Re: developing with open SSL

2002-05-05 Thread Sean O'Riordain

Hi Vered,
If you're just fetching files or doing simple http GETs you might consider looking at 
curl ( which might save you some work... depends what you want to 
do :-)


ps. curl uses openssl :-)

Tim Pushor wrote:


Https is http over ssl.The openssl library should be all you need

I recommend startig with Eric Rescorla's excellent 'Introduction to SSL
Programming' (


-Original Message-

Dear sir,

I need to develop a client that can communicate with https server. The
client has to be developed in C (on UNIX), and it has to be able encode
and decode with SSL.

I have no background on this subject, so please advise me on the
following :

1.which SSL libs I should install in order to be able to use  SSL, and
from where can I get them? 2. Is this installation enough to be able
communicating with https server? or should I install some https libs? 3.
where can I get reference on https protocol, for C client? 4. is https
just like http but with SSL layer, or the difference between them is
much deeper?

thanks in advance,

Vered Domankevich

OpenSSL Project
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Re: Building openssl-0.9.6c fails on HP-UX 9.01

2002-04-07 Thread Sean O'Riordain

Hi Bernhard,
Could I suggest that you upgrade your version of gcc, since according to
version 2.6.3 dates back to November 30, 1994 which in our industry is 
very old indeed!  I'm not familiar with hp-ux, but no doubt you should 
be able to get your hands on a more recent version without too much 
difficulty - i don't know what the other folks recommend, but perhaps 
2.95.3 would be a safe bet?


Bernhard R. Erdmann wrote:


openssl-0.9.6c fails to link openssl on HP-UX 9.01:

gcc -o openssl -DMONOLITH -I../include -fPIC -DTHREADS  -DDSO_DL -O3
-DB_ENDIAN -DBN_DIV2W openssl.o verify.o asn1pars.o req.o dgst.o dh.o
dhparam.o enc.o passwd.o gendh.o errstr.o ca.o pkcs7.o crl2p7.o crl.o
rsa.o rsautl.o dsa.o dsaparam.o x509.o genrsa.o gendsa.o s_server.o
s_client.o speed.o s_time.o apps.o s_cb.o s_socket.o app_rand.o
version.o sess_id.o ciphers.o nseq.o pkcs12.o pkcs8.o spkac.o smime.o
rand.o  -L.. -lssl -L.. -lcrypto -ldld
/bin/ld: Unsatisfied symbols:
   gmtime_r (code)
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [openssl] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/openssl-0.9.6c/apps'
gmake: *** [sub_all] Error 1

Building was started with ./config --prefix=/usr/local

bash# gcc -v
Reading specs from
gcc version 2.6.3
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Re: Problems installing openssl-0.9.6c on Windows 2000 box

2002-04-05 Thread Sean O'Riordain

- make[1]: gcc: Command not found
it seems to me that make is trying to use the command gcc... but this 
is not available... as a double check try typing gcc at the command 
line... if that works double check your PATH...


Andrew Plata wrote:

 Can anyone help me,


 I am trying to install openssl-0.9.6c through cygwin on a Windows 2000 
 box. Here is the error message I receive when I run the make command.


 Devon Jones@CR718118-A mailto:Jones@CR718118-A /tmp/openssl-0.9.6c
 $ make
 + rm -f libcrypto
 + rm -f libssl
 making all in crypto...
 make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/openssl-0.9.6c/crypto'
 gcc -I. -I../include -DDSO_WIN32 -DTERMIOS -DL_ENDIAN 
 -fomit-frame-pointer -O3 -
 m486 -Wall   -c -o cryptlib.o cryptlib.c
 make[1]: gcc: Command not found
 make[1]: *** [cryptlib.o] Error 127
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/openssl-0.9.6c/crypto'
 make: *** [sub_all] Error 1


 Can anyone help me?




 Andrew Plata

OpenSSL Project
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Re: a problem in BN_mod_exp

2002-04-04 Thread Sean O'Riordain

Hi Biswa,
what machine architecture are you using? ie a pentium (32-bit) or a 
usparc or alpha (64-bit) ?


biswatosh chakraborty wrote:
   While dealing on RSAKeyGen I accidentally discovered a set of numbers 
 for which BN_mod_exp is giving a wrong result. I want to know whether I 
 am wrong or even if my code is right, is there some limitation to 
 I am interested to calculate (x^y)mod z by using BN_mod_exp(r,x,y,z) 
 where the result is stored in r. I used openssl-0.9.6 downloaded from 
 the openssl site two days back.
 I will give here the values of x,y,z and r in hex. Could anybody please 
 throw some light on the seemingly wrong result?
 x = 3
 y = 2DC6C0
 z =
 r = 
 And when I used  a large integer calculator and gmp library as well, I 
 found that both gmp and the calculator were giving the same reult but of 
 course different from ssl .ssl's output is in the varaible r ,given above.
 gmp and the calculator gave the below number:
 Now,I went to the ssl BIGNUM code and  found that for odd modulus, it 
 executes montogomery and for even it uses BN_mod_exp_simple. If you use 
 simple for all cases it gives slow but correct result but montogomery 
 seems to fail in case of some odd modulus like in the present case.
 Any idea please?
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Re: Net::SSLeay .. .. How can I snoop an MSIE browser session.

2002-03-13 Thread Sean O'Riordain

For all sniffing, I use ethereal (.com), free and very useful - recently 
helped me setup an ipsec connection - pointing out that the two ends 
were proposing different crypto sets.  While I haven't used it for 
debugging ssl, I'd be quite sure there is useful information to be gleaned.

Sean O'Riordain

POP account for wrote:
 I'm using the most excellent https-proxy-sniff from the perl module
 It works fine to sniff a secure transaction from a linux client on the local
 host ( to a remote server ), but fails when I try to sniff a transaction
 from MSIE on a windows client on the local ( private ) network.
 Anybody got any ideas ? Anybody succeeded at this before ?
 Simon Clewer

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Re: ansi error

2002-02-26 Thread Sean O'Riordain

Hi Wally,
Could you give us more details please?
What exact commands did you issue to get the error?
Does the file /etc/apache/ssl.key/server.key actually exist?
Does it contain anything reasonable?


Auteria Wally Winzer Jr. wrote:

I get the following error after compiling openssl-0.9.6c on Debian Linux after 
creating my own CA:

[Tue Feb 26 12:43:32 2002] [error] mod_ssl: Init: Unable to read server certificate 
from file /etc/apache/ssl.key/server.key
(OpenSSL library error follows)
[Tue Feb 26 12:43:32 2002] [error] OpenSSL: error:0D09F007:asn1 encoding 
routines:d2i_X509:expecting an asn1 sequence

Can someone why this is occuring and possibly a fix/solution.  Thanks.
I'm using the mod-ssl-makecert script from libapache-mod-ssl.

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Re: Microslut Seeking help

2002-02-15 Thread Sean O'Riordain

Hi Derek,
how exactly are you supposed to connect?

https? if so... then just use the inet.ocx and set the connection 
protocol to 5 which is https instead of http... its really quite easy... 
i've access to vb6.. but it also works in 5 and 4 afaik.. (could be 

to figure it out create a simple vb .exe... go Project /Components / 
Microsoft Internet Transfer Control 6.0... then set the Protocol to 5...

i work on the other end (lamp)... and even i figured out how to get this 
to work in about 20 minutes :-)

don't hesitate to get back to me if you want more details... and i'll 
try and track it down again...


Derek Strickland wrote:
 I have to integrate with a company that is running an all Perl/Unix site
 that requires an OpenSSL authentication.  I have compiled OpenSSL on my
 Windows box and it passes all the tests for a valid installation, but I
 can't find any article on using OpenSSL from ASP.  Is it possible?  I even
 tried going into VB and making a project reference just so I could get some
 intellisense help on methods/properties and VB cannot add a reference to
 this DLL.  Does this mean that I have no options other than building a
 FreeBSD box to talk to this Apache Server for this one task?  Is there no
 way to make this run via ASP/IIS or at least use a built in IIS object that
 will communicate effectively with an OpenSSL Listener on his end.  Help
 would be awesome.  Thanks.
 Derek Strickland
 DotAnything Inc.
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Re: using own CA certs with various clients

2001-10-17 Thread Sean O'Riordain

under windows 2000 (and nt4 afaik) with outlook 2000 and IE5 (don't know
if works for less than this) you can install the certificate in each
client by hand quite easily... if the file name has ending .cer then
windows appears to recognize it and calls it Security Certificate...
double click on this and hit Install Certificate... / Next / Next /
Finish / OK / OK ... thats it...

getting the cert to the client is another matter :-)


Haikel wrote:
 I think you have to install the CA certificates in your client
 browser. I know two techniques you can use:
   1. your client can download your CA certificate from you web site (
  you need to use the mime type application/x-x509-ca-cert in your
  httpd.conf file)
   2. or you can generate, for each one of your end users, a PKCS#12
  file containing his private key his certificate and your
  CA certificate
 I' hope that my answer, be helpful
 Zachary Denison a écrit :
  I am using openssl to secure a number of services in
  my organization: http, imap, smtp, ldap etc...
  For our internal servers we have been able to generate
  CA certs with openssl and sign our own certificates
  and all the services work great, EXCEPT the client
  software always complains that the certificate chain
  doesn't end with a trusted CA.  I am speaking
  specifically about MS-outlook and netscape.  outlook
  complains every single session where netscape at least
  gives you the option to accept the certificate
  Anyway I am sure other clients would complain too.
  My question is how can I prevent these messages, how
  can I get the client software to trust our own CA
  cert.  On the web I searched and someone said to make
  a pkcs12 client cert.. anyway I tried that in a number
  of ways and it didnt work... And I really dont care
  about verifying the client... I to just make the
  client trust the homegrown ca.
  Any help would be much appreciated.
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Re: using own CA certs with various clients

2001-10-17 Thread Sean O'Riordain

sorry, I was unclear - the client needs BOTH the server cert and your CA

what i did was i puts the certs in a shared directory... and then each
machine that wanted them just double clicked on the CA.cer and
server.cer ... done...


Steve Barnes wrote:
 I have the same problem... (sort of)..
 I have been trying a similar thing, and failing... I'm trying to be my own
 CA and generate a server cert so I can enable SSL on a IIS4 webserver.
 I made myself a CA by running the command...
 #openssl req -new -x509 -newkey rsa:1024 -md5 -keyout ./certs/CAkey.pem -out
 ./certs/CAcert.pem -days 365
 Then I made a Certificate request in IIS Key Manager and signed it using the
 #openssl ca -policy policy_match -days 365 -md md5 -out
 ./certs/iis-ssl-cert.pem -keyfile ./certs/CAkey.pem -cert ./certs/CAcert.pem
 -outdir ./certs -infiles ./certs/iis-ssl-req.txt
 ... where iis-ssl-req.txt is the file from IIS Key Manager.
 I can then import the cert into IIS Key Manager and enable Secure Channel
 for my web server, but when I connect to https://secure-server, it gives me
 an error saying the cert is ok apart from the fact that it was  issued by a
 company you have chosen not to trust . When I try importing the cert into
 IE, it imports it ok, but then it doesn't appear in the  Trusted Root
 Certificate Authorities . So everytime I go to the site, it gives me the
 same error over  over
 If I rename the file from 'iis-ssl-cert.pem' to 'iis-ssl-cert.cer', Windows
 Exploder recognises it as a Security Certificate, when i double click, I get
  Windows does not have enough information to verify this certificate 
 Any way I'm lost... I've gotten this far and it's really bugging me
 Can anyone help...?
 -Original Message-
 From: Sean O'Riordain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 17 October 2001 09:53
 Subject: Re: using own CA certs with various clients
 under windows 2000 (and nt4 afaik) with outlook 2000 and IE5 (don't know
 if works for less than this) you can install the certificate in each
 client by hand quite easily... if the file name has ending .cer then
 windows appears to recognize it and calls it Security Certificate...
 double click on this and hit Install Certificate... / Next / Next /
 Finish / OK / OK ... thats it...
 getting the cert to the client is another matter :-)
 Haikel wrote:
  I think you have to install the CA certificates in your client
  browser. I know two techniques you can use:
1. your client can download your CA certificate from you web site (
   you need to use the mime type application/x-x509-ca-cert in your
   httpd.conf file)
2. or you can generate, for each one of your end users, a PKCS#12
   file containing his private key his certificate and your
   CA certificate
  I' hope that my answer, be helpful
  Zachary Denison a écrit :
   I am using openssl to secure a number of services in
   my organization: http, imap, smtp, ldap etc...
   For our internal servers we have been able to generate
   CA certs with openssl and sign our own certificates
   and all the services work great, EXCEPT the client
   software always complains that the certificate chain
   doesn't end with a trusted CA.  I am speaking
   specifically about MS-outlook and netscape.  outlook
   complains every single session where netscape at least
   gives you the option to accept the certificate
   Anyway I am sure other clients would complain too.
   My question is how can I prevent these messages, how
   can I get the client software to trust our own CA
   cert.  On the web I searched and someone said to make
   a pkcs12 client cert.. anyway I tried that in a number
   of ways and it didnt work... And I really dont care
   about verifying the client... I to just make the
   client trust the homegrown ca.
   Any help would be much appreciated.
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Re: simple question about OpenSSL and HTTP

2001-09-06 Thread Sean O'Riordain

have a look at

MARS.LIN ªL¨|¼w wrote:
 I have a simple question about OpenSSL and HTTP
 I try to enhance httpd codes into secure one, such as httpsd.
 could i simply combine openssl library with httpd codes for that?
 are there any different between http and https except for the ssl
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Re: W2k wiazrd

2001-08-23 Thread Sean O'Riordain

for a self-signed certificate... NB Does NOT work for a public

with both iis4  iis5, i took the ca.crt and server.crt that was
generated... edited to remove the human readble stuff at the benginning
- ie down as far as the --begin certificate etc...

took the files over to my win box and double clicked on them and
installed them...

at the client - the browser obviously hasn't heard of the CA called Sean
:-) so i take the CA.crt to my client winPC and double click ... now my
MSIE has heard of CA-Sean... and i can browse my internal secure server
to my hearts content AS-IF i'd gone off and bought a cert - which you
can't do if its internal only afaik...

Sean O'Riordain

 -Original Message-
 From: Nevalainen, Eric [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 22 August 2001 17:20
 To: 'Robert Krenn'
 Subject: W2k wiazrd
 The string:
 bash-2.04# OpenSSL ca -out request.pem -notext -infiles certreq.txt
 where -out =the cert to be generated, and -infiles =the
 pending request,
 the -notext option supresses the plaintext form of the
 certificate to the
 output file.  IIS 5 seems to like this.
 output looks like:
 I wouldn't hold your breath if this is a self-signed certificate. No doubt
 someone else will correct me if I'm wrong, but I've never been able to get
 self-signed certificate working on any version of IIS.
 (I'm assuming this is a server cert. If it's a client cert then I'm probably
 barking up the wrong tree).
 John Airey
OpenSSL Project
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