Re: I can't believe how much this sucks

2012-11-15 Thread Sanford Staab(Gmail)
It’s interesting that this article shows that LACK OF GOOD DOCUMENTATION and 
POOR API DESIGN are at the heart of this problem.
I have noticed over the years that much of our society has changed its very 
idea of what a good application is.
It used to be that if something could not be easily understood or behaved badly 
or unexpectedly, people would see this as a bug in need of fixing.
With the rise in software complexity, requirements for budgets and schedules, 
we have now evolved to a society of hoop jumpers who see software as good 
enough if they can find a path to make it do what they want.
Developers have followed suit, practically forced to do so, and we now have 
massive amounts of broken code on broken code on broken code.
Ownership of code (ie really taking responsibility for it) is unheard of 
because the onerous burden of being responsible for your work is simply an open 
door to a lawyer that wants to steal the fruit of your labor.
It is no wonder under these circumstances that “security by obscurity” has 
become the defacto standard of the day.
The true bug here is our justice system unfortunately.
I think it is high time for a v2 of openssl, a rewrite almost from scratch, 
removing support for older protocols and ciphers and simplifying it down with 
full TDD from start to finish to really correct this problem.
And of course, probably not gonna happen.
But thanks for listening.


-Original Message- 
From: Marco Molteni (mmolteni) 
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2012 4:42 AM 
Subject: Re: I can't believe how much this sucks 

Another amen.

I am a professional programmer. I am grateful for OpenSSL. At the same
time, each time I have to use it directly (as opposed to use a few of the
good C++ wrappers) I know I will be going down to hell and fight for my
life, and when I will come back, my hairs will be grayer :-)

Lack of good documentation is a problem for any software library, but in
this case lack of documentation can also cause security vulnerabilities
because the user of the API misunderstood it.

As Charles, I propose as food for though the very recent, very good paper
on the security risks of (among other things) wrong APIs and wrong
The Most Dangerous Code in the World: Validating SSL Certificates in
Non-Browser Software,
available at


On 13.11.2012 19:49 , Charles Mills wrote:

Why is it easier to answer dumb question after dumb question here rather
than to document the darned product once? (Never mind the cumulative
labor of all the
 programmers trying to figure out and debug the same problems again and
again and again, all over the world.)
Consider Doesn’t *some* of the
responsibility for these (severe and scary!) problems fall on the lack of
clear documentation?
It’s a GREAT product and I love it and am grateful but why after years
and years do the man pages still say “under construction”?

:��IϮ��r�m (���Z+�K�+1���x ��h���[�z�(���Z+� 

Re: I can't believe how much this sucks

2012-11-15 Thread Sanford Staab(Gmail)
In the case of openssl, a big gain would be to simply document the command 
line interface better and create a doc centric forum for people to add their 
lessons learned filed around the particular feature area of openssl. 
WORKING EXAMPLES would be REAL cool.  Does anyone on this alias want to let 
me or others know how we can update the docs somehow?

-Original Message- 
From: Carlo Wood

Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2012 8:31 AM
Subject: Re: I can't believe how much this sucks

On Tue, 13 Nov 2012 14:11:17 -0700 wrote:

This is just a NORMAL way for a programmer to work IMHO.  I HATE
comming into undocumented code years after its been written and IMHO
its a big booby trap because its very easy to miss something and that
creates hard to find bugs.  Really criptic error messages don't help
this.  I've looked in the OOS community and there are attempts to put
together systems and one I looked at was OXYGEN.

I concur. When I was 12, I wrote compact code with only single
character variables and no documentation. For some reason I was able to
have thousands of code lines all in my head at once and I had no idea
why I'd need to add documentation.

When I got older, I started to use more descriptive variable and
function names, mostly for the purpose of being able to
'grep' (reg.exp) them in large code. At some point I completely did
away with abbreviations and only used complete English words,
discovering that code is incredibly better to understand when the
variable names express exactly what they mean (to the point that it
avoids bugs). I still didn't see the point in documentation however:
the code explained itself as if it was English.

Only when my memory started to get worse and I couldn't remember
Megabytes of code anymore, especially when my code became so complex
that I had to use Object Orientation because it was impossible to keep
an overview, I started to document code. The funny thing is: I did this
mostly because I knew that a year later I wouldn't be able to
understand it myself anymore if I didn't; not because I thought that
anyone else might need it.

Now, after more than 30 years of coding experience I have reached the
same conclusion as terra wrote: Code is only as useful as it's
documentation. Don't bother to write code without good COMPLETE
documentation as it's worthless: only you, the developer (with a good
memory on top of that) will think it's trivial and usable. Everyone
else will not be able to use it.

I have no idea at this time how useful this would be.

Perhaps the best we might be able to do on the user side is a wiki
and perhaps one exists.

I did a google search on this.

^ I did find this and I did not look very hard.  Maybe there is
something better.  If there is then it doesn't come up in the 1st
hits google finds.

So I think we can do much better.

Just my 2 cents.

Carlo Wood
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager 

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

I can't believe how much this sucks

2012-11-13 Thread Sanford Staab
I have been struggling with openssl for a few months now writing batch scripts 
on windows trying to make a .net web client with a client certificate work with 
2-way ssl against an apache web server.

Do you guys just want to continue to answer questions on this alias and not FIX 
the docs somewhat over time?  I could go into a litany of how much information 
is just missing from the docs with INCOMPLETE everywhere.  (see this link for 
one of the 900k+ hits on a google search of “openssl+docs+suck” for how much 
hell you guys are putting people through trying to figure out this tool)

openssl is used all over the world by tons of people (so I feel dumb having 
problems here – but I know from Google I am not alone.) but it is just 
unbelievable to me that the docs remain so terse and useless for so many years.

I have sent email to this alias previously asking how I can help with this.  It 
seems to me there should be an openssl docs forum where content from this 
eventually finds its way into the online docs themselves.

A tool is only as good as people are able to use it.

So let me get specific here – one simple specific question (of many that I 
have) that has me clueless:

The command of:
openssl s_client -connect -CApath ssl\certs -cert 
ssl\certs\client_1.crt -key ssl\keys\client_1.key -pass 

results in output containing:
No client certificate CA names sent

from the docs for the s_client command, –cert option says:
-cert certname 
The certificate to use, if one is requested by the server. The default is not 
to use a certificate. 

My guess from this is that this command is referring to the CLIENT SSL 
certificate - no?  If my assumption is correct, then why am I getting this 
error?  Or is this a notification of something normal and I should be looking 

I have checked the Apache httpd-ssl.cnf file I am using and verified that all 
the certificate related parts are filled in and I have verified the integrity 
of all the certificates referenced by it.
I have been able to do straight one-way SSL with the server as well with both 
IE and Chrome browsers.  Two-way SSL fails with the server logs indicating that 
the client “refused” the connection.
I am using a self-signed CA which was used to sign the server certificate.  The 
client certificate is also signed by the same CA self-signed certificate.
Apache error logs give me this:
[Tue Nov 13 12:38:56 2012] [error] [client] Invalid method in request 
Which is about as useful as the openssl docs are.I am also seeing this in 
openssl’s s_client output:verify error:num=19:self signed certificate in 
certificate chainFrom what I think I understand, this should not be a 
showstopper problem as all root CA certs would naturally be self-signed no?Full 
output of this operation with the –showcerts command is attached for 
reference.I have read through many forum examples of how to do this and it 
seems simple enough but then when it doesn’t work, figuring out what things 
MEAN and how to address what is wrong proves to be be very difficult indeed.

Description: Binary data
Certificate chain
 0 s:/C=KY/ST=Grand Cayman/O=CashWiz/OU=Development/
   i:/C=KY/ST=Grand Cayman/L=George Town/O=CashWiz/OU=Development/CN=CashWiz 
Root CA
 1 s:/C=KY/ST=Grand Cayman/O=CashWiz/OU=Development/
   i:/C=KY/ST=Grand Cayman/L=George Town/O=CashWiz/OU=Development/CN=CashWiz 
Root CA

Re: I can't believe how much this sucks

2012-11-13 Thread Sanford Staab
Couldn’t agree more Ted.  I think the bar on open-source product documentation 
has been going way up over time.  If I were these guys, I’d get it right so I 
wouldn’t have to keep bothering to answer so many questions over and over.

From: Ted Byers 
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 2:49 PM
Subject: Re: I can't believe how much this sucks

On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 2:02 PM, Lee Fisher wrote:

  For things that the peer support forum and the existing documentation don't 
cover, you have the source code, which is definitive.

  Additionally, there are professional OpenSSL consultants you can use for help.

  It would be more productive to submit bugs and patches, instead of a litany 

Even so, some of those closely involved in the project ought to be doing a 
better job of documenting the product.  Telling people to hire consultants is 
even worse than telling people to read the code.  I develop software for a 
living, and I would be ashamed of any attempt to release even one of my 
products without a proper reference manual, complete design documentation, 
including a reasonable suite of UML documents (in the case of an open source 
product since good coders benefit from good design documentation - which, 
admittedly, I have not produced) and a thorough tutorial.  I have had feedback 
on some of my products that the end users found my interface so intuitive that 
they did not look at the documentation I'd provided even once, but I do not see 
that as an excuse for not producing proper documentation.  In my view, the 
documentation for a product is as much a part of the product as the code in the 
product.  The product is not ready for release until the documentation is as 
complete and polished as is the code.

Peer support is hardly a good, or cost effective, substitute for good 
documentation; and contrary to what some coders I have met, and worked with, 
have claimed, the source code is often not adequate documentation.  Yes, you 
see what the code is doing, but tracing execution paths through it can be a 
tedious nightmare; especially if the coder that produced it wrote the code as a 
candidate for an obfuscated coding contest (something, BTW, I would regard as 
grounds for dismissal if obfuscation is the only justification the code can 
offer for it).

In my own coding, the only libraries I use often are those that are well 
documented.  Life is just too short to waste on libraries that are poorly 
documented (unless someone wants to pay me to do so - but they'd be paying a 
significant premium for such a tedious, and  usually frustrating, task).

I am not criticising the documentation for openssl, and will not; but I would 
encourage those who are responsible for maintaining and improving openssl to 
not neglect the documentation.  It would be a mistake to leave that for someone 
else to do, for when that happens, it is certain that the documentation will 

just my $0.02, as a coder with decades of coding experience.



Re: I can't believe how much this sucks

2012-11-13 Thread Sanford Staab
You miss the fact that I VOLUNTEER TO HELP FIX IT if someone will tell me where 
to start.  There are lots of open source projects out there with WAY better 
docs.  Take JQuery for one example.  I think the reason openssl docs suck is 
because the authors don’t really care about docs and they don’t even seem to 
want someone who does to help.

From: Magosányi, Árpád 
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 1:51 PM
Subject: Re: I can't believe how much this sucks

On 11/13/2012 07:34 PM, Sanford Staab wrote:

  Do you guys just want to continue to answer questions on this alias and not 
FIX the docs somewhat over time?  I could go into a litany of how much 
information is just missing from the docs with INCOMPLETE everywhere. 

You might have overlooked the fact that openssl is an open source project. Feel 
free to contribute the needed documentation or finance the creation thereof if 
your knowledge is lacking to do so.

(Yes, the documentation is lacking, an I (r=1 user of openssl) also find this a 
sad state of affairs. But I find whining about a problem in an open source 
project in this tone disturbing. Rule of thumb: the more you contribute you 
have more right to whine. You and me have right to point out a bug, or 
respectfully ask for a feature.

Re: error while generating Certificate Signing Request

2012-10-23 Thread Sanford Staab
It looks like your missing the openssl.cnf file or maybe the my_key.key file.  
Double check your config file and command line parameters.

Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 3:03 AM
Subject: error while generating Certificate Signing Request


-- First I generate private key i.e  my_key.key,then I am trying to Generate a 
Certificate Signing Request:
while generating .csr file I faced this error . 

C:\C:\tmp_open_ssl\bin\openssl.exe req -new -key my_key.key -out 
my_request.csr -config C:\tmp_open_ssl\ssl\openssl.cnf
WARNING: can't open config file: c:/tmp_open_ssl;/ssl/openssl.cnf
Error opening Private Key my_key.key
3464:error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or 
3464:error:20074002:BIO routines:FILE_CTRL:system 
lib:.\crypto\bio\bss_file.c:400:unable to load Private Key

Can any one help me about this error


Re: client server management of client SSL certificates

2012-07-28 Thread Sanford Staab
Good questions and similar to what is on my mind.  Please let me know if you 
get any good answers to these questions.

From: Ted Byers 
Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2012 12:15 PM
Subject: client server management of client SSL certificates

I am familiar with basic usage of openssl to make certificates, but what I am 
unclear about is how one has a CA (certificate authority) on a server, for a 
given organization, and an RA (registration authority) using a different server 
in that organization, and then supports creating client certificates on a given 
user's machine once that user has logged into a secure website and passed a 
series of challenges and responses established between the RA and the user.  
And perhaps, someone can shed a little light on whether there is anything more 
between an RA and CA than simply a message from the RA that a given person, who 
gives the right responses to these challenge questions, ought to receive a 

How does one do that in a manner that is user friendly (i.e. without requiring 
the user to install openssl on his personal computer or mobile device, or 
having the user's private key transmitted over the web)?  I would suppose that 
the key would remain confidential once the user has established a SSL 
connection with the server, so it could be made using a cgi script that in turn 
uses openssl to make the csr and then send the private key and certificate to 
the user.  But then, the user would have to figure out how and where to install 
the key and certificate, and there is the question of whether or not the 
client's private key ought to ever be on the server.  I know people who are 
'technically challenged' (you could almost describe them as Luddites, except 
that they are addicted to their smart phones and other assorted mobile devices 
- to the point they deserve the tickets they'd get while using them when 
driving) who could benefit from use of a combination of server and client 
certificates, if somehow I could establish a web server that makes it as easy 
for them to get their client certificates as it is for them to browse to buy a book.  Anything beyond that and their eyes would start to 
glaze over when you start giving them instructions on how to proceed.  And we 
really want to avoid the glazed eye phenomenon!  And we also want to avoid 
having a company's MIS or his designated assistant, having to create and 
install these certificates on every mobile device (smart phone, laptop, c.) 
the company's staff have, or having to go to each of their homes to install the 
keys and certificates on their home computers.

Is there a JavaScript solution that handles creating the private key and CSR in 
the client's browser, and transmits the CSR to the server so it can create and 
sign the certificate which then sends it back to the browser so a different 
JavaScript function can handle installing both the key and certificate in the 
right places, and back up both to a 'safe' place?  If so, is there a variant 
which is certain to work in all browsers and that can install the certificates 
in all the browsers installed on the clients machine as well as in all the 
email clients installed on the clients machine (so the user can encrypt or 
sign, or both, any document, and check signatures and decrypt documents, 
regardless of whether transmitted via email or the web)?

Any information that can be provided would be greatly appreciated.



Re: Certificate and Certificate request (Using API)

2012-07-27 Thread Sanford Staab
It really looks to me like the openssl documentation needs improvement as 
well as a better tool besides to help people use openssl in common 
scenarios.   I suspect there is a strong demand for creative private CA 
support and we should have a friendly script or cookbook for this available 
somewhere.  Fixing this will relieve you guys of answering all these 
inquiries via email.
If any of the devs on openssl would like some help on writing up or coding 
up some docs/tools to help this process I would be happy to help where I 
can.  I am a windows guy and have very little experience with Unix systems 
so that is where I would be of more help.  I too am new to openssl and am 
trying to do these same kinds of things and have not yet been comfortable 
with my knowledge to embark on extensive coding.  Let me know if and how I 
can help.


-Original Message- 
From: Saurabh Pandya

Sent: Friday, July 27, 2012 7:20 AM
Subject: Re: Certificate and Certificate request (Using API)

On 7/27/12, Saurabh Pandya wrote:

Do roughly the same thing apps/ca.c does, except you probably don't
need all its options but may want some other options:

Create an X509 and set all needed X509_CINF fields in that X509
to values that you either extract from the X509_REQ and approve,
or choose by your own logic (serial at least). Then sign the X509.

Using My self-signed CA's private key, isn't it ??

I am asking this as I have the basic question about certificate signing

 - I have my self-sign CA A and CA key file B
 - I create another RSA key pair EVP_PKEY *pkey to be used for
child leaf certificates
 - I create a certificate X509 *x (that supposed to be child of my 

 I am setting public key by, that will set public key
part of rsa key pkey, to my certificate x
 And I am signing certificate with my private key

 Then How can I make my normal server certificate x as a child of
 my CA certificate A, do i need to sign it with B.

 I am confuse which keys to set in X509_set_pubkey() and  X509_sign
 when I want a certificate appeared to be issued by my CA.

Thanks all.
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager 

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager