Hi, All!

I have few questions/RFEs to OpenSSL developers about
X509 and X509_NAME structures. I run into some problems
when I've tried to use some low-level functions and I wonder is
it worth to patch OpenSSL instead writing custom functions
in my library. I am not absolutelly sure that all my points are valid so
please correct me if I am wrong.

Thank you in advance,

Aleksey Sanin.

Questions List:
1) Sorting of the X509_NAME_ENTRY elements in X509_NAME structure
(for X509 subject and issuer fields).
Right now OpenSSL reads the entries in the order they appear in the
certificate (or in the order you are adding them if you are creating cert).
I am not sure but I do not remember any order restrictions in the X509 
rfc or
DName RFC (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2253.txt).  And this scares me in 
because implementation relaying on the order is likely to have interop 
The suggestion is to sort X509_NAME_ENTRY elements after reading or
creating the cert or before using any "order depending" function
(hashing, comparison, search, etc.)

2) X509_NAME_ENTRY_cmp function missed
In order to do the sorting described above a new X509_NAME_ENTRY_cmp
function is required. I think it should be implemented something
like this:

int  X509_NAME_ENTRY_cmp(const X509_NAME_ENTRY **a, const 
X509_NAME_ENTRY **b) {
   return(OBJ_cmp((*a)->object, (*b)->object));

3) X509_NAME_cmp function compares "set" field of X509_NAME
After doing sorting as described in 1) I run into another problem:
the function X509_NAME_cmp compares "set" field of X509_NAME
as follows (the interesting lines are marked ">>"):

    for (i=sk_X509_NAME_ENTRY_num(a->entries)-1; i>=0; i--)
        if (j) return(j);
        if (j) return(j);
 >>    j=na->set-nb->set;
 >>    if (j) return(j);

AFAIK, the "set" field stores the X509_NAME_ENTRY position in
the list. I am not sure that comparing positions in this way is
a right thing here because we are *already* doing this by itterating
thru all X509_NAME_ENTRY entires in the X509_NAME. And of course,
this comparisson fails after sorting :)
I suggest to remove these two lines marked with ">>".

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