Re: Session Secrete Keys

2010-08-16 Thread Sam Jantz
Is there even a way to get the session secret?  I mean, it has to be stored
in memory somewhere right?  I would greatly appreciate anything that anyone
can give me since I am completely at wits end with this.



On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 3:40 PM, Sam Jantz  wrote:

> To whom it may concern,
> First I have to say that I am sorry for any lack of detail that I post
> do to non disclosure agreements, and also I swear that I am not trying to do
> anything malicious here.
> That being said, I am looking for a way to recover the agreed upon
> session secret key, and also the initialization vector that comes at the end
> of the handshake.  I need to do this programmaticly, and relatively quickly.
>  In my program I have the SSL session opbject, and can get at the Master
> Key, but I'm a little confused at how the session secret is generated, and
> when RSA vs. DH is used.  I've read everything I can get a hold of and am
> still foggy as to just how this works.  I know that it has to happen
> somewhere, but just can't figure out where.  If someone could
> more concisely explain the session secret process to me, I would be
> eternally grateful.
> All that being said, I look forward to whatever help you can provide.
>  Thank you in advanced.
> Also, before I forget, I found this (
> conversation that
> sounds like a similar problem, but I couldn't find any information on how to
> use the SSL_SESSION_get_ex_data() function (aside from the man page) as
> far in as where the arguments would come from. Again, any help would be
> greatly appreciated.
> One humbled techno weenie,
>  Sam
> --
> Sam Jantz
> Software Engineer

Sam Jantz
Software Engineer

Session Secrete Keys

2010-08-13 Thread Sam Jantz
To whom it may concern,

First I have to say that I am sorry for any lack of detail that I post
do to non disclosure agreements, and also I swear that I am not trying to do
anything malicious here.

That being said, I am looking for a way to recover the agreed upon
session secret key, and also the initialization vector that comes at the end
of the handshake.  I need to do this programmaticly, and relatively quickly.
 In my program I have the SSL session opbject, and can get at the Master
Key, but I'm a little confused at how the session secret is generated, and
when RSA vs. DH is used.  I've read everything I can get a hold of and am
still foggy as to just how this works.  I know that it has to happen
somewhere, but just can't figure out where.  If someone could more concisely
explain the session secret process to me, I would be eternally grateful.
All that being said, I look forward to whatever help you can provide.
 Thank you in advanced.

Also, before I forget, I found this ( conversation that sounds
like a similar problem, but I couldn't find any information on how to use
the SSL_SESSION_get_ex_data() function (aside from the man page) as far in
as where the arguments would come from. Again, any help would be greatly

One humbled techno weenie,
Sam Jantz
Software Engineer