[Oracle Container for Java is a Java web server, similar to Tomcat]

This is probably more of an oc4j question, but it deals with 
cryptography/OpenSSL so I was hoping for some input from folks who may have 
encountered this.  If nothing else, it will be nice to have in the archives 
for those who use OpenSSL in lieu of other tools.  [BTW, many thanks to the 
OpenSSL dev team--very straightforward and functional.]

I'm working on an intranet that will use SSL/Client certs for certain 
authentications. I've set up our own CA using OpenSSL, and have 
successfully issued server and client certs that work via IIS and Apache 

We've made SSL work on a development workstation via OC4j using a Thawte 
test cert. However, we can't get our OpenSSL CA certs to work.  We have 
successfully imported our CA root into his cacerts file using the java 
keytool. However when you hit the OC4J site, the browser has no 
certificates to choose from in the “Client Authentication” box. Again, I've 
made the same certificates work in IIS and Apache. My hunch is that oc4j is 
not picking up our custom CA (even though keytool -list on the cacerts 
keystore lists us right along side thawte, verisign, etc....) so the 
browser has no legitimate client certs to choose from (this is the way it 
works isn't it?).

The second problem is that I can’t seem to get OC4j to like a web server 
SSL key I’ve generated and signed with our own CA. After importing using 
keytool, a keytool ­list only shows the imported key as “trustedCertEntry” 
and not a "keyEntry".

Thanks for any and all input.

OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
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