question about OAEP

2006-12-04 Thread cckuo
Dear all:
I trace the RSA_test.c and found after RSADP but before
RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_OAEP, the bytes of decipher text is always less than
the module by 1.

I try several my private/public/cipher pairs to do the decryption but each
time the bytes of my decipher text before RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_OAEP will
have the same size of module. And then I cannot unpad the de-cipher text.
Does the error come from wrong byte ordering of ciphertext or do I miss
something to check?
Can I read the error direct from cipher text, something like check sum, etc?

Appreciate your help,

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

question about rsa_test.c

2006-12-04 Thread cckuo
Dear all:
I try to understand RSA-OAEP with rsa_test.c and I have some questions about
this file.
1. If the number is 1234567893456 in dec, that is 11F71FB11D0 in hec, how
should I put it in the static unsigned char n[]?
Should I put is as "\x1\x1F\x71\xFB\x11\xD0", I marked this one as order A,
or "\xD0\x11\xFB\x71\x1F\x1", I marked it as order B?

2. In RSA_test.c, the key1 has the n as 
What does the first "\x00" mean? If the order of n is order A, defined in
the question 1, it seems useless. If the order of n is order B, BN_num_bytes
tells me the # of bytes is 64, but it should be 65.

3. How could I print the RSA_fail and RSA_erro strings?
  I trace the procedure to the ERR_load_RSA_strings but I have no ideas how
to print it out of the standard output.

4. How could I print bn number out of the standard output?

Appreciate your help,

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

question about encryption

2006-11-30 Thread cckuo
Dear All:
I key in the n,e,d p,q, dmp1, dmq1 and iqmp in rsa_test.c to encrypt and
decrypt a chosen text. And I use RSA_check_key to double check whether the
keys are ok or not and it return the pass signal.
But after padding, RSA_padding_add_PKCS1_OAEP or
RSA_padding_add_PKCS1_type_2, I cannot pass the MONT_HELPER function.
Does that mean the keys are wrong or I miss something to check in
MONT_HELPER function?

Appreciate your help,

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

question about PRIVATEKEYBLOB

2006-11-28 Thread cckuo
Dear ssl friends:
I intent to test whether the RSA-OAEP encrypt\decrypt functions in
crypto/rsa/rsa_eay.c work well to decrypt a so called PRIVATEKEYBLOB
structure passed by XP.

Below I excerpt some part of it: 
52 53 41 32 00 08 00 0001 00 01 00 
^^^ ^  ^^^
RSA2 :it's a private key   key-length in bisexponent value 0x10001

Below is the combination of module, p, q , etc.
3b 9c b3 07 64 45 0c da d8 1f 8e 7d  c0 e3 9c bd ca 9d 4b 03
fa cb 87 2f fe 93 ce ef  c6 93 9e e1 d3 53 ae f4
c1 50 ab 6d b2 6e 41 c2  69 d1 80 e4 21 80 5c a2
I use crypto/rsa/rsa_test.c to do such simple testing and I copy each part
of PRIVATEKEYBLOB to the proper element of RSA structure in key1, a static
function call in that c file.
I have a "Segmentation fault" while running BN_bin2bn function.
And the content seems little endian and should I revert them by each DWORD
as big endian? If I really need to do so, is there any help function in
Openssl can do it for me?

Appreciate your help in advance,

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]