Sorry if this seems trivial, but:
1- I created a root cert (self signed)
2- I created a cert request for a CA cert
3- I made my CA cert signed by my root cert:
    it signed, but could not verify
I guessed it's because my root cert has not been installed as a "trusted" root.
I' trying to set my root cert trusted with  the following command:
openssl x509 -inform DER -outform DER -in root.cer -addtrust all -alias "Test trusted root" -out RootTrust.cer
I get kicked by OpenSSL as follows:
    Invalid trust object value all
I have the same error for all the values defined in the documentation: sslclient, objsign, etc....
Apparently openssl tries to get an ASN.1 object with OBJ_txt2obj from the string 'all', and doesn't find it in OBJ_sn2nid nor OBJ_ln2nid: am I missing a configuration file somewhere?
Richard Dykiel, Starburst Software
150 Baker Avenue, Concord, MA 01742
1-800-585-3889 ext289

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