During the load run of the product on win2k8-R2, it keeps crashing after
few minutes in OpenSSL with the below call stack of release
We are also using the same OpenSSL for other 32 bit platforms (RHEL,
Sparc) too and no issue there.

>       libeay32.dll!SHA1_Update(SHAstate_st * c=0x000000000000006f,
const void 
* data_=0x000000000000000a, unsigned __int64 len=29950912)  Line 326
        libeay32.dll!ssleay_rand_bytes(unsigned char *
int num=1)  Line 493    C
        libeay32.dll!bnrand(int pseudorand=29970016, bignum_st * 
rnd=0x0000000001c94da0, int bits=29970304, int top=-1, int bottom=0)
Line 152 
+ 0xb bytes     C
        libeay32.dll!BN_rand(bignum_st * rnd=0x0000000001c94f80, int
int top=29970272, int bottom=29934480)  Line 214        C
        libeay32.dll!bn_rand_range(int pseudo=29970304, bignum_st * 
r=0x0000000001bf7fe0, const bignum_st * range=0x0000000019e5f680)  Line
281 + 
0xf bytes       C
        libeay32.dll!BN_BLINDING_create_param(bn_blinding_st * 
b=0x0000000024cd6830, const bignum_st * e=0x0000000000000000, bignum_st
m=0x0000000001c94f80, bignum_ctx * ctx=0x0000000000000000, int
(bignum_st *, 
const bignum_st *, const bignum_st *, const bignum_st *, bignum_ctx *, 
bn_mont_ctx_st *)* bn_mod_exp=0x00000000004e1080, bn_mont_ctx_st * 
m_ctx=0x0000000000000000)  Line 334 + 0xc bytes C
        libeay32.dll!RSA_setup_blinding(rsa_st * rsa=0x0000000000000001,

bignum_ctx * in_ctx=0x0000000024cd6830)  Line 424       C
        libeay32.dll!rsa_get_blinding(rsa_st * rsa=0x0000000024cd6830,
int * 
local=0x0000000001c90d50, bignum_ctx * ctx=0x0000000001c36260)  Line 270
+ 0xb 
bytes   C
        libeay32.dll!RSA_eay_private_encrypt(int flen=35, const unsigned
char * 
from=0x0000000000000001, unsigned char * to=0x0000000015f07d00, rsa_st *

rsa=0x0000000000000004, int padding=1)  Line 401        C
        libeay32.dll!RSA_private_encrypt(int flen=434501648, const
char * from=0x0000000000000001, unsigned char * to=0x0000000000000080,
rsa_st * 
rsa=0xcfa0daf99aacd25d, int padding=1)  Line 298        C
        libeay32.dll!RSA_sign(int type=753, const unsigned char * 
m=0x0000000015f07d00, unsigned int m_len=617441328, unsigned char * 
sigret=0x0000000015f07d00, unsigned int * siglen=0x0000000019e5f8c0,
rsa_st * 
rsa=0x0000000001c91553)  Line 134       C

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