Title: Message
    In my application , I am doing something simliar to this on the client
     SSL_use_PrivateKey_file ( "blah" );
        SSL_use_certificate_file ( "blah" );
        SSL_renegotiate ( ssl );
 Not after that is done I try send a large amount of data on the server
And I get a SSL3_WANT_RETRY error. Debugging the code I see that the error
is because of the write buffer has moved and the error is happening in
ssl3_write_pending. Now I dont want to enable the mode SSL_ACCEPT_MOVING_WRITE_BUFFER so
how do I fix this? It seems to only happen when I do a SSL_renegotiate.. Is there something
else im supposed to do to get my current client connect to use different certificates
btw. OpenSSL 0.9.6a is the version im using.          

Andrew T. Finnell
Software Engineer
eSecurity Inc
(321) 394-2485


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