Re: question about compiling in windows XP

2005-06-06 Thread Sean Covel
Start, Programs, Visual Studio.NET 2003, Visual Studio Tools, Visual
Studio.NET 2003 Command Prompt

Its a Dos Box with the environment variables/paths setup to run the VS

Mark wrote:
 I am using MS Visual Studio 2003, and am trying to compile OpenSSL
 0.9.7g.  I am following the instructions provided in the file -
 INSTALL.W32.  I get to the point where the instructions say:
  Then from the VC++ environment at a prompt do:
   nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak
 I am not sure how to run this from a command prompt in Visual Studio,
 since I cannot find a Visual Studion workspace or project file in
 which to open the OpenSSL project.
 What am I not doing right ??
 Thanks in advance.
 OpenSSL Project
 User Support Mailing
 Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problem in compiling openssl 0.9.7g on Windows with MSVC workspace

2005-06-04 Thread Sean Covel
From the looks of it you are missing some include files.  Search the
source for where those symbols are defined.  Get those include files
into your project.

BTW, why not just link to the libs?  You could even link statically.


Francois PIETTE wrote:
 Am i the only one still using MSVC workspace ?
 Can someone give a look at my message below ?
 The author for the freeware multi-tier middleware MidWare
 The author of the freeware Internet Component Suite (ICS)
 - Original Message - From: Francois PIETTE
 Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2005 6:37 PM
 Subject: Re: Problem in compiling openssl 0.9.7g on Windows with MSVC
 I have the exact same problem and can't fix it.
 Can someone give a step by step procedure to fix the problem ?
 Or maybe correct MSVC workspace exist somewhere ?

 btw: Compiling works OK when using the make file. It only fails as
 explained below when using MSVC workspace.

 The author for the freeware multi-tier middleware MidWare
 The author of the freeware Internet Component Suite (ICS)

 - Original Message - From: ahmad hassan
 Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 1:20 PM
 Subject: Problem in compiling openssl 0.9.7g on Windows

 I am trying to build openssl 0.9.7g on windows, which i was successfully
 able to do using steps mentioned in INSTALL.W32 file. Now i would
 like to
 include libeay32 and ssleay32 source code as a workspace in my Visual
 6.0 project. For that i went to and the
 second link gave me the dsp to use and compile openssl source code
 vc++ environment.

 It is actually so that i had openssl 0.9.7d with me which i downloaded a
 year ago and compiled it using this visual studio project file but
 now it
 is not compiling with the latest version giving me messages like this.

 There is some problem with proxy certifiactes thing.
 How do i reslove these errors. Some are just defined in the libeay32.def
 file which i removed but
 PROXY_CERT_INFO_EXTENSION_free is not declared anywhere and is being
 in number of places like openssl-0.9.7g\crypto\x509\x509_vfy.c etc.

 Can anyone guide me or give me related information regarding how to
 include latest openssl version as workspace in my project.

 Configuration: libeay32 - Win32
 libeay32.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
 libeay32.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
 libeay32.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
 libeay32.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
 libeay32.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol PROXY_POLICY_it
 libeay32.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
 libeay32.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
 libeay32.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
 libeay32.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
 libeay32.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
 ..\..\out32dll\Debug/libeay32.lib : fatal error LNK1120: 10 unresolved
 LINK : fatal error LNK1141: failure during build of exports file
 Error executing link.exe.

 libeay32.dll - 12 error(s), 0 warning(s)
 Configuration: libeay32 - Win32

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 Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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 User Support Mailing
 Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Is this the Right Way?

2005-05-24 Thread Sean Covel
I have an app that communicates over the Internet.  I'm using the
libeay32.dll for encryption.  As we all know from WEP, using encryption
doesn't mean its secure.  Can you take a min. at look at how I've
implemented this and tell me if its secure?  Thanks!

The user has a fixed 8 character password (bad, I know, I don't control
that part.)  someSalt and theIV are 16 bytes (128 bit).  rand_bytes() is
used to init someSalt and theIV.

I use the following code to create a session key, and setup the
encryption context:

EVP_BytesToKey(EVP_aes_128_ofb(), EVP_md5(), (unsigned char *)someSalt,
(const unsigned char *)password, datal, count, keystr, theIV);
EVP_CipherInit_ex(ctx, EVP_aes_128_ofb(), NULL, keystr, theIV, 1);

When the first message is passed, server to client, I send the following:


When the client gets the first message, it gets the password from the
user, gets someSalt and theIV off the incoming message, and then uses
the same chunk of code to generate the key:

EVP_BytesToKey(EVP_aes_128_ofb(), EVP_md5(), (unsigned char *)someSalt,
(const unsigned char *)password, datal, count, keystr, theIV);
EVP_CipherInit_ex(ctx, EVP_aes_128_ofb(), NULL, keystr, theIV, 1);

From then on the client and server only send the encryptedMessage, since
 someSalt and theIV have already done their job.

When the return socket is created, it uses the same procedure, but a new
SALT and IV.  The two sockets in the duplex communication use different
session keys.

Am I doing anything wrong?



OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Using RC4 vs EVP_CIPHER

2005-05-11 Thread Sean Covel

 Salt shouldn't be predictable so using a fixed string isn't an option but it
 isn't secret.

I'm using rand_bytes() to create the salt.

IV.  I should really use an IV with some modes.  Again, its random
bytes, but it doesn't have to be secret.  I will also have to transmit
the IV to the other side.  That's not a security problem is it?

Is is a problem if you use the same random bytes for the SALT and the IV?

 EVP_BytesToKey() also generates an IV so that isn't a problem.

I'm attempting to use EVP_aes_128_ofb().  OFB mode should have an IV.
I'm passing in 16 char of rand_bytes to EVP_CipherInit_ex().  Currently
I'm not passing the IV to the other side.  I would expect the decryption
 to fail since the client and the server aren't using the save IV.  Its
doesn't fail.  This leads me to believe that the cipher isn't actually
using the IV.  What am I missing?

   int count = 0;
   int datal = 0;
   unsigned char * someSalt;
   unsigned char * theIV;

   if (!rand_seeded_p)
  rand_seeded_p = 1;

  //setup the salt for the password
  someSalt = new unsigned char[saltSize];

  theIV = new unsigned char[saltSize];

  //hash the password into a 128bit key
  datal = (unsigned long)strlen((const char *)password);
  EVP_BytesToKey(EVP_aes_128_ofb(), EVP_md5(), (unsigned char *)
someSalt, (const unsigned char *)password, datal, count, keystr, NULL);

 EVP_CipherInit_ex(ctx, EVP_aes_128_ofb(), NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);

 /* We finished modifying parameters so now we can set key and IV */
 EVP_CipherInit_ex(ctx, NULL, NULL, keystr, theIV, 1);



 Dr Stephen N. Henson. Email, S/MIME and PGP keys: see homepage
 OpenSSL project core developer and freelance consultant.
 Funding needed! Details on homepage.
 OpenSSL Project
 User Support Mailing
 Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Using RC4 vs EVP_CIPHER

2005-05-10 Thread Sean Covel

Additionally you seem to be using an unsalted key derivation algorithm with a
stream cipher (RC4). If passwords are reused then I hope you aren't sending
anything sensitive that way because that is an insecure combination.


Additional Questions:

SALT isn't secret, correct?  In this app I'm going to have to send the
SALT to the other end in order for the passwords to be the same...This
isn't a problem, is it?

IV.  I should really use an IV with some modes.  Again, its random
bytes, but it doesn't have to be secret.  I will also have to transmit
the IV to the other side.  That's not a security problem is it?

Is is a problem if you use the same random bytes for the SALT and the IV?



P.S.  The books I have are pretty clear on the IV issue, but don't
really get into much details on SALT,  and none mention if IV=SALT would
be a bad thing.

 Good point.  I assume what I really want to use is EVP_BytesToKey to
 create the key with salt.
 Thanks for the help!
 OpenSSL Project
 User Support Mailing
 Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problem in compiling openssl 0.9.7g on Windows

2005-05-06 Thread Sean Covel

ahmad hassan wrote:
 Yes you are right the libeay32.lib and ssleay32.lib will do the trick
 but i wanted to do it the way i had been using it. I need a little help

I started to go this route too, but it got ugly in a hurry.  You really
need to track down and include all the individual files you need for a
specific functionality offered by OpenSSL.  You'll need to add the
source directories (OpenSSL-0.9.7g, openssl-0.9.7g/crypto,
0.9.7g/ssl...and on and on) and then add all the needed *.c files...
(and of course those paths will change from machine to machine and
version to version)

Then I though about compatibility with future versions and decided to
just use the nice tools OpenSSL gave me.  The fact that I was trying to
maintain some code someone else wrote that had already pulled in a few
files from OpenSSL made the problem clear to me pretty quickly.  Some
low-level functions had changed parameters and types.  It was painful
updating.  Using the higher level functions from the library will be
much simpler to maintain.

 regarding that and the link error to get resolved. I also would like to
 ask you a little question if i am a client and using opensssl 0.9.7d and
 server is using new lib i.e. openssl 0.9.7g would there be issuses

I don't know about the versions being compatible, but why risk it?
Also, there are more (security) reasons to upgrade to the latest version.

 arising or they are backward compatible. I am actually using it for ftp
 over ssl. It shouldn't happen that application hangs for some SSL_Read etc.

Do you want to spend time debugging OpenSSL version compatibility
issues, or writing your application?  I'd recommend getting everyone up
on the same version, just for your sanity.  Especially if you have
control over the environments.

I'm sure some long-time users can discuss the compatibility details, but
that's my own personal feeling about using different versions together...


 From: Sean Covel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Problem in compiling openssl 0.9.7g on Windows
 Date: Thu, 05 May 2005 10:03:37 -0400

 Can't you just include libeay32.lib and ssleay32.lib in your project as
 additional libraries?  The you just need to add the path to those libs
 and you're done.

 I looked at the project on that site and its old, and all it does is
 compile the libraries in the VC++ GUI, instead of using the nice scripts
 provided by OpenSSL.  What's the point?


 ahmad hassan wrote:
  What's the matter. Nobody is doing what is mentioned below or people
  don't reply back on this group.
  Thank You.
  From: ahmad hassan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Problem in compiling openssl 0.9.7g on Windows
  Date: Tue, 03 May 2005 16:20:38 +0500
  I am trying to build openssl 0.9.7g on windows, which i was
  successfully able to do using steps mentioned in INSTALL.W32 file. Now
  i would like to include libeay32 and ssleay32 source code as a
  workspace in my Visual C++ 6.0 project. For that i went to and the second link gave me the dsp to
  use and compile openssl source code through vc++ environment.
  It is actually so that i had openssl 0.9.7d with me which i downloaded
  a year ago and compiled it using this visual studio project file but
  now it is not compiling with the latest version giving me messages
  like this.
  There is some problem with proxy certifiactes thing.
  How do i reslove these errors. Some are just defined in the
  libeay32.def file which i removed but
  PROXY_CERT_INFO_EXTENSION_free is not declared anywhere and is being
  used in number of places like openssl-0.9.7g\crypto\x509\x509_vfy.c
  Can anyone guide me or give me related information regarding how to
  include latest openssl version as workspace in my project.
  Configuration: libeay32 - Win32
  libeay32.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
  libeay32.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
  libeay32.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
  libeay32.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
  libeay32.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
  libeay32.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
  libeay32.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
  libeay32.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
  libeay32.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
  libeay32.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol

Re: Problem in compiling openssl 0.9.7g on Windows

2005-05-05 Thread Sean Covel
Can't you just include libeay32.lib and ssleay32.lib in your project as
additional libraries?  The you just need to add the path to those libs
and you're done.

I looked at the project on that site and its old, and all it does is
compile the libraries in the VC++ GUI, instead of using the nice scripts
provided by OpenSSL.  What's the point?


ahmad hassan wrote:
 What's the matter. Nobody is doing what is mentioned below or people
 don't reply back on this group.
 Thank You.
 From: ahmad hassan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Problem in compiling openssl 0.9.7g on Windows
 Date: Tue, 03 May 2005 16:20:38 +0500

 I am trying to build openssl 0.9.7g on windows, which i was
 successfully able to do using steps mentioned in INSTALL.W32 file. Now
 i would like to include libeay32 and ssleay32 source code as a
 workspace in my Visual C++ 6.0 project. For that i went to and the second link gave me the dsp to
 use and compile openssl source code through vc++ environment.

 It is actually so that i had openssl 0.9.7d with me which i downloaded
 a year ago and compiled it using this visual studio project file but
 now it is not compiling with the latest version giving me messages
 like this.

 There is some problem with proxy certifiactes thing.
 How do i reslove these errors. Some are just defined in the
 libeay32.def file which i removed but
 PROXY_CERT_INFO_EXTENSION_free is not declared anywhere and is being
 used in number of places like openssl-0.9.7g\crypto\x509\x509_vfy.c etc.

 Can anyone guide me or give me related information regarding how to
 include latest openssl version as workspace in my project.

 Configuration: libeay32 - Win32
 libeay32.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
 libeay32.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
 libeay32.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
 libeay32.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
 libeay32.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol PROXY_POLICY_it
 libeay32.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol PROXY_POLICY_new
 libeay32.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
 libeay32.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol d2i_PROXY_POLICY
 libeay32.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
 libeay32.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol i2d_PROXY_POLICY
 ..\..\out32dll\Debug/libeay32.lib : fatal error LNK1120: 10 unresolved
 LINK : fatal error LNK1141: failure during build of exports file
 Error executing link.exe.

 libeay32.dll - 12 error(s), 0 warning(s)
 Configuration: libeay32 - Win32

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 OpenSSL Project
 User Support Mailing
 Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Don't just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!
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 User Support Mailing
 Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Using RC4 vs EVP_CIPHER

2005-04-29 Thread Sean Covel

Dr. Stephen Henson wrote:

Here are the relevant chunks for code.  I'm trying to give enough code
without over-burdening you.  If you need more, let me know.

 Here's one problem:
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_key_length(Dctx, 128);
 the length parameter is in bytes not bits.

Thanks.  Easy enough to fix.

 Additionally you seem to be using an unsalted key derivation algorithm with a
 stream cipher (RC4). If passwords are reused then I hope you aren't sending
 anything sensitive that way because that is an insecure combination.

Good point.  I assume what I really want to use is EVP_BytesToKey to
create the key with salt.

Thanks for the help!


OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Using ripemd160 causes nonvalid digital signature CA

2005-04-27 Thread Sean Covel
Windows 2003 Server, SP1.  List of Crypto Providers:

Listing Provider 'Default' 1
Algorithm Name   Default Key len  Min lenMax len
RC2  128  40 128
RC4  128  40 128
DES  56   56 56
3DES TWO KEY 112  112112
3DES 168  168168
SHA-1160  160160
MD2  128  128128
MD4  128  128128
MD5  128  128128
SSL3 SHAMD5  288  288288
MAC  00  0
RSA_SIGN 1024 38416384
RSA_KEYX 1024 38416384
HMAC 00  0

Listing Provider 'Default' 3
Algorithm Name   Default Key len  Min lenMax len
SHA-1160  160160
MD5  128  128128
DSA_SIGN 1024 5121024

Listing Provider 'Default' 5
Algorithm Name   Default Key len  Min lenMax len
3DES 168  168168
3DES 112  112112
RC2  128  40 128
DES  56   56 56
SHA-1160  160160
MD5  128  128128
MAC  64   64 64
HMAC 160  160160
RSA_KEYX 512  512512
RSA_SIGN 512  512512

Listing Provider 'Default' 12
Algorithm Name   Default Key len  Min lenMax len
RC2  128  40 128
RC4  128  40 128
DES  56   56 56
3DES TWO KEY 112  112112
3DES 168  168168
SHA-1160  160160
MD5  128  128128
SSL3 SHAMD5  288  288288
MAC  00  0
RSA_SIGN 1024 38416384
RSA_KEYX 1024 38416384
HMAC 00  0
PCT1 MASTER  128  128128
SSL2 MASTER  40   40 192
SSL3 MASTER  384  384384
TLS1 MASTER  384  384384
SCH MAC KEY  00  -1
SCH ENC KEY  00  -1

Listing Provider 'Default' 13
Algorithm Name   Default Key len  Min lenMax len
CYLINK MEK   40   40 40
RC2  128  40 128
RC4  128  40 128
DES  56   56 56
3DES TWO KEY 112  112112
3DES 168  168168
SHA-1160  160160
MD5  128  128128
DSA_SIGN 1024 5121024
DH_KEYX  1024 5124096
DH_KEYX  1024 5124096

Listing Provider 'Default' 18
Algorithm Name   Default Key len  Min lenMax len
CYLINK MEK   40   40 40
RC2  40   40 128
RC4  40   40 128
DES  56   56 56
3DES TWO KEY 112  112112
3DES 168  168168
SHA-1160  160160
MD5  128  128128
DSA_SIGN 1024 5121024
DH_KEYX  512  5124096
DH_KEYX  512  5124096
SSL3 MASTER  384  384384
TLS1 MASTER  384  384384
SCH MAC KEY  00  -1
SCH ENC KEY  00  -1

Listing Provider 'Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider v1.0' 1
Algorithm Name   Default Key len  Min lenMax len
RC2  128  40 128
RC4  128  40 128
DES  56   56 56
3DES TWO KEY 112  112112
3DES 168  168168
SHA-1160  160160
MD2  128  128128
MD4  128  128128

Re: 0.9.7g doesn't compile on Win32

2005-04-25 Thread Sean Covel

Dr. Stephen Henson wrote:
I was able to build 0.9.7f for Win32 successfully.

Downloaded and tried to build 0.9.7g, and its a no-go.

Is there a working mak file for Win32 for 0.9.7g?

 Compiles with no problems here. I'm assuming you are using VC++ since you
 mention ntdll.mak.


 Possible causes could be extracting in text mode resulting in CRLF for EOL or
 your version of perl doesn't build the makefiles properly.

Doh!  Don't know what I did differently extracting the 9g tarball, but
you are correct.  I ran unix2dos, and now everything compiles fine.


 Dr Stephen N. Henson. Email, S/MIME and PGP keys: see homepage
 OpenSSL project core developer and freelance consultant.
 Funding needed! Details on homepage.
 OpenSSL Project
 User Support Mailing
 Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2005-04-25 Thread Sean Covel
Now that I've updated to the latest OpenSSL (7g) I've got a question:

I implemented some RC4 functionality using the low-level rc4 functions.(
RC4_Set_Key, RC4), and its working fine.

The OpenSSL documentation recommends using the EVP_* functions instead
of the lower level functions.  It seems like it might give easy access
to additional functionality, so I'm converting.

Here's the problem.  When I switched the code from RC4 to EVP, the
program broke, in a big way.  The project freezes and I have to either
logout or shutdown in order to get Visual Studio 6 to die.  If I'm
REALLY patient (and I'm not) I can eventually get Task Manager to come
up, and then click on msdev.exe (and then wait.) and then click on
end-process (and wait) and then click on OK (and wait).  You get the

A brief explanation of what the code is doing.  The code is a plugin for
another program.  The program initializes the plugin, passes it a
password, and then starts handing it chunks of text to encrypt.  The
program has a socket open to another identical program, doing the same
thing on the other side.  Kinda like a chat program.  The encrypt key
is for sending, the decrypt key is for receiving.  All the plugin knows
is the key, the input/output buffer, and the length of the chunk.

I have the RC4 code and the EVP code both in there.  They are controlled
by a #define.

Here are the relevant chunks for code.  I'm trying to give enough code
without over-burdening you.  If you need more, let me know.

unsigned char keystr[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH];
#ifdef EVP
RC4_KEY Ekey;
RC4_KEY Dkey;

unsigned char iv[] = 12345678;

PLUGIN_API int Startup(void)
//hash the password into a 128bit key
EVP_Digest((unsigned char *)szExternalKey,(unsigned
long)strlen((const char *)szExternalKey),keystr,NULL,EVP_md5(),NULL);

#ifdef EVP
EVP_CipherInit_ex(Ectx, EVP_rc4(), NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_key_length(Ectx, 128);
EVP_CipherInit_ex(Ectx, NULL, NULL, keystr, iv, 1);

EVP_Digest((unsigned char *)szExternalKey,(unsigned
long)strlen((const char *)szExternalKey),keystr,NULL,EVP_md5(),NULL);

EVP_CipherInit_ex(Dctx, EVP_rc4(), NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_key_length(Dctx, 128);
EVP_CipherInit_ex(Dctx, NULL, NULL, keystr, iv, 0);

PLUGIN_API BYTE* TransformBuffer(BYTE* pDataBuffer, int nDataLen, int*
int   dwByteCount = 0;

BYTE* pTransBuffer =
if (pTransBuffer == NULL)
*pnTransformedDataLen = -1;
return NULL;

#ifdef EVP
if(!EVP_CipherUpdate(Ectx, pTransBuffer, dwByteCount,
pDataBuffer, nDataLen))
// Error
PrintLog((DEST,TransformBuffer failed));
return NULL;
RC4(Ekey,nDataLen,(unsigned char *)pDataBuffer,(unsigned char

// return the transformed data length
*pnTransformedDataLen = GiveTransDataLen(nDataLen);

return pTransBuffer;

PLUGIN_API BYTE* RestoreBuffer(BYTE* pRestoredDataBuffer, int nDataLen,
int* pnRestoredDataLen)
int dwByteCount = 0;

if (pRestoredDataBuffer == NULL)
// Give the size of the transformed data buffer, based
on the original data length
*pnRestoredDataLen = GiveRestDataLen(nDataLen);

// Ensure the pLocalRestBuffer that receive transformed data is
big enough
BYTE* pBuffer = CheckLocalRestBufferSize(*pnRestoredDataLen);
return pBuffer;

#ifdef EVP
if(!EVP_CipherUpdate(Dctx, pRestoredDataBuffer, dwByteCount,
pLocalRestBuffer, nDataLen))
// Error
PrintLog((DEST,RestoreBuffer failed));
return NULL;
RC4(Dkey,nDataLen,(unsigned char *)pLocalRestBuffer,(unsigned char

// return the resulting data length
*pnRestoredDataLen = GiveRestDataLen(nDataLen);

return pLocalRestBuffer;

PLUGIN_API int Shutdown(void)
// Cleanup everything
#ifdef EVP
return 1;

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Using RC4 vs EVP_CIPHER

2005-04-25 Thread Sean Covel
I'm continuing to test.  I've noticed something else strange with the
EVP_ functions...

I have a test program that reads in text file A a chunk at a time,
encrypts the chunk, then writes it out to B.  It then reads B back
in a chunk at a time, decrypts it, and writes it back out to C.
Simple test.  If A == C its working.

I'm using RC4, a stream cipher.  Technically there is no block size.

If I set the chunk size to 2048, all is well.  If I set it to 50, all
is well.  49, good.  48, BAD!!!  If I use 48 or below, it doesn't work.

Encrypting with EVP_CipherUpdate APPEARS to be working.

Decryption with EVP_CipherUpdate returns 1, meaning success, but the
output is not decrypted, its just further garbled.

My plugin application has LOTS of small chunks, and a few larger chunks
getting sent.  This might explain why its not working.

Ring any bells?


Sean Covel wrote:
 Now that I've updated to the latest OpenSSL (7g) I've got a question:
 I implemented some RC4 functionality using the low-level rc4 functions.(
 RC4_Set_Key, RC4), and its working fine.
 The OpenSSL documentation recommends using the EVP_* functions instead
 of the lower level functions.  It seems like it might give easy access
 to additional functionality, so I'm converting.
 Here's the problem.  When I switched the code from RC4 to EVP, the
 program broke, in a big way.  The project freezes and I have to either
 logout or shutdown in order to get Visual Studio 6 to die.  If I'm
 REALLY patient (and I'm not) I can eventually get Task Manager to come
 up, and then click on msdev.exe (and then wait.) and then click on
 end-process (and wait) and then click on OK (and wait).  You get the
 A brief explanation of what the code is doing.  The code is a plugin for
 another program.  The program initializes the plugin, passes it a
 password, and then starts handing it chunks of text to encrypt.  The
 program has a socket open to another identical program, doing the same
 thing on the other side.  Kinda like a chat program.  The encrypt key
 is for sending, the decrypt key is for receiving.  All the plugin knows
 is the key, the input/output buffer, and the length of the chunk.
 I have the RC4 code and the EVP code both in there.  They are controlled
 by a #define.
 Here are the relevant chunks for code.  I'm trying to give enough code
 without over-burdening you.  If you need more, let me know.
 unsigned char keystr[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH];
 #ifdef EVP
 RC4_KEY Ekey;
 RC4_KEY Dkey;
 unsigned char iv[] = 12345678;
 PLUGIN_API int Startup(void)
 //hash the password into a 128bit key
 EVP_Digest((unsigned char *)szExternalKey,(unsigned
 long)strlen((const char *)szExternalKey),keystr,NULL,EVP_md5(),NULL);
 #ifdef EVP
 EVP_CipherInit_ex(Ectx, EVP_rc4(), NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);
 EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_key_length(Ectx, 128);
 EVP_CipherInit_ex(Ectx, NULL, NULL, keystr, iv, 1);
 EVP_Digest((unsigned char *)szExternalKey,(unsigned
 long)strlen((const char *)szExternalKey),keystr,NULL,EVP_md5(),NULL);
 EVP_CipherInit_ex(Dctx, EVP_rc4(), NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);
 EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_key_length(Dctx, 128);
 EVP_CipherInit_ex(Dctx, NULL, NULL, keystr, iv, 0);
 PLUGIN_API BYTE* TransformBuffer(BYTE* pDataBuffer, int nDataLen, int*
 int   dwByteCount = 0;
 BYTE* pTransBuffer =
 if (pTransBuffer == NULL)
 *pnTransformedDataLen = -1;
 return NULL;
 #ifdef EVP
 if(!EVP_CipherUpdate(Ectx, pTransBuffer, dwByteCount,
 pDataBuffer, nDataLen))
 // Error
 PrintLog((DEST,TransformBuffer failed));
 return NULL;
 RC4(Ekey,nDataLen,(unsigned char *)pDataBuffer,(unsigned char
 // return the transformed data length
 *pnTransformedDataLen = GiveTransDataLen(nDataLen);
 return pTransBuffer;
 PLUGIN_API BYTE* RestoreBuffer(BYTE* pRestoredDataBuffer, int nDataLen,
 int* pnRestoredDataLen)
 int dwByteCount = 0;
 if (pRestoredDataBuffer == NULL)
 // Give the size of the transformed data buffer, based
 on the original data length
 *pnRestoredDataLen = GiveRestDataLen(nDataLen);
 // Ensure the pLocalRestBuffer that receive transformed data is
 big enough
 BYTE* pBuffer = CheckLocalRestBufferSize(*pnRestoredDataLen);
 return pBuffer;
 #ifdef EVP
 if(!EVP_CipherUpdate(Dctx, pRestoredDataBuffer, dwByteCount,
 pLocalRestBuffer, nDataLen

0.9.7g doesn't compile on Win32

2005-04-24 Thread Sean Covel
Hi!  New to the list.

I was able to build 0.9.7f for Win32 successfully.

Downloaded and tried to build 0.9.7g, and its a no-go.

First problem, there are a bunch of \\ in the ntdll.mak file, like

I tried to edit all those out, but even after that it wouldn't build.
(error is: don't know how to make '.\apps.h')

I then copied the ntdll.mak file from 0.9.7f, and tried building that.
Unfortunately too many things changed between versions, and that fails
too.  (linker, unresolved external symbols)

Is there a working mak file for Win32 for 0.9.7g?

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