Re: ftp implicit ssl connection

2003-03-17 Thread gomess
Thank you all friends for your suggestions.
I'll try some of them and i'll be back for results ;-)

OpenSSL Project
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Re: ftp implicit ssl connection

2003-03-15 Thread gomess
 I think the question was this:  why are you trying to invent another
secure FTP

I'm not inventing anything... there are 3 ways to handle ftp security:
SSL connect

I need to implement the first... if u know of a linux sftp client that uses
type of mechanism please tell me the link (with source obviously ;-) )

OpenSSL Project
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Re: ftp implicit ssl connection

2003-03-15 Thread gomess
 PBSZ is used when you are negotiating the size of the buffer to be
 If you are using FTP over SSL, the FTP protocol is not performing any
 authentication or encryption.  Therefore, you do not use PBSZ.

Yes, you are right... but i'm sure that these servers i connect to use
ssl connection and i saw some clients sending the buffer size command...
However, i tried to follow the normal ftp protocol with USER and PASS
commands with the same result... no answer from server...
Maybe i need some source code to see the difference with mine...
Do you know about any linux sftp that implements ssl implicit connection ?

OpenSSL Project
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Re: ftp implicit ssl connection

2003-03-14 Thread gomess
 It is very unclear to me what type of help you are looking for.
 There are many SSL/TLS FTP client and server implementations available
 as open source in addition to the specifications for the protocol which
 are available as an Internet-Draft.

 What do you need?

well, in the previous 2 messages i tried to explain it...
I'm writing an ftp client and i would like to add support for implicit
ssl connection...
the problem is that after the handshake i try to send the PBSZ 0 command
but i receive no answer from the server... this is the behavoiur with all of
ftp protocol commands...
so, i need some help... even some source code of an ftp client that
implicit (not the explicit one with AUTH command etc...) ssl connection...
can u give me some help ?

thank's :-)

OpenSSL Project
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ftp implicit ssl connection

2003-03-11 Thread gomess

Hi,first of all sorry for my english 
;-PNext... i'm trying to make a ftp client for linux that uses implicit 
SSLv23 connection, but i have a problem: when i connect to a server and the ssl 
connection is established i try to send a command but the server doesn't answer 
with any byte...Taking a look at the logs of other (windows) clients i've 
seen that the first command sent is the PBSZ command and i send it too, but i 
receive no answer...I tried all the ftp commands with the same 
result...what can i do ?

Thank U all :-)


Re: ftp implicit ssl connection

2003-03-11 Thread gomess
this is a simple test program i wrote:

--- code ---
  SSL_library_init ();

  meth= SSLv23_method();
  ctx= SSL_CTX_new (meth);

  sock = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
  host_p= gethostbyname (argv[1]);

  addr.sin_family= AF_INET;
  addr.sin_port= htons (atoi(argv[2]));
  memcpy (addr.sin_addr, host_p-h_addr, sizeof (struct in_addr));

  connect (sock, (struct sockaddr *) addr, sizeof (struct sockaddr_in));

  printf (%s, buf);
  SSL_write (ssl, PBSZ 0\n, 7);
  while (SSL_read(ssl,buf,sizeof(buf))  0)
printf (%s\n, buf);
--- end code 

I cut all the error checks... can u see where am I wrong ?

Thank U :-)

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