that is, for inl values 1-15 you'd get 16
> > bytes, and for inl values 16-31 you'd get 32 bytes, etc. (I'm not
> > actually sure whether inl of 16 gets you 16 or 32 bytes...)
> > 
> > Am I wrong about that?  Would some ciphers/modes write beyond the
> > end of the current "block" and into the next one?
> When you use a block cipher and pass data less than block size, it is
> stored in the internal buffer.  In this case you do not get encrypted
> data until there is enough plain text to encrypt the full block.
> When you add more data, if you pass enough data to finalize a
> previously unfinished block, you get more long ciphertext than
> plaintext passed in a particular call of CipherUpdate.

I see.  So you potentially need enough for an almost full previous
block, plus the current data.  That makes sense.


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[openssl-users] EVP_DecryptUpdate: why is this failing when out == in?

2018-12-18 Thread Paul Smith
As I understand it, it's legal to provide the exact same input and
output buffer to EVP_EncryptUpdate and EVP_DecryptUpdate, but it's not
legal to provide pointers into different parts of the same buffer. 
That's a good check.

However, my implementation is getting triggered by this code in

if (ctx->final_used) {
/* see comment about PTRDIFF_T comparison above */
=>  if (((PTRDIFF_T)out == (PTRDIFF_T)in)
|| is_partially_overlapping(out, in, b)) {
return 0;

Can someone explain why, only in this specific situation where we're
decrypting the final block, we require that OUT and IN not be the same
buffer?  Everywhere else we check is_partially_overlapping() only,
without equality.

I read the comment about PTRDIFF_T but I didn't come up with a reason
for the equality check.  This check was added back in 2016 in SHA
5fc77684f1 FWIW.

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[openssl-users] Two questions on OpenSSL EVP API

2018-12-18 Thread Paul Smith
Hi all; I'm working with OpenSSL 1.1.1a, using the EVP interface to
encrypt/decrypt with various ciphers/modes.

I had a couple of questions:

First, the encrypt update docs say:

> the amount of data written may be anything from zero bytes to
> (inl + cipher_block_size - 1)

Is that really true?  For example if my block size is 16 and my input
length is 4, could the encrypt step really write as many as 19 bytes
(4 + 16 - 1)?

I would have thought that the true maximum would be round-up(inl,
cipher_block_size); that is, for inl values 1-15 you'd get 16 bytes,
and for inl values 16-31 you'd get 32 bytes, etc. (I'm not actually
sure whether inl of 16 gets you 16 or 32 bytes...)

Am I wrong about that?  Would some ciphers/modes write beyond the end
of the current "block" and into the next one?

Second, the type of the outl parameter on EVP encrypt update is "int",
rather than (as I would have expected) "unsigned int".  Is there a
possibility that EVP would set &outl to a negative value and if so,
what would that mean?  Do I need to check for this in my code?  Same
with inl; why isn't it "unsigned int"?  Is there ever a reason to pass
in a negative value?

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